20-31st December
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Killed in Action


20-31st December 1941


On the 20th December The 2nd Battalion, East Surrey Regiment amalgamated with the 1st Battalion, Leicestershire Regiment as they both had sustained severe losses. They were then known as the British Battalion.

The 11th Division retreated to positions behind the Krian River on the 18th December just giving the British in Penang enough time to escape capture. Then fearing his troops would be cut off by the Japanese troops from Kroh, Percival tried to use the natural obstacle of the Perak River as a defines against the Japanese tanks. His biggest problem was the river stretched from Telok Anson in the south to the Thailand border in the north and having lost a great number of his troops, it was too large a front to cover, but he had to hold the Japanese as far north as possible as reinforcements were promised by mid January.

During this retreat an officer wrote:

‘It cannot go on like this. The troops are absolutely deadbeat. The only rest they are getting is that of an uneasy coma as they squat in crowded lorries which jerk their way through the night. When they arrive they tumble out and have to get straight down to work. They are stupid with sleep, and have to be smacked before they move like automatons or cower down as a Jap aeroplane flies two hundred feet above them.’

Yamashita read the situation well and on the 26th December the 4th Guards Regiment crossed the Perak River to the north of Kuala Kangsar through thick jungle and then headed south for Ipoh, trying to outflank the British, they would then proceed to Kuala Lumpur. The British front had now been joined by the 12th Indian Brigade and the badly cut up 6th Brigade had merged into the 15th Brigade, they had now retreated by the 31st December to a strong defensible sight at Kampar where the artillery for once had a clear sighting of the ground between them and the advancing Japanese.

The Japanese started bombing the forward positions on New Years Day, Then as the infantry gathered after a long journey by bicycle, they were sent in and heavy fighting broke out. The British held but lost some high ground on the right called Thompson’s Ridge.

Percival wrote:

‘The enemy attacks were made with all the well-known bravery and disregard of danger of the Japanese soldier. There was dogged resistance in spite of heavy losses, by the men of the British Battalion and their supporting artillery, and finally, when the enemy had captured a key position and the battalion reserves were exhausted, there was a charge in the old traditional style by the Sikh company of the 1/8th Punjab Regiment. Through a tremendous barrage of mortar and machine-gun fire they went, led by their company commander, Captain Graham, until he fell mortally wounded, and then by their subedar. Their cheering rose to a roar as they charged, routing the enemy with heavy loss. The situation was completely restored, but only 30 of this gallant company remained. The battle of Kampar had proved that our troops, whether they were British or Indian, were superior man for man to the Japanese troops.’

Major-General Paris had taken over the 11th Division from Murray-Lyon and was told by Heath that the Japanese had landed a sea-borne force twenty miles to the south of their present position. Paris asked if he could withdraw his troops south so they would not get cut off and Percival agreed as long as he kept the Japanese north of Kuala Kuba till mid-January. This was to stop the Japanese getting the airfield of Kuantan but the Japanese attacked the 22nd Indian Brigade at Kuantan on the east coast on the same day, this move gave the Japanese the air-base they wanted to attack Singapore, for the final assault.


Killed in Action

Death Toll for 20-31st December 1941





New Zealand:-


United Kingdom:-





Death Roll for 20-31st December 1941

(Click on Bullet below to open information)



Abdul Aziz,

16th Punjab Regiment

Abdul Hamid,

Indian Army Ordnance Corps

Abdul Razaq Bin Abdul Jabar,

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Abdul Razaq Bin Pawan Chi,

Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Adalat Khan,

1st Punjab Regiment

Aghar Singh,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Ahmad Khan,

2nd Punjab Regiment

Ajaib Singh, (01)

11th Sikh Regiment

Alam Singh, (02)

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Alexander, Douglas

East Surrey Regiment

Ali Akbar,

2nd Punjab Regiment

Ali Haidar,

2nd Punjab Regiment

Ali Muhammad Bin Abdul Karim,

Royal Army Service Corps

Allah Da,

10th Baluch Regiment

Allan, Andrew Davidson

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Allen, Alfred

Royal Air Force

Amar Sing Bartwal,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Amar Sing Bisht,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Amar Singh, (01)

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Amar Singh, (02)

Royal Army Service Corps

Amin Chand,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Amir Khan,

Bahawalpur Infantry

An Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Armstrong, Richard George De Ligny

Hampshire Regiment

Arshad Bin Shahab-Ud-Din,

Federated Malay States Police

Atkinson, Robert Walter

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Ayaz Khan,

15th Punjab Regiment

Bachan Sing Mal,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles


19th Hyderabad Regiment

Bagh Singh,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Bahadur Singh, (01)

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Bahadur Singh, (02)

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Baker, James Alison

Kedah Volunteer Force

Bakhtawar Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment


19th Hyderabad Regiment

Baldock, William Frederick

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Baldwin, Peter Charles

Royal Air Force

Bar Singh,

Federated Malay States Police

Barling, Frederick William

East Surrey Regiment

Barton, James Conrade Samuel

Royal Corps of Signals

Basharat Khan,

2nd Punjab Regiment

Baxter, Ronald Joseph

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Bennett, James

Royal Artillery

Betts, Ronald Gordon

Royal Navy

Bhag Sing Negi,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Bhagat Ram,

2nd Punjab Regiment

Bhawan Sing Bisht,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Bhawan Sing Mahar,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Bhawan Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Bhim Singh Kaintura,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Bhup Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Bhupal Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Bhura Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Biggarstaff, Alexander

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders


19th Hyderabad Regiment

Biles, William Henry

Royal Artillery

Binks, James Rowland

Royal Artillery

Bir Singh,

15th Punjab Regiment

Birkmyre, David

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Bobbins, Bertram Ronald

East Surrey Regiment

Bowman, Alexander Wilson

Royal Artillery

Boyack, Thomas B.

Merchant Navy

Bradburn, James Ignatius

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Brahmu Chand,

16th Punjab Regiment

Brandon, Charles Eric

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Breaks, Kenneth Gough

9th Jat Regiment

Brown, John Harold Cavendish

15th Punjab Regiment

Brown, Thomas

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Bruce, William Hunter

Perak Local Defence Corps

Bur Singh,

15th Punjab Regiment

Burbidge, Ronald Vincent

Royal Air Force

Burrows, Stanley Thomas

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Buxton, Thomas Roose

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Carlton, Robert Mcnair

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Carter, Kenneth Raymond Chambion

Royal Australian Air Force

Cartwright, Norman

Royal Corps of Signals

Chanchal Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Chandar Sing Bisht,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Chandar Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Chandi Parshad,

King George V's Own Bengal Sappers and Miners

Chandra Man Thapa,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Chapman, Cecil

Royal Air Force

Charan Singh, (01)

15th Punjab Regiment

Charan Singh, (02)

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Chohal Singh, (03)

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Cockrill, Leonard Raymond

Royal Corps of Signals

Collier, Frank

Royal Artillery

Creese, Arthur George

Australian Infantry

Dal Bahadur Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Daly, Michael

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Darroch, Albert

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Darwan Singh Khattri,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Darwan Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Daulat Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Davey, Leslie Edward

Royal Corps of Signals

Davies, Henry Peris

Royal Artillery

Davinder Singh Bedi,

Royal Indian Artillery

Dawson, George Harold Desmond

Royal Air Force

Daya Ram,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Dayal Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

De Witt, Ivor Henry

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Deb Sing Ale,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Deb Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Denehy, Desmond Michael George

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Des Raj Singh,

3rd Cavalry, I.A.C.

Devi Singh,

2nd Punjab Regiment

Dhala Ram,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Dhammu Ram,

2nd Punjab Regiment

Dhan Bahadur Gurung,

1st King George V's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment)

Dhani Ram,

16th Punjab Regiment

Dharam Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Dickenson, Derrick Leslie

Royal Air Force

Dilasa Khan,

Royal Indian Artillery

Din Bin Hashim,

Royal Artillery


19th Hyderabad Regiment

Dolmat Bin Qasim,

Royal Army Service Corps

Donelly, Thomas

Royal Artillery

Dost Muhammad,

15th Punjab Regiment

Drury, Robert William

Royal Australian Air Force

Duffield, George Thomas

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Dulap Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment


19th Hyderabad Regiment

Eames, William Charles Cedric

Australian Infantry

Ednie, James

Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)

Elkington, Frederick

Leicestershire Regiment

Evans, Hugh

Royal Artillery

Faqir Muhammad,

16th Punjab Regiment

Fateh Khan,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Fateh Singh, (01)

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Fateh Singh, (02)

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Fawcett, John Vernon

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Fazl Karim,

16th Punjab Regiment

Fazl Khan,

2nd Punjab Regiment

Felton, William Walter Garfield

Royal New Zealand Air Force

Gabar Sing Bhandari,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gabar Sing Rana,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gaj Raj Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Ganga Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Ganpat, (01)

15th Punjab Regiment

Ganpat, (02)

17th Dogra Regiment

Gartland, Owen

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Ghulam Husain,

Bahawalpur Infantry

Gian Sing Negi,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gir Bahadur Khandka,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Gopal Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gopal Singh, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Gopal Singh, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Gopal Singh, (03)

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Gopi Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Gordon, Arthur Hamilton

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Govind Sing Bisht,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Govind Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Greenan, William

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Guan Kah Tin,

Malacca Local Defence Corps

Gul Zaman,

9th Jat Regiment

Gulab Khan,

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Gulab Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gulzar Khan,

Indian Signal Corps

Guncha Gul,

Bahawalpur Infantry

Gurbachan Singh,

Federated Malay States Police

Hakam Singh,

11th Sikh Regiment

Halfpenny, Thomas

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Hall, Stephen

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Hamida Khan,

2nd Punjab Regiment

Har Sing Bhandari,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Har Sing Kanoli,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Har Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Hardy, Frederick

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Hari Chand,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Harman Singh, (01)

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Harphul Singh, (02)

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Harris, Vere Wallace

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Harverson, Geoffrey

Australian Army Service Corps

Hayat Sing Bhandari,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Henderson, Ralph Forster

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Hill, Ronald Edwin

Royal Air Force

Hills, William Charles

Royal Corps of Signals

Hira Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Holmes, Daniel

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Horne, Colin David

Australian Infantry

Hukam Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Huzzey, Peter

East Surrey Regiment

Ilam Din,

2nd Punjab Regiment

Inayat Khan,

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Ingram, John

Royal Artillery

Ishaq Muhammad,

16th Punjab Regiment

Ismail Bin Sulaiman,

Royal Army Service Corps

Jahan Dad, (01)

1st Punjab Regiment

Jahan Dad, (02)

2nd Punjab Regiment

Jahan Dad, (03)

2nd Punjab Regiment

Jai Lal,

9th Jat Regiment

Jai Ram Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Jai Ram,

13th Frontier Force Rifles


19th Hyderabad Regiment

Jamieson, George

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Jamni Sahai,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Jaswant Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Jawar Sing Gariya,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Jhandu Ram,

2nd Punjab Regiment

Jit Chand,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Jit Sing Negi,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Jit Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Jitaru Lohar,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Johnstone, David

Gordon Highlanders

Jones, Oliver Henry

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Jonklaas, St. John Bevan

Perak Local Defence Corps

Kalam Sing Negi,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Kale Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Kalyan Sing Bhandari,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Kanchan Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Karam Dad,

8th Punjab Regiment

Karim Dad,

19th Hyderabad Regiment


14th Punjab Regiment

Kedar Sing Saund,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles


19th Hyderabad Regiment

Khan Mir Khan,

Bahawalpur Infantry

Khushal Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Kirpa Ram,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Kirpal Sing Negi,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Kirpal Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Kirpal Singh,

11th Sikh Regiment

Kishan Lal Kaul,

Indian Medical Department

Kishan Sing Gosain,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Lachhman Singh,

Federated Malay States Police


2nd Punjab Regiment

Laidler, John Bell

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Lal Singh, (01)

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Lal Singh, (02)

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Lal Singh, (03)

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Lal Singh, (04)

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Leamon, Edward John

Royal Artillery

Low Thuan Gark,

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Lowes, John

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Mackay, James

Royal Navy

Mackie, William

Gordon Highlanders

Maclean, Kenneth

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Madan Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Madan Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Magan Sing Chauhan,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Mahendar Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Mahtab Singh,

17th Dogra Regiment

Makhan Khan,

2nd Punjab Regiment

Makhmad Ghulam,

15th Punjab Regiment

Malkhan Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Mam Chand,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Man Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Man Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Mangair Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Manohar Lal Bhala,

Indian Army Ordnance Corps

Mansa Ram,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Mata Din Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Mata Din,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Mathura Singh,

17th Dogra Regiment

Matlab Khan,

15th Punjab Regiment

Mcauley, Daniel

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Mccracken, Henry Maxwell Geddes

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Mcdine, Archibald Frederick

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Mcdougall, James

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Mcdougall, Thomas

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Mcewan, Henry Edwardson

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Mcginley, Peter Patrick

Royal Artillery

Mcguire, Joseph Myles

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Mcnabb, Ronald Percy

Royal New Zealand Air Force

Meehan, Thomas

Royal Artillery

Miller, Edgar

Kedah Volunteer Force

Milne, John Norman

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Mir Abbas,

Bahawalpur Infantry

Mohan Singh, (01)

11th Sikh Regiment

Mohan Singh, (02)

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Moore, Arthur

Leicestershire Regiment

Moynihan, Charles Arthur

Royal Army Medical Corps

Mubarak Ali,

9th Jat Regiment

Muhammad Alam,

16th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Ali Bin Muhammad Rodat,

Malay Regiment

Muhammad Aslam,

14th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Fazil,

Bahawalpur Infantry

Muhammad Husain Khan,

15th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Husain,

16th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Jamil Bin Sohod,

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Muhammad Khan, (01)

15th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Khan, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Khan, (03)

16th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Khan, (04)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Muhammad Niwaz,

16th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Rafi,

King George V's Own Bengal Sappers and Miners

Muhammad Sadiq,

16th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Zaman,

14th Punjab Regiment

Munshi Ram,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Murkhilya Sing Bisht,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Nain Sing Butola,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Nain Sing Negi,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Nain Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Nanak Ram,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Nand Singh,

Indian Army Postal Service

Narayan Chand,

19th Hyderabad Regiment


19th Hyderabad Regiment

Narotam Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Nelson, Ronald

Royal Artillery

Nihal Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Nur Khan,

16th Punjab Regiment

Olsen, Arthur Robert

Australian Infantry

O'neill, Robert

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Panjab Singh,

11th Sikh Regiment


Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Parman Sing Rana,

1st King George V's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment)

Partap Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Pattison, James

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Perera, Alexander Noel

Royal Army Medical Corps

Peterson, Eric Anton

Royal Australian Air Force

Philips, Herbert John

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Piran Ditta,

Bahawalpur Infantry

Pitam Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners


19th Hyderabad Regiment

Prahlad Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Prem Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Pritchard, Hugh

Leicestershire Regiment

Prow, Walter

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Puran Bahadur Gharti,

9th Gurkha Rifles


19th Hyderabad Regiment

Pyare Lal,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Radha Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Raghu Nath,

Indian Army Ordnance Corps

Rahmat Khan, (01)

2nd Punjab Regiment

Rahmat Khan, (02)

Indian Signal Corps

Raja Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Raje Sing Gosain,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Ram Lal Singh,

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Ram Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Ram Singh, (01)

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Ram Singh, (02)

3rd Cavalry, I.A.C.

Ram Swarup,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Rami Chand,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Ranjit Sing Kathait,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Rasil Singh,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Ratan Sing Negi,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Ratan Singh, (01)

11th Sikh Regiment

Ratan Singh, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Rayner, Robert John

Royal Air Force

Read, Malcolm Neville

Royal Australian Air Force

Richhpal Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Rikhi Ram,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Roberts, Harold

Royal Artillery

Roberts, William John

Royal Army Service Corps

Roda Khan,

16th Punjab Regiment

Rup Chand,

9th Jat Regiment

Rup Sing Bisht,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Sada Ram,

10th Baluch Regiment

Sadashiv Hagwane,

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Sadhu Ram,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Sain Das, (01)

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Sain Das, (02)

2nd Punjab Regiment

Sakhi Muhammad,

16th Punjab Regiment

Saleh Bin Khalifa,

Perak Local Defence Corps

Sant Ram,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Santa Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment


19th Hyderabad Regiment

Sarab Singh, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Saran Singh, (02)

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Sardar Muhammad,

Indian Signal Corps


19th Hyderabad Regiment

Saudagar Khan,

2nd Punjab Regiment

Sawar Muhammad,

2nd Punjab Regiment


Leicestershire Regiment

Sayid Muhammad,

16th Punjab Regiment

Shadma Khan,

15th Punjab Regiment

Shal Afsan,

15th Punjab Regiment

Sham Sing Rana,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Shams Din,

16th Punjab Regiment

Sheo Bakhsh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Sheo Taj Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Shepton, Henry Mcintyre

Local Defence Corps (Malaya)

Sher Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Sherfield, Bertram Harry

East Surrey Regiment

Sheri Chand,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Shib Sing Negi,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Sital Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Smith, Dennis Keith

East Surrey Regiment

Smith, John

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Smith, Leslie Percy Patrick Arthur S.

East Surrey Regiment

Smith, William

Royal Navy

Smith, William

Royal Navy

Steel, Arthur Louis

East Surrey Regiment

Stephens, George Francis

Royal Artillery

Stewart, Alexander Balfour

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Sudhan Singh,

11th Sikh Regiment

Sulaiman Bin Sainun,

Royal Army Service Corps

Sultan Sing Mahar,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Taft, George Edwin

Royal Artillery

Takel, Alfred James

Royal Artillery

Tan Kim Cheng,

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Tara Singh, (01)

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Tara Singh, (02)

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Tej Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Thama Sing Negi,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Than Bahadur Gharti,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Thompson, Robert

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Thoru Ram,

14th Punjab Regiment

Todd, John

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders


12th Frontier Force Regiment

Tyndale Powell, John Owen

Kedah Volunteer Force

Tyndale Powell, Reginald Oliver

Kedah Volunteer Force

Van Vuuren, Jan

Merchant Navy


19th Hyderabad Regiment

Vikram Jit Chadda,

2nd Punjab Regiment


19th Hyderabad Regiment

Vuilleumier, Noel L.

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Weare, Alan Joseph

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Widdas, Gordon

Merchant Navy

Wilson, Richard Frederick

Royal Artillery

Wilson, Sydney William

Corps of Military Police


Merchant Navy


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