Battle of the
Java Sea
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[FEPOW Family] [Research] [Serving Country] [Royal Navy] [HMS Exeter]

Royal Navy


HMS Exeter

Battle of the Java Sea


Ronnie Taylor and Tom Jowett

Keeping their Candle Burning

Japan entered the war on 8th December 1941, Exeter formed part of the the American-British-Dutch-Australian Naval Command formed in January 1942 which was intended to defend the Dutch East Indies from Japanese invasion.

After Singapore fell on 15th February 1942. The Japanese amphibious forces gathered to attack Java. Seeing the Japanese intention, on 27th February the American-British-Dutch-Australian Force was gathered under Rear Admiral Karel Doorman and sailed Northwest from Surabaya to intercept the Japanese approaching from the Makassar Straight to attack Java from the East.

The American-British-Dutch-Australian Naval Command included:-

    Heavy Cruisers:- HMS Exeter (Six 8 inch guns) and USS Houston (Six 8 inch guns remaining operable).

    Light Cruisers:- HNLMS De Ruyter, HNLMS Java and HMAS Perth

    Nine Destroyers:- HMS Electra, HMS Encounter, HMS Jupiter, HNLMS Kortenger, HNLMS Witte de With, USS Alden, USS John D. Edwards, USS John D. Ford and USS Paul Jones.

The Japanese task force which protected the landing convoy was commanded by Rear Admiral Takeo Takag and include:-

    Heavy Cruisers:- Nachi, and Haguro. (Ten 8 inch guns and torpedoes)

    Light Cruisers:- Naka and Jints.

    Destroyers:- Yudachi, Samidare, Murasame, Harusame, Minegumo, Asagumo, Yukikaze, Tokitsuikaze, Amatsukaze, Hatsukaze, Yamakaze, Sazanami and Ushio.

The prime target of the Allied fleet was to destroy the Japanese landing craft and the Japanese task force which was protecting the landing craft.

Java Sea

Java Sea

On the 27th February at 16.00 the Allied Fleet and the Japanese Task Force met in the Java Sea, Exeter’s shells failed to reach their targets, and Exeter was badly damaged by an enemy 8 inch shell in the boiler room, killing many of the crew. Unable to continue HMS Exeter disengaged and slowly limped back to Surabaya where her dead were removed for burial.

After the withdrawal of Exeter, the Japanese gained the upper hand sinking HNLMS Kortenger and causing damage to HMS Electra, who was covering Exeter’s retreat, fires then raged on Electra causing her to be  abandoned. The Allied Fleet had to disengage at 18.00 and return to Surabaya with a smoke screen laid by US Destroyers.

After emergency repairs were carried out on HMS Exeter, she left Surabaya for Ceylon on the 28th February, limping towards the Sunda Strait escorted by HMS Encounter and USS Pope. On the 1st March the Second Battle of the Java Sea took place when they were attacked by the Japanese Heavy Cruisers, Nachi, Haguri and Ashigara.

Exeter at the Battle of Java Sea

The HMS Exeter stood no chance at her reduced speed. Exeter was soon badly damaged by gunfire and a torpedo from the destroyer Inazuma. Taking on water she began to list to starboard, by noon on the same day she sank along with her supporting destroyer HMS Encounter. Although the US Pope escaped she soon after sunk by Japanese Aircraft.

About 800 Allied seamen, including the commander of Exeter, Captain O.L. Gordon, became prisoners of war and were shipped to Makassar.

HMS Exeter

Battle of the Java Sea

1st Battle




Allsop, William Henry

Engine Room Artificer 5th Class

D/MX 73060

Beasley, Ronald

Engine Room Artificer 5th Class

C/MX 17064

Bowen, William George

Stoker 1st Class

D/KX 11176

Bray, Thomas  Seth

Petty Officer Stoker

D/K 56364

Collins, Clement Wilfred

Stoker 1st Class

P/KX 108507

Copperthwaite, Frederick

Stoker 1st Class

D/KX 113693

Cox, Harry


PLY/X 518

James, George Edward

Stoker 2nd Class

P/KX 139578

Kay, James

Stoker 1st Class

D/KX 111152

Lamb, William


PLY/X 1780

Morgan, Stanley Lewis

Leading Stoker

D/K 65937

Muldoon, Clifford

Chief Stoker

D/K 62627

Spice, Albert Percy 


PLY/X 100022

Upton, Leslie George

Boy Seaman 1st Class

D/JX 180528


2nd Battle




Ainsworth, Thomas

Stoker 2nd Class

D/KX 129073

Ayre, Thomas  William


D/LX 24503

Banthorp, Gordon James


PLY/X 100024

Binns, William Harold

Leading Seaman

D/SSX 21350

Bird, Charles Godfrey



Bramham, Alfred George

Sick Bay Attendant

D/MX 64660

Burston, Stanley Jack


PLY/X 100339

Callister, Alfred

Able Seaman

D/SSX 35799

Cameron, William James

Leading Seaman

D/JX 139214

Carne, Ernest  George Lucas

Assistant Cook

D/MX 80268

Carr, Thomas 

Shipwright 4th Class

D/MX 65647

Currie, Hugh


PLY/X 100023

Echlin, Joshua

Petty Officer Steward

D/LX 20506

Evans, Robert George

Leading Supply Assistant

D/MX 66981

Fleming, Michael

Able Seaman

D/JX 208838

Gordon, Arthur

Able Seaman

D/JX 237663

Gorman, Nicholas

Stoker 1st Class

D/KX 107787

Hallett, Stuart Percival

Able Seaman

D/JX 237755

Hargeaves, Hubert Jackson

Able Seaman

D/JX 172361

Hunt, Ansell Thomas

Able Seaman

D/JX 217128

Jeffereys, Frank Edward

Able Seaman

D/SSX 17213

Jewell, Derek Barrington

Sub Lieutenant


Jones, Thomas  Joseph Handel

Able Seaman

D/JX 227945

Knapman, Wilfred Donald

Able Seaman

D/JX 146806

Laxton, Robert   James

Chief Stoker

D/K 60926

Mackie, William Johnston

Able Seaman

D/JX 221235

McGinty, Francis George

Able Seaman

D/JX 192074

Meredith, James William

Leading Stoker

D/KX 81924

Miller, Charles Edward

Chief Petty Officer Cook (S)

D/M 15403

Nicholls, Frank


PLY/X 1734

Palser, Sydney

Engine Room Artificer 4th Class

D/MX 73555

Parsons, Arthur Charles Robert

OD (Boy-Ordinary Seaman)

P/JX 236315

Sanders, Gordon

Petty Officer Cook (S)

D/M 10888

Scannell, David

Petty Officer Stoker

D/KX 77858

Smith, Horatio John

Leading Stoker

D/KX 86013

Smith, Ralph

Able Seaman

D/JX 200310

Summers, Harold Henry

Petty Officer Cook (S)

D/MX 49486

Sutton, William Edward

Leading Stoker

D/K 65037

Trueman, Walter Edward

Petty Officer Stoker

D/K 22979

Ward, William Benson

Stoker 1st Class

D/KX 116641

Weeks, William Arthur

Electrical Artificer 4th Class

D/MX 62594








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FEPOW Family

Keeping The Candle Burning

In Memory of FEPOW Family Loved Ones

Who Suffered in the Far East

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