HMS Exeter
'S' Roll
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[FEPOW Family] [Research] [Serving Country] [Royal Navy] [HMS Exeter]


 Royal Navy


HMS Exeter

Compiled Roll



Ronnie Taylor and Tom Jowett

Keeping their Candle Burning






Sanders, Gordon

Petty Officer Cook (S)

D/M 10888

Saunders, Albert Edward

Petty Officer

D/J 109279

Scannell, David

Petty Officer Stoker

D/KX 77858

Scripps, Terence Austin

OD (Boy-Ordinary Seaman)

D/JX 166590

Shaw, Herbert

Leading Seaman

D/JX 148031

Sherratt, Clifford William

Able Seaman

D/JX 194997

Shilton, Robert Percival Henry

Petty Officer Telegraphist

D/J 69414

Short, Gerald Bartlett

Able Seaman

D/JX 184619

Small, Richard James

Blacksmith 3rd Class

D/MX 51352

Smith, Horatio John

Leading Stoker

D/KX 86013

Smith, Leslie Spurell

Officer Cook

D/MX 23140

Smith, Ralph

Able Seaman

D/JX 200310

Soper, George Sydney Norman

Chief Engine Room Artificer

D/MX 51596

Spencer, Harry

Able Seaman

D/SSX 16592

Spice, Albert Percy 


PLY/X 100022

Squire, Ernest Basil

Boy 1st Class

D/JX 158659

Steele, Robert Makepeace

Petty Officer Stoker

D/K 60833

Stevens, Leonard

Able Seaman

P/JX 239344

Stubbs, Agean


PLY/X 1370

Stubbs, Peter George

Boy Seaman 1st Class

D/JX 184644

Summers, Harold Henry

Petty Officer Cook (S)

D/MX 49486

Sutton, George Oliver 


PLY/X 3755

Sutton, William Edward

Leading Stoker

D/K 65037






Savage, James Ogle

Boy Seaman

D/JX 188536

Savage, Robert

Boy Seaman 1st Class

D/JX 189546

Schofield, Norman Neville

Leading Telegraphist

D/JX 145469

Scudamore, Cecil Charles

Leading Supply Assisatant

D/MX 69893

Seaward, Lloyd

Able Seaman

D/JX 191531

Sharpley, Thomas 

Boy Seaman 1st Class

D/JX 184682

Shaw, Arthur Bernard

Boy Seaman

D/JX 180615

Shaw, John


PLY/X 100068

Shawcross, Wilfred

Engine Room Artificer 4th Class

D/MX 72876

Shelley, George Gilbert

Warrant Officer Gunner


Shipman, Ian Francis George

Ordinary Signalman

NZD 2171

Shirley, Allan

Yeoman of Signals

D/JX 134375

Skelton, Rupert John

Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class

D/MX 54820

Small, Frederick Charles

Petty Officer

D/JX 114826

Smart, Sidney James

Able Seaman

D/JX 204426

Smith , William McRory

Leading Stoker

D/KX 87075

Smith, Cyril

Able Seaman

D/JX 239595

Smith, Eugene Patrick

Able Seaman

D/JX 125408

Smith, John D

OD (Boy-Ordinary Seaman)

P/JX 273681

Smith, John Kynan

Petty Officer Stoker

D/KX 82612

Smith, Kenneth Roy

Boy Seaman

D/JX 184557

Smith, Maurice Arthur

Warrant Offiver Electrical


Smith, Robert Alexander Macmillan

Boy Seaman

D/JX 188577

Smith, Thomas 

Stoker 2nd Class

C/KX 128239

Smith, W S

Cook Ordinary

D/MX 23140

Sole, Arthur Lawrence

OD (Boy-Ordinary Seaman)

PO/JX 236167

Souter, Farquhar

Able Seaman

D/SSX 357951

Southworth, Eric

Lieutenant E


Spalle, Roy Ernest

Engine Room Artificer

D/MX 48891

Spear, Philip



Spendlove, Aubrey John


PLY/X 1278

Spicer, Richard Kingsley

Petty Officer

D/JX 144685

Squire, Arthur Alfred

Able Seaman

D/JX 208413

Stanworth, Joseph

Leading Wireman

D/MX 64942

Staunton, Harold

Boy Seaman 1st Class

D/JX 184685

Steele, William John

Chief Petty Officer Cook

D/MX 52695

Stephenson, William


PLY/X 1622

Stewart, James H

OD (Boy-Ordinary Seaman)

D/JX 188567

Stone, Bernard Oliver Benjamin

Able Seaman

D/JX 213055

Stone, Harold

Able Seaman

D/JX 204446

Stott, Geoffrey Holt

OD (Boy-Ordinary Seaman)

D/JX 170952

Stringfellow, William

Able Seaman

D/JX 198358

Studley, Ernest Wallace George

Leading Stoker

D/KX 88244

Sutton, George

Able Seaman

D/JX 161117

Swinfield, Albert Edward

Boy Seaman

D/JX 181941

Symons, Harold Edward

Chief Shipwright

D/M 35857

Syms, Malcolm Henry

Lieutenant XO



[FEPOW Family] [Research] [Serving Country] [Royal Navy] [HMS Exeter]


FEPOW Family

Keeping The Candle Burning

In Memory of FEPOW Family Loved Ones

Who Suffered in the Far East

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