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FEPOW Family Book Draw
As you are aware I have had many projects for the FEPOW Family Website, so unfortunately I am way behind with the Book Draw.
To compensate I have put together the biggest selection we have had.
'David Hunter Webster - 'Changi' by Lynette Styles (PB New)
'Never Surrender' by Mark Felton (HB New)
'PoW on the Sumatra Railway' by John G. Lee (HB New)
'Healing in Hell' by Ken Adams. Edited by Mike Adams (HB New)
'Lesser Gods, Greater Devils' by Arthur Lane (HB New)
'Death Was Our Bedmate' by A. McEwan/C. Thomson (HB New)
'The Way of a Boy - Memoir of Java' by Ernest Hillen (HB S/H)
As a bonus each book won, will also have
'Unsung Heroes' by Arthur Lane (PB New)
A ‘BIG Thank You’ to Lynette Styles and Anne Ambler for contributing books for our Book Club Draw.
Jeff Graham (1st Choice)
Judith Hudson (2nd Choice)
Miranda Pointer (3rd Choice)
Jackie Passman (4th Choice)
Julie Farling (5th Choice)
Winner 1 has first choice, then Winner 2, then Winner 3, then Winner 4, then Winner 5
Gillian will contact the winners in the order as shown above.
Thank you all by
Youtube are now not allowing videos to be embedded from private sources unless you pay, so the video is on the FEPOW Family Facebook Group
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