Added photo sent in by Geert Beeks as taken from a Netherlands newspaper:-
Added photo sent in by Geert Beeks as taken from a Netherlands newspaper:-
Finished A-Z in designing pages for adding more information in database in the future.
Then will start adding more information. Adding more information will take years of research and time.
The ‘A’ part is now up and running in a trial run:-
Added more fields to the British FEPOW database and rewriting my web writing layout, will take the next week to get it laid out. Then will start adding more information. Adding more information will take years or research and time.
The ‘A’ part is now up and running in a trial run:-
Added more fields to the British FEPOW database and rewriting my web writing layout, will take the next week to get it laid out. Then will start adding more information. Adding more information will take years or research and time.
The ‘A’ part is now up and running in a trial run:-
Added more fields to the British FEPOW database and rewriting my web writing layout, will take the next week to get it laid out. Then will start adding more information. Adding more information will take years or research and time.
The ‘A’ part is now up and running in a trial run:-
Added more fields to the British FEPOW database and rewriting my web writing layout, will take the next week to get it laid out. Then will start adding more information. Adding more information will take years or research and time.
The ‘A’ part is now up and running in a trial run:-
Added handkerchief names to Handkerchief 4 in Thailand-Burma Railway:-
Added to Roll of Honour, ‘Atrocities’ section:-
Added to the Roll of Honour, Atrocities section:-
Added a page for John (known as Jack) into the Roll of Honour, ‘Site Memorial’ section:-
Anne Holdorph – Granddaughter
Tony Banham’a Books:
‘Not the Slightest Chance – The Defence of Hong Kong 1941’
‘The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru’
‘We Shall Suffer There’
Japanese Transport
Liberation Questionnaire – COFEPOW
KEW:- WO 392/24, WO 345/20, WO 361/1963, WO 361/1744/2, WO 361/1744, WO 361/1558,