10-19th December
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Killed in Action


10-19th December 1941


The battleship, H.M.S. Prince of Wales and the battle cruiser Repulse arrived at Singapore on 2nd December but the aircraft carrier Indomitable could not travel because of an accident which had damaged her, so the battleships had no air cover, this was Churchill’s deterrent to the Japanese Navy, called ‘Z’ Force and commanded by Admiral Tom Phillips.

Prince_WalesInformation about the landings was filtering through and Tom Phillips set out for the Gulf of Siam to intercept the Japanese Navy, but he was relying on the RAF giving Z Force air cover.

The following day he found out that the northern air fields had been lost and the RAF fighters were not able to give him any cover. The weather was overcast and Tom Philips decided to chance his luck in being spotted, so he set his course north. At 2015 hours the skies cleared and he was spotted by enemy planes, with all hope of surprise lost he decided to turn back for Singapore.

It was now that he received information of a Japanese landing at Kuantan so he altered course again at 0100 hours on the 9th December and as a security precaution he did not inform Singapore of his change of plans. Early in the morning Japanese submarines spotted and shadowed Z Force, sending information back to Admiral Kondo of the Japanese Navy. Kondo ordered the 7th Cruiser Squadron to sail south-west and intercept ‘Z’ Force and Rear Admiral Matsunga had the 22nd Air Flotilla load their aircraft with torpedoes. The battleships were too fast for the Japanese Navy to catch so Kondo planned to use the aircraft for a dawn attack.

‘Z’ Force reached Kuantan at 0800 hours but found no Japanese attack and decided to search along the coast, at 1000 hours reports of enemy air craft were received and by 1100 hours Japanese bombers could be seen from the decks of ‘Z’ Force. Tom Philips ordered battle stations and began to take evasive action, but the Prince of Wales was hit and veered to port with two big explosions she went out of control with her propeller shafts stopping. Japanese torpedo air craft were now in for the kill, skimming over the water at a height of only some twenty feet, they dropped their bombs at a distance of about four hundred, the torpedos hit the Prince of Wales time and time again. The anti-aircraft guns on both battleships were firing continuously but with the overwhelming numbers in the Japanese air attacks it was useless. The Repulse had avoided immediate danger but after being hit by a torpedo bomb she was at the air crafts mercy, her rudder jammed and Captain Tennant ordered his crew on deck, he later wrote:-

‘Men were now pouring up on deck. They had been warned twenty-four hours before to carry or wear their lifesaving apparatus. When the ship had a thirty-degree list to port I looked over the starboard side of the bridge and saw the commander and two or three hundred men collecting on the starboard side. I never saw any sign of panic or ill discipline. I told them from the bridge how well they had fought for the ship and wished them good luck. The ship hung on for at least a minute and a half to two minutes with a list of about 60 to 70 degrees to port and then rolled over at 1233 hours.’

There were 1,240 men with 69 officers on board the Repulse, 754 men and 42 officers were picked up by destroyers the rest were killed.

Prince_Wales_hitThe Prince of Wales was still going north but by 1300 hours she began to settle and Captain Leach gave the order to abandon ship. Admiral Tom Philips and Captain Leach went down with the ship and so did 300 men and twenty officers. Later when the squadron of Buffaloes arrived  from Singapore to give Z Force air cover, the sea was littered with wreckage and men.

Later it was found Kuantan was never being attacked, who then spread the rumour, was it the Japanese themselves, luring ‘Z’ Force into its trap or just a rumour that started and was never  confirmed.

The surviving Royal Marines from the Prince of Wales joined the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders as the Plymouth Argyll“s.

This was the worst naval disaster to hit the Royal Navy and at a time when Britain was at her lowest, it gave impetus and encouragement to the Japanese forces.


On land, retreating from the Japanese Landing, the 11th Indian Division got to Jitra no defences were in operation, antitank mines laid in piles, the defences had not been wired for communication and the trenches were waterlogged. The troops started the impossible task of preparing to defend the vital stronghold of Jitra with time running out.

Rumours of a Japanese breakthrough at Khota Bharu although untrue provided panic at the nearby  air field and an order by an unknown officer ordered the denial plan to be put into operation and the buildings were set on fire and the staff retreated leaving bombs and fuel and the runways intact. The troops on the beaches now had no air cover as the air craft had been withdrawn to Kuantan. Brigadier Key decided to withdraw from the beach leaving the Japanese with their beachhead.

Airfields at Gong Kedah and Machang were also abandoned and General Heath ordered his troops to withdraw to stronger positions in central Malaya. The Japanese were moving into these air fields and establishing them as their bases to control the air space over Malaya and Singapore.

Back in Jitra the Murray-Lyon had placed the 15th Brigade on the right, 6th Brigade on he left and 28th Brigade in reserve, the front line covered 24,000 yards and 6th Brigade had to hold three-quarters of that. Two batteries of 155th Field Regiment, 22nd Mountain Regiment and the 8th Antitank Regiment supported the infantry, and 1/14th Punjab supported the main position. At 0800 hours on the 11th December the Punjab unit came under attack and were soon over run and two ant-tank guns were lost. They then started to withdraw but at 1500 hours were told to hold Nangka, two miles before Jitra. Before they could do this the Japanese had caught up the rear guard and carried on though the column causing the unit to break up and run for cover leaving ant-tank guns that had not even been fired. When the Japanese came up against the 2/1st Gurkhas  at Asun  they were held but the Gurkhas were soon over run by the larger forces and had to withdraw. After dark the outpost troops of 6th Brigade were withdrawing to the main Jitra positions with seven ant-tank guns and four mountain guns, when they approached a bridge ready for demolition a officer thinking they were Japanese blew the bridge, there were no engineers or materials to repair it so the guns had to be abandoned to the oncoming Japanese.

Saeki decided to attack the troops at Jitra during the night of the 11th and in doing so suffered heavy losses by the allied positioning of their machine guns. Saeki then decided to throw everything he had at the centre of the British defences and succeeded in driving a deep wedge into their positions before he came up against the Leicesters and the 2/2nd Gurkhas who stopped the Japanese attack, the 2nd East Surreys then counter-attacked to help the Leicesters. By the 12th December Major-general Kawamura commanding the 9th Infantry arrived at Jitra and sent his 41st Regiment down the eastern side of the main road and the 40th Regiment down the western side to assist Saeki who was still being held by the Leicesters. Murray-Lyons ordered the Leicesters to withdraw behind a stream called the Sungei Jitra, the Leicesters had fought bravely and their good positions were argued but they had to obey the order. Later that evening with rumours about positions being over run he signalled Heath that he wanted to withdraw to behind the Sungei Kedah at Gurun. Heath and Percival who were still in Singapore agreed and Percival gave the order:-

‘It is decided that your task is to fight for the security of North Kedah. It is estimated that you are opposed by only one division. Consider the best solution may be to hold up the advance of enemy tanks on good obstacles and dispose your forces to obtain considerable depth on both roads and to obtain scope for your superior artillery. Reserves for employment in the divisional area are being expedited.’

Murray-Lyon was therefore given permission to withdraw at his discretion, so at 2200 hours he sent the orders to go back fifteen miles south behind the Sungei Kedah. The moral now amongst the troops was very low, practically the Leicesters who thought they had been in a good position. The withdrawal was not planned at all and it was left to unit commanders to get their men back. Hundreds of men and guns were lost at Jitra and the moral of the troops was low and their faith in the command took a heavy knock.

The 13th December saw the 11th Indian Division falling back to behind the Kedah at Alor Star with 28th Brigade providing rearguard action. Many of the troops had lost their weapons in the rush and confusion at Jitra and were in a state of shock trying to find their units, the Japanese did not help the situation as they had infiltrated the Allied ranks with snipers dressed as Malays. To slow up the Japanese advance the bridge across the Kedah was blown up and charges were laid that night. On the 14th December while waiting for the last stragglers to cross Murray-Lyon was confronted by two Japanese motorcyclists, these were shot and the road and rail bridges were blown. At this time more Japanese arrived and tried to cross the river but the 2/9th Gurkhas drove them back,

Indian_TroopsLooking at his troops Murray-Lyon decided they were not in any condition to withstand the Japanese and to give them time he would retreat twenty miles to Gurun, and the expected reinforcements might arrive. So again they retreated in the monsoon weather to Gurun only to find no defensive positions had been set up, they had to carry out exactly the same hurried defences as at Jitra. Murray-Lyon set up his positions astride the main road three mils north of Gurun and hoped thinking he would have time for his troops to recuperate. This hope was dashed when soon after midday on the 14th December Japanese transport were seen approaching, the Japanese engineers had repaired the bridges in only thirty hours. Antitank gunners knocked out the first tank, the Japanese infantry then attacked the Punjabis to the left of the road and after two hours of fighting the force of the attack was telling, Brigadier Lay knew something had to be done and he counter-attacked, the Punjabi position was stabilised.

At a meeting just south of Gurun, Murray-Lyon told General Heath that his troops were not in condition to withstand another retreat but if they had to a strong defensive position should be chosen  and a concentrated defines should be planned, with transportation for his troops. General Heath agreed that the 11th Division should hold Gurun and the 12th Brigade would hold the Japanese to the east at Kroh and Grik. After a conversation on the phone that night with Percival, Heath got his way and it was agreed that the 11th would retreat a further sixty mile to a defensive position beyond the Perak River delaying the Japanese as long as possible so Penang could be evacuated.

That night the Japanese attacked in numbers and drove a gap in the Punjabi defences and reached the 2nd East Surrey headquarters and then the 6th Brigade headquarters, killing everyone there, when Murray-Lyon saw the damage he immediately ordered a seven mile withdrawal, but finding the numbers of troops left, sent more orders to withdraw behind the Muda River. The remaining troops had some luck as the Japanese had been hit hard as well and they did not follow up on the action giving the remains of the 11th Division time to fall back, giving the British time to evacuate Penang.

There were many reasons for the Jitra defeat, the wide area for the troops to cover allowing the Japanese to out flank them, the confusion when ‘Matador’ was called off, and not having any defences at Jitra, the troops had nothing to fall back to. There was too many mistakes and poor judgement which caused this long retreat back towards Singapore by the demoralised troops.


The island of Penang was known by the British as Fortress Penang but in reality it had four anti-aircraft guns and a garrison of 500 untrained troops. The first air raid against the island took place on 11th December, with twenty-seven Japanese bombers flying in a V-formation. The civilians took to the streets to watch not knowing what was to come. After flying over the town the planes turned and bombed in groups of three. The bombs dropped included heavy demolition, light anti-personal and incendiary, nearly all the bombs were dropped on the densely crowded native quarters in Georgetown.


The emergency services were mainly run by untrained Chinese and although they tried their best, they were under increasing pressure as many of the local population who had decided to take to the hills got in the way. It was a scene of utter confusion, and a direct hit on the fire station meant there were no fire fighting equipment, fires went on burning for days with corpses left littering the streets, after a few days the smell from these became unbearable. Law and order broke down and looting of the shops began. The next two days saw heavier action as the Japanese increased the number of planes, but they did meet with some opposition from the RAF from Butterworth on the mainland.

The British started evacuating on the 13th but the orders included only British born personnel and civilians, this caused a feeling of despair among the Asiatic population, and anger towards the British for leaving them to fend for themselves at a time when they wanted leadership. Not all the British left Penang, Dr. Evens of the General Hospital stayed to look after his patients and was later allowed to the Japanese to continue his work.

On the 17th December the Kobayashi Battalion of the Japanese 5th Division landed on Penang from small boats and the island was theirs without a single casualty. The British had not applied the scorched-earth policy very well and left the Radio Station working. The Japanese did not waste any time in broadcasting  proper gander to Malaya and their opening words were:

‘Hello, Singapore. This is Penang calling. How do you like our bombing.

Some Japanese troops tried to claim their spoils of war, taking anything they wanted and killing anyone who got in their way. Tamashita heard about this and swiftly dealt with three soldiers convicted of rape by a court martial, he had them executed by a firing squad and their commanding officer, Lt-Col Kobayashi put under thirty days close arrest.

The Asiatic was losing confidence in the British to defend them, especially when the British left them to fend for themselves on Penang, up till now the British were their masters and above reproach, they now would be viewed in a different light.


Killed in Action

Death Toll for 10-19th December 1941





New Zealand:-


United Kingdom:-





Death Roll for 10-19th December 1941

(Click on Bullet below to open information)



Abbas Khan,

16th Punjab Regiment

Abdul Aziz, (01)

10th Baluch Regiment

Abdul Aziz, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Abdul Hamid,

3rd Cavalry, I.A.C.

Abdul Karim,

14th Punjab Regiment

Abdul Khanan,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Abdul Rahman,

9th Jat Regiment

Abdul Razaq Bin Qadir Khan,

Federated Malay States Police

Abdul Razaq,

8th Punjab Regiment

Abdullah Khan,

8th Punjab Regiment

Adams, Francis Herbert Robert

Royal Navy

Adamson, William Douglas

South African Naval Forces

Adkins, Francis James

Royal Navy

Ahern, Patrick

Royal Navy

Ahmad Bin Harun,

Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Ahmad Bin Sawin,

Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Ahmad Bin Taib,

Kedah Volunteer Force

Ahmad Hayat,

2nd Punjab Regiment

Ahmad Khan,

16th Punjab Regiment

Ainscough, Jack

Royal Navy

Aita Sing Gurung,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Aitken, Alexander James

Royal Corps of Signals

Aitken, James Smith Robertson

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Akbar Khan,

14th Punjab Regiment

Alabaster, Christopher James Clifford

8th Punjab Regiment

Alam Din,

Indian Signal Corps

Alder, Frank

Royal Marines

Ali Bakhsh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Ali Muhammad,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Ali Munsif,

16th Punjab Regiment

Allah Dad, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Allah Dad, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Allah Ditta,

16th Punjab Regiment

Allcock, William

Royal Marines

Allen, Charles

Leicestershire Regiment

Amanat Ali,

16th Punjab Regiment

Amanat Khan,

16th Punjab Regiment

Amar Bahadur Gurung,

1st King George V's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment)

Amar Shah,

10th Baluch Regiment

Amir Khan,

15th Punjab Regiment

Anar Khan,

16th Punjab Regiment

Anderson, Stanley Albert

East Surrey Regiment

Andrewes, Dennis Edwards

Royal Navy

Angrez Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Angus, William Charlton

Royal Navy

Ankers, Vincent Charles

Royal Navy

Annis, Thomas

Royal Navy

Anstey, Peter Robert

Royal Navy

Anton, Sydney

Royal Navy

Anwar Ali,

16th Punjab Regiment

Arjun Singh, Sardar Bahadur

8th Punjab Regiment

Armitage, Benjamin Rhodes

Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Armitage, Benjamin Rhodes

Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Arnett, William Arthur

Leicestershire Regiment

Ash, Albert John

Royal Navy

Ashraf Khan,

16th Punjab Regiment

Ashton, Edwin Charles

Royal Navy

Ashton, John

Royal Navy

Ashton, John Jackson

Royal Navy

Ashworth, Eric Robert

Royal Navy

Ashworth, Jack

Royal Navy

Aswar Ali,

16th Punjab Regiment

Atkey, James William Henry

Royal Navy

Atkinson, Leslie

Leicestershire Regiment

Atma Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Ayres, Charles

Royal Navy

Azam Khan,

10th Baluch Regiment

Babu Singh,

2nd Punjab Regiment

Bachitar Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Back, Cecil Robert

Royal Navy

Bagh Ali,

16th Punjab Regiment

Bahadur Khan,

16th Punjab Regiment

Bahadur Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Bailey, Walter George

Royal Navy

Bain, Donald

Royal Navy

Baj Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Bakar Bin Haji Molassar,

Royal Army Service Corps

Bal Bahadur Khattri, (01)

9th Gurkha Rifles

Bal Bahadur Khattri, (02)

9th Gurkha Rifles

Bal Bir Sarki,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Bal Bir Sing Rana,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Baldev Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Ball, Sidney Hawkins

East Surrey Regiment


16th Punjab Regiment

Balwant Singh, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Balwant Singh, (02)

2nd Punjab Regiment

Banister, Norman Casson

Royal Navy

Banka Khan,

16th Punjab Regiment

Banks, Robert Henry

Royal Navy

Bannatyne, Thomas

East Surrey Regiment

Barkby, George

Leicestershire Regiment


10th Baluch Regiment

Barlow, Ernest

Royal Navy

Barnes, Norman

Royal Navy

Barrett, Charles Alfred

Royal Navy

Barrett, Wilfred William

Royal Navy

Barritt, John Robert Gardiner

Royal Navy

Barron, William

Royal Navy

Bartram, James

East Surrey Regiment

Barwis, Harry Laurence Cantell

Royal Navy

Basant Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Bastable, Claude

Royal Navy

Bate, John Eglington

Royal Engineers

Bates, Ronald Charles Sidney

8th Punjab Regiment

Bates, Thomas Arthur

Royal Artillery

Baxter, Cyril

Royal Navy

Beal, Andrew Thomas

Royal Navy

Beardsworth, Stanley Thomas

Royal Navy

Beckett, Edward William

East Surrey Regiment

Beer, Cyril

Royal Navy

Bell, Alfred James

Leicestershire Regiment

Bembridge, Rufus William

Royal Artillery

Bennett, Arthur Christopher Joseph

Royal Navy

Bennett, George John Edward

Royal Artillery

Bennett, Peter Luddington

Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Bennetts, Leslie Arthur

Royal Navy

Benson, Clifford

Royal Navy

Bentley, Arnold

Leicestershire Regiment

Berkeley, Ernest Harry

East Surrey Regiment

Berry, Donald Ridge

Royal Navy

Berry, Kenneth Pearson

Royal Navy

Berry, Richard Martin

Royal Marines

Bethell, Joseph

Royal Navy

Bhagat Ram,

16th Punjab Regiment

Bhanwar Singh,

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Bhaurao More,

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Bhawan Sing Baniya,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Bhawana More,

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Bhim Bahadur Khandka,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Bhim Bahadur Khattri,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Bhim Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Bhog Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Bhupal Singh,

3rd Cavalry, I.A.C.

Bick, Herbert

Royal Navy

Bidhi Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Billinghurst, Charles William

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Binding, Alfred Charles

Royal Navy

Bindra Ram, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Bindra Ram, (02)

8th Punjab Regiment

Bir Singh,

12th Frontier Force Regiment


9th Jat Regiment

Bird, William E. J.

Special Operations Executive

Birkett, Donald Craig

Royal Navy

Bishan Das,

16th Punjab Regiment

Blair, Cyril Tom

Royal Navy

Blair, Cyril Tom

Royal Navy

Blank, Frederick James

Royal Marines

Blatchford, Frederick Joseph

Royal Navy

Blower, Dennis Jarvis

Leicestershire Regiment

Blunt, John Irvin

Royal Navy

Bollington, Edwin

Leicestershire Regiment

Bolt, George Henry

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Bolton, William Thomas

Royal Navy

Bond, Alfred George

Royal Navy

Bond, John Robert

Royal Navy

Bond, Thomas

Royal Navy

Booth, Douglas

Royal Navy

Booth, George

Royal Navy

Bootherstone, George Edward

Royal Navy

Bord, Frederick Vivian

Royal Navy

Born, Robert

Leicestershire Regiment

Bostan Khan,

16th Punjab Regiment

Bourne, Hubert Johnstone

Royal Engineers

Bowden, Eric Sidney James

Royal Marines

Bower, Frank

Royal Navy

Bown, Edgar George

Royal Navy

Boyd, John Montgomery

Royal Navy

Boyde, John Edward

Royal Navy

Boyne, Peter

Royal Navy

Brabant, John Henry

Royal Navy

Bracken, Richard

Royal Navy

Brackenridge, Leslie Stuart

Royal Artillery

Bradfield, Selwyn Butlin

Leicestershire Regiment

Bradford, Richardson Wilkinson Roy

East Surrey Regiment

Bradley, Kenneth Richard

East Surrey Regiment

Branwood, Joseph

Royal Navy

Bremridge, James Philip Henry

Royal Navy

Bremridge, James Philip Henry

Royal Navy

Brewer, Arthur James

Royal Navy

Brewer, Edwin Ernest

Royal Navy

Brierley, George

Royal Navy

Briers, Fred

Leicestershire Regiment

Britchford, Lloyd Cecil

East Surrey Regiment

Brittan, Frederick John Henry

Royal Navy

Bromham, Cecil Roy

Royal Navy

Brooker, Charles Richard

East Surrey Regiment

Brookes, Ben

Royal Navy

Brooks, Frederick

Royal Marines

Bros, Arthur Christopher Rattray

Royal Navy

Brown, Herbert William

Royal Navy

Brown, John Alfred

East Surrey Regiment

Brown, John Robert Hernaman

Royal Navy

Brown, Joseph Henry

Royal Navy

Brown, Percy

Royal Naval Reserve

Brown, Robert

Royal Navy

Brown, Vivian Thomas

Royal Navy

Brumby, Alfred James

East Surrey Regiment

Budge, Wilfred Clarence

East Surrey Regiment

Bullimore, George Ernest

Leicestershire Regiment

Burder, Patrick Gifford

Leicestershire Regiment

Burgess, Frederick Lewis

East Surrey Regiment

Burhan Khan,

16th Punjab Regiment

Burn, Joseph

Royal Navy

Burrell, Eric

Royal Navy

Burrows, Arthur John Cyril

Royal Navy

Bush, Robert Archibald

Royal Marines

Butler, John

Royal Navy

Butler, Leonard Lincoln

Royal Marine Band

Butterworth, William George Dunn

Royal Navy

Cadman, William Lewis

Royal Navy

Cairns, Cyril

Royal Navy

Cairns, Thomas Cecil

Royal Navy

Cameron, Hugh

Royal Navy

Campbell, Henry James Eccles

Royal Navy

Cannon, Henry

Royal Artillery

Cant, Alfred Edward

East Surrey Regiment

Canty, John Daniel

Royal Navy

Capp, John Arthur

Royal Navy

Capper, Cyril

Royal Navy

Carling, William

Leicestershire Regiment

Carratt, Kenneth Charles

Royal Navy

Carrier, Charles Herbert

Leicestershire Regiment

Carruthers, John

Royal Navy

Carter, Charles

Royal Navy

Carter, Stanley

Royal Navy

Casby, Kenneth Frederick

Royal Navy

Cason, George Edward

East Surrey Regiment

Cavanagh, William Anthony

Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Cavell, Arthur Frederick

Royal Navy

Cawdrey, Ronald

Royal Navy

Cawte, Harry William

Royal Navy

Chafer, Ronald Sidney

Royal Navy

Chagar Singh,

17th Dogra Regiment

Chain Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Challoner, Thomas

Leicestershire Regiment

Chambers, William Robert

Royal Marines

Chamel Chand,

14th Punjab Regiment

Chanda Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Chapman, Beverley Frank James

East Surrey Regiment

Chapman, Charles Edwin

Royal Navy

Chard, Alewyn Mansel

Royal Navy

Chester, Leonard Horsford

Royal Navy

Chinn, Charles Leslie

Royal Navy

Chiswell, Albert

Leicestershire Regiment

Chothi Nadar,

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Chrimes, Norman

Royal Navy

Christmas, Raymond William

Royal Navy

Chung Weng Wah,

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Chuni Lal,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Clark, James

East Surrey Regiment

Clark, Thomas

East Surrey Regiment

Clarke, Frank

Leicestershire Regiment

Clarke, James

Royal Marines

Clayton, Frederick Victor

Royal Navy


Malayan Volunteer Air Force

Cleaves, Thomas Henry

Royal Navy

Clegg, Peter

Royal Artillery

Clements, Thomas Charles

Royal Navy

Clerke, Arthur Roy

Royal Navy

Clough, Leonard

Royal Navy

Coates, Jack

Royal Navy

Cobbe, Charles Hugh

Royal Navy

Cockram, Albert Richard

Royal Marines

Coe, Herbert William

Royal Navy

Collins, John

Royal Navy

Collom, Samuel Richard

Royal Navy

Combstock, Kenneth

Royal Marines

Conlan, Charles Edward

Royal Navy

Connell, Kenneth

Royal Air Force

Cookson, Richard

Royal Navy

Cooper, Esau Alfred

East Surrey Regiment

Cooper, James Victor

Royal Navy

Cooper, Kenneth

Royal Navy

Cooper, Ronald Henry

Royal Navy

Coote, Ronald Claude

Royal Marines

Corbett, John

East Surrey Regiment

Corlett, John

East Surrey Regiment

Corrigan, Michael Francis

Leicestershire Regiment

Cottle, Cecil Roy Frederick

Royal Navy

Coughlan, Jeremiah Daniel

Royal Navy

Cowan, Charles

Royal Navy

Cowan, David

Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Craddock, William Alfred

Royal Navy

Craft, John Weston

Royal Navy

Craig, Alexander Gray

Royal New Zealand Air Force

Craven, Douglas

Royal Navy

Cree, Crawford Annesley

Royal Navy

Crombie, Douglas James

Royal Navy

Cromeyn, Simon

Leicestershire Regiment

Cross, Walter Sydney

Royal Marines

Crosthwaite, Patrick Guy

Leicestershire Regiment

Crowder, Denis Heathcote

Royal Navy

Crowder, Harry Gordon

Royal Navy

Crowson, Harry

Royal Navy

Crozier, William

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Cummins, Charles

Royal Navy

Cunnington, Cyril Frederick William

Leicestershire Regiment

Currie, Robert

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Curtis, George William Richard

Royal Marines

Cuthbertson, Reginald William

Leicestershire Regiment

Dal Bahadur Pun,

1st King George V's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment)

Dalip Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

D'alpuget, Jack

Royal Navy

Daly, Arthur

Royal Navy

Daly, Denis

Royal Navy

Dan Bahadur Khattri,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Dandy, Gower

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Daniels, Walter Frederick

Royal Navy

Darby, Henry William

Royal Artillery

Dasaundha Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Daventry, Norman Charles

Royal Navy

Davies, Robert

Royal Navy

Davies, Robert Ian

Royal Australian Navy

Dawe, Frederick Arthur

Royal Marines

Dawson, Kenneth William

Royal Navy

Day, Norman Marsden

Royal Navy

Day, Thomas William

Royal Navy

Daya Ram, (01)

10th Baluch Regiment

Daya Ram, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Deacon, Herbert Kitchener

Royal Navy

Deacon, William Thomas Briton

Royal Navy

Deemer, Harold Alfred James

Royal Navy

Dehnert, Ernest Frederick

Royal Navy

Dempsey, Joseph

Royal Navy

Dempsey, Joseph

Royal Navy

Dennehy, John

Royal Navy

Dennehy, Thomas

Royal Navy

Denton, John Edward

Leicestershire Regiment

Dewa Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Dewhirst, Henry

Royal Navy

Dhan Bahadur Gurung,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Dhan Sing Pun,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Dhana Singh,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Dias, Celestine

Royal Berkshire Regiment

Dickson, Anthony Chambre

Royal Artillery

Din Muhammad,

16th Punjab Regiment

Dinju Ram,

14th Punjab Regiment

Dixon, Bruce Edward

Royal Navy

Dobson, Reginald

Royal Navy

Dodds, George Wolfendale

Royal Navy

Dolphin, Leonard Stanley

Royal Navy

Donnithorne, Francis

Royal Navy

Donovan, Timothy Francis

Royal Navy

Doolan, Andrew

Royal Navy

Douglas, Wilfred John

Royal Navy

Dove, Harold Leslie

Royal Navy

Dowling, Francis Barre Beresford

East Surrey Regiment

Downie, Daniel Deveney

Royal Navy

Dowrick, Frederick Ernest

Royal Navy

Driscoll, Daniel

Royal Navy

Duffin, Patrick

Royal Navy

Duffy, Patrick

Royal Navy

Dulla Shah,

14th Punjab Regiment

Dullo Ram,

14th Punjab Regiment

Dulo Ram,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Dunn, Robert Stanley

Royal Navy

Dunn, William

Royal Navy

Dunne, William Joseph

Royal Navy

Dunstan, Edward

Australian Infantry

Durnell, Norman Francis

Royal Navy

Dwyer, Peter Christopher

Royal Navy

Easterbrook, Randolph Webb

Royal Navy

Easton, George Eric

Royal Navy

Eaves, Joseph Raymond

Royal Navy

Edgar, Thomas

Royal Artillery

Edington, George

Royal Navy

Edwards, George Henry

Royal Navy

Edwards, John George Richardson

Royal Navy

Edwards, Joseph Ernest

Royal Marines

Edwards, Walter William

Royal Navy

Eggleton, Douglas Graylen

Royal Navy

Eke, James Raymond

Royal Navy

Ellen, Leonard George

Royal Navy

Elliott, Frederick

Royal Navy

Ellis, James

Royal Navy

Esdell, Robert James

Royal Artillery

Essery, Reginald

Royal Navy

Evans, Francis

Royal Navy

Evans, Frederick

Royal Navy

Evans, Reginald

Royal Navy

Evens, Francis

Royal Navy

Ewen, William

Royal Navy

Exeter, Douglas

Royal Navy

Fairchild, Rowland

Royal Navy

Fairfoul, Sydney Bracken

Royal Navy

Fairhurst, Stanley

Royal Navy

Faiz Ahmad,

16th Punjab Regiment

Faiz Ali,

8th Punjab Regiment

Falad Gul,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Faqir Muhammad,

10th Baluch Regiment

Farley, Thomas

Royal Navy

Farley, William George

Royal Navy

Fazl Illahi, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Fazl Illahi, (02)

8th Punjab Regiment

Fazl Karim,

10th Baluch Regiment

Fazl Muhammad,

16th Punjab Regiment

Fenton, Elba

Royal Navy

Ferguson, George Cuthbert Irwin

Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Ferris, Sidney

East Surrey Regiment

Fewings, Reginald Alfred John

Royal Navy

Fine, Francis James

Royal Marines

Firoz Khan, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Firoz Khan, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Fish, Wilfred

Royal Navy

Fletcher, Neville

Royal Navy

Flint, Eric Morgan

Royal Navy

Fluin, Harry William

East Surrey Regiment

Forster, Alfred Ronald

Royal Artillery

Foster, Henry Charles Arthur

Royal Navy

Foster, Leonard Nelson

Royal Navy

Fox, Geoffrey

Royal Marines

Fox, Jack

Royal Marines

Foy, Charles James

Royal Navy

Francis, Leighton Richard

Royal Navy

Franklin, Henry Stephen

Royal Navy

Friel, William Michael

Leicestershire Regiment

Froment, Lewis George Simmonds

Royal Navy

Frost, Charles Daniel

Royal Navy

Fudge, William Frederick John

Royal Navy

Fulton, Leslie Joseph Milne

Royal Navy

Furness, Edward

Royal Navy

Gaj Bahadur Gurung,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Galbraith, Roy Walter Thomson

Royal Navy

Galvin, Wilfred Stanley

Royal Navy

Ganpat Ram,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Gardner, George Rosser

Royal Navy

Gardner, Leonard Ralph

Royal Navy

Gardner, Leslie Sands

Royal Artillery

Garner, Maurice Arthur

Leicestershire Regiment

Garner, Walter Ernest

Royal Navy

Garnsworthy, Sydney

Royal Navy

Garrard, Eric

Royal Navy

Garrett, Enoch Henry

Leicestershire Regiment

Gavin, Brian Buchanan

Royal Marines

Geddes, Lawrence

Royal Navy

Genu Ram,

17th Dogra Regiment

Germaine, Harry John

Royal Navy

Ghazi Marjan,

10th Baluch Regiment

Ghulam Muhammad, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Muhammad, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Nabi,

14th Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Qadir,

Indian Signal Corps

Gian Chand,

16th Punjab Regiment

Gian Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Gibbons, Donald Lewis

Royal Navy

Gibbs, Edward George

Royal Marines

Gibbs, George

Royal Navy

Gifford, John Renshaw

Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Gilbert, Alfred Edwin

Royal Navy

Gilchrist, Alexander

Royal Navy

Gilchrist, William

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Giles, Foster Abney

8th Punjab Regiment

Gill, Alfred George

Royal Marines

Gill, David

Royal Navy

Gillespie, Charles

Royal Navy


16th Punjab Regiment

Giri Bir Thapa,

1st King George V's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment)

Girvan, Edward John

Royal Navy

Glanville, Reginald Thomas

Royal Navy

Gledhill, Ernest Cameron

Royal Artillery

Golby, Frederick Thomas Alfred

Royal Marines

Golledge, Nelson Victor

Royal Navy

Goodman, Herbert

Royal Navy

Goodrum, Arnold Herbert

Royal Navy

Gordon, Isaac Alfred

Royal Navy

Gordon, James

Royal Navy

Gordon, Reginald

Royal Navy

Gosden, Edward James

Royal Marines

Gosham, Arthur Robert

Royal Navy

Gosling, Thomas Henry

Royal Navy

Goss, Sidney

Royal Navy

Govind Sing Thapa,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Grant, William Fielding

Royal Marines

Grant, William Stanley Loveless

Royal Navy

Graves, Harry James

Royal Artillery

Gray, Henry Harold

Royal Navy

Greaves, John Richard

Royal Navy

Green, Frederick Charles

Royal Navy

Green, Ronald Leonard

Leicestershire Regiment

Greenham, Samuel Albert

Royal Navy

Greenwood, Lionel John Baker

Royal Navy

Griffiths, John Isaac

Royal Navy

Griffiths, William Henry

Royal Marines

Groenenberg, Frank

Royal Navy

Gul Badshah,

10th Baluch Regiment

Gul Mirjan,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Gul Rakhman,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Gulab Din,

12th Frontier Force Regiment


10th Baluch Regiment

Gulzara Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Gunn, John Henry


Gunnell, George

Royal Navy

Gurbakhsh Singh, (01)

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Gurbakhsh Singh, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Hadfield, Frank William

Royal Navy

Haji Khan,

16th Punjab Regiment

Haley, Leslie James

Royal Navy

Halfnight, Spencer Edwin

Royal Navy

Hall, Albert

Royal Navy

Hall, Ernest John

Royal Navy

Hall, Gordon Ernest John

Royal Navy

Hall, Harry

Royal Navy

Hall, Maurice Waldon

Royal Artillery

Hall, William Frederick

East Surrey Regiment

Halliday, George Alexander

Royal Navy

Halshaw, Thomas

Royal Navy

Ham, Alfred Albert

Royal Navy

Hamill, Alexander

Royal Navy

Hamley, Arthur John Wosley

Royal Navy

Hampson, Edward Stewart

Royal Navy

Hannis, Raymond William Charles

Royal Navy

Hardy, Henry

Royal Marines

Hare, John Edward

Royal Artillery

Hargreaves, Allan Samuel

Indian Signal Corps

Hari Chand,

16th Punjab Regiment

Hari Singh, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Hari Singh, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Hari Singh, (03)

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Harland, Albert

Royal Marines

Harris, Albert John

East Surrey Regiment

Harris, James

Royal Navy

Harris, Samuel

Royal Navy

Harris, Thomas Henry

Royal Navy

Harrison, Samuel Kane

Royal Navy

Hart, William Edward

Royal Navy

Harvell, Charles Edward

Royal Navy

Hasan Gul,

14th Punjab Regiment

Hasan Khan,

10th Baluch Regiment

Hashim Bin Babu,

Federated Malay States Police

Hashim Khan,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Haskett, Fred

Royal Navy

Haslam, John

Royal Navy

Hasta Gurung,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Hastie, John Everest

Royal Navy

Hatherell, Percival George

Royal Navy

Hawke, Frederick Desmond

Royal Navy

Hawke, James Morton

Royal Navy

Hawkins, Albert Henry

Royal Navy

Hawkins, James Michael

Royal Navy

Hawkins, Sidney George

Royal Marines

Hawthorne, Joseph

Royal Navy

Hayat Khan,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Hayes, Albert Frederick

East Surrey Regiment

Hays, George Francis

Royal Navy

Haysom, Edward Laurence

Royal Marines

Hazara Singh,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Heath, Ernest James William

Royal Artillery

Heath, Francis Mortimer

Royal Navy

Heath, Leonard

Royal Navy

Heathcock, George Henry

Royal Navy

Hefferman, Edwin Stephen

East Surrey Regiment

Hemingway, John Herbert

Royal Navy

Hendrick, Charles Albert

17th Dogra Regiment

Herkes, James

Royal Marines

Heveron, Frank

Royal Navy

Hewitt, James

Royal Navy

Hewitt, Kenneth

Royal Navy

Hewitt, William

East Surrey Regiment

Heywood, Harry

Royal Navy

Hickey, Leonard William

East Surrey Regiment

Hicks, Jack

Royal Navy

Hidayat Khan,

14th Punjab Regiment

Higginbotham, James

Royal Marines

Higginbottom, Ernest

Royal Navy

Hill, James

Royal Navy

Hiller, Albert William

East Surrey Regiment

Hilton, Sydney Thomas

Australian Infantry

Hinder, Arthur Sidney

Royal Navy

Hindley, William

Royal Navy

Hiscox, Charles William

Royal Navy

Hitchen, William

Royal Navy

Hobson, Tom Daniel

Royal Navy

Hockney, Kenneth

Royal Marines

Hoe-Richardson, John Eric

Royal Navy

Hogg, George Christopher Graham

9th Gurkha Rifles

Holden, Cyril Beresford Vivian

9th Jat Regiment

Holden, George Donald

Royal Navy

Holden, James

Royal Navy

Holloway, Donald Mitchell

Royal Navy

Holmes, John William

Royal Navy

Holsgrove, James

Royal Navy

Holt, John Francis

Royal Navy

Homer, William

Royal Navy

Hookey, Victor

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Hooper, Frederick Arthur

Royal Navy

Hopkins, Thomas

Leicestershire Regiment

Hopkins, William Henry

Leicestershire Regiment

Hordern, Francis William

Royal Australian Air Force

Horley, John George Thomas

Royal Navy

Horrigan, Patrick Anthony

Royal Navy

Horsford, Richard William

Royal Navy

Horsley, Alfred

Royal Navy

Horton, William

Royal Navy

Hotchkiss, William Henry

Royal Navy

Howard, William

Royal Navy

Howe, Alfred

Royal Navy

Howell, Ronald Sheridan

Royal Navy

Hughes, David William Benjamin

Royal Navy

Hughes, Verdon

Royal Navy

Hukam Badshah,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Hukam Chand,

16th Punjab Regiment

Humphreys, Frederick John

East Surrey Regiment

Hunt, Peter Allan Burfield

Royal Naval Reserve

Hunting, Richard Alexander

Royal Navy

Hurst, William Ernest John

Intelligence Corps

Hushiyar Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment


16th Punjab Regiment

Hutt, Charles

Royal Navy

Hyder, Arthur

Royal Navy


16th Punjab Regiment

Idar Gul,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Iles, Rex George

Royal Navy

Imam Din,

16th Punjab Regiment

Ingram, William

Royal Artillery

Ireland, Alec

Royal Navy

Irvine, Hugh

Royal Artillery

Ismail Khan,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Jacks, Albert

Royal Navy

Jackson, Ernest Valentine

Royal Navy

Jackson, John Edwin

Royal Navy

Jackson, Leslie James

Royal Navy

Jagat Ram, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Jagat Ram, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Jagir Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Jago, Leslie May

Royal Navy

Jahan Shah,

16th Punjab Regiment

Jamal Din,

14th Punjab Regiment

James, William Trevor

Royal Navy

Jan Muhammad,

16th Punjab Regiment

Jang Bahadur Khattri,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Jang Bahadur Sahi,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Jangi Khan,

16th Punjab Regiment

Jayes, Alwyn

Royal Navy

Jeans, Robson Scott

Royal Navy

Jeans, Robson Scott

Royal Navy

Jeans, Wilfred Charles

Royal Navy

Jeffery, Ronald

East Surrey Regiment

Jeffery, William Harry

Royal Navy

Jenkins, Harold

Royal Navy

Jennings, Maurice Irving

8th Punjab Regiment

Jennings, William Glynne

Royal Navy

Jha Bahadur Thapa,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Jit Bahadur Gurung,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Jit Man Sing Gurung,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

John, Howard Stanley

Royal Navy

Johns, Alfred George

Royal Navy

Johns, Leonard Herbert

Royal Navy

Johnson, Ernest

Royal Navy

Johnson, Frederick George

Royal Berkshire Regiment

Johnson, Harry

Royal Navy

Johnson, Joseph Thomas

Royal Navy

Johnston, Robert Douglas

Royal Navy

Johnston, Robert William

Royal Navy

Jones, Edwin Douglas

Royal Navy

Jones, Harry

Royal Marines

Jones, Henry Norman

Royal Navy

Jones, Herbert Lancelot

Royal Navy

Jones, Howard Wynn

Royal Navy

Jones, John

Royal Navy

Jones, Maldwyn Price

Royal Navy

Jones, Ronald Arthur

Royal Navy

Jones, Stanley

Royal Marines

Joshua, George Henry Edgar

Royal Marines

Jowett, Frederick

East Surrey Regiment

Kal Bir Thapa,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Kala Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment


King George V's Own Bengal Sappers and Miners

Kane, Francis William

Royal Marines

Kanshi Ram,

16th Punjab Regiment

Kar Bahadur Thapa,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Karim Bakhsh,

10th Baluch Regiment

Kartar Singh, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Kartar Singh, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Kartar Singh, (03)

16th Punjab Regiment

Kartar Singh, (04)

2nd Punjab Regiment

Keast, William James

Royal Navy

Keat, Dennis Trevor

Royal Navy

Keeler, Murth Burt

Royal Marines

Kehar Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Kent, Leonard David

Royal Navy

Kent, Raymond George

Royal Navy

Kerr, Hugh

Royal Navy

Kerr, John Brumhall

16th Punjab Regiment

Kerrich, John Arthur

East Surrey Regiment

Kershaw, John Francis

Royal Navy

Kerslake, Cornellus Arthur Louvain

Royal Navy

Kesh Bahadur Sahi,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Khadam Husain Khan,

Royal Indian Artillery

Khajur Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Khan Muhammad, (01)

8th Punjab Regiment

Khan Muhammad, (02)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Khanza Din,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Kharak Bahadur Thapa,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Khazan Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Khazana Ram,

16th Punjab Regiment

Khem Chand,

8th Punjab Regiment

Khim Bahadur Chand,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Khuda Dad,

8th Punjab Regiment

Khushal Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Khushi Muhammad,

16th Punjab Regiment

Kinder, Richard

Royal Navy

King, Arthur Leonard

Royal Navy

King, William Benjamin James

Royal Navy

Kirkland, Arthur George

Royal Marines

Kirkpatrick, David

Royal Navy

Kirkpatrick, David

Royal Navy

Kishan Bahadur Thapa,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Kishan Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Kishna Bahadur Khattri,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Knight, Charles Ivor John

Royal Artillery

Knight, Frederick

Royal Navy

Krishna Shinde,

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Kundan Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Kyte, Frederick John William

Royal Navy

Lacey, William

Royal Marines


10th Baluch Regiment

Ladd, Clifford Frederick

Royal Navy

Lagor, Frederick Donald

Royal Navy

Lal Bahadur Ghale,

1st King George V's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment)

Lal Khan,

8th Punjab Regiment

Lal Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Lambert, Horace Cecil

Leicestershire Regiment

Lang, Harold

Royal Navy

Lang, Joseph Patrick

Royal Navy

Langley, Kenneth Ernest

Royal Air Force

Lapish, Joseph

Royal Air Force


8th Punjab Regiment

Lawson, Cecil Graham

Royal Navy

Lawson, Harold Fergusson

Royal Navy

Leach, John Catterall

Royal Navy

Leahy, John James

Royal Navy

Lear, George Ralph

Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Leaver, Clifford

Royal Navy

Lees, William

Leicestershire Regiment

Leonard, Jack

East Surrey Regiment

Libby, Frederick Thomas

Royal Navy

Libby, Frederick Thomas

Royal Navy

Ling, Leslie Walter

Royal Marines

Lisle, Alexander Joyce

Royal Navy

Lissaman, Dennis George

Royal Marines

Little, Francis Donald

Royal Marines

Livermore, Reginald

East Surrey Regiment

Livingstone, Bertram Daniel

Royal Navy

Llewellyn, Ogwyn

Royal Navy

Lochan Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Lockton, William Frederick

Leicestershire Regiment

Long, Andrew

Royal Navy

Loving, David William John Llewellyn

Royal Navy

Lowther, James

Royal Navy

Lugger, Lionel John

Royal Navy

Lynch, Michael Francis

Royal Navy

Lyons, Patrick Owen

Indian Army Ordnance Corps

Mackenzie, James Maclean

Royal Navy

Mackie, William Ferries

Royal Navy

Maden, Walter

Royal Marines

Magahy, Thomas John

Royal Navy

Mahram Shah,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Mahtab Singh,

17th Dogra Regiment

Mainprize, James Leonard

Royal Corps of Signals

Major, Michael John Herbert

Royal Navy

Makhmali Khan,

10th Baluch Regiment

Mallinder, Edgar

Leicestershire Regiment

Man Bahadur Chand,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Man Bahadur Thapa,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)


8th Punjab Regiment

Mangal Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Manley, Jeremiah

Royal Navy

Mannion, James

Royal Navy


12th Frontier Force Regiment

Mansfield, William

Royal Navy

Maqbul Husain,

16th Punjab Regiment

Marchant, Eric Harry

Royal Navy

Markey, Albert Walter James

Royal Navy

Marsh, James Willie

Royal Navy

Marshall, Ernest Victor

Royal Navy

Marshall, George

Royal Navy

Marshall, Leslie

Royal Navy

Martin, Francis John

Royal Navy

Martin, Norman Piers

1st King George V's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment)

Martin, William

Royal Navy

Martlew, Victor

Royal Navy

Mason, Maurice Victor

East Surrey Regiment

Masters, William Frederick Charles

Royal Navy

Matthews, Norman Leonard

Royal Navy

Matthews, Robert

Royal Navy

Matthews, William Edward

Royal Navy

Maula Bakhsh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Mayne, Reginald

Leicestershire Regiment

Mcauliffe, Edward Timothy

East Surrey Regiment

Mcbride, John

Royal Navy

Mcbride, Patrick Joseph

Royal Navy

Mccameron, William Chester

Royal Navy

Mccgwire, Brian Walter

Leicestershire Regiment

Mcclintock, Robert

Royal Navy

Mccullagh, John Augustus

Royal Navy

Mcgrath, Charles Gilbert

Royal Marines

Mcgregor, Leonard

Royal Marines

Mcgregor, Robert

Royal Navy

Mcgrotty, James

Royal Artillery

Mcguinness, James Edward

Royal Navy

Mckenzie, John

Royal Navy

Mckenzie, John Barrie

Royal Navy

Mclachlan, Richard

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Mclaren, Kenneth

Royal Navy

Mclennan, Kenneth Leslie

16th Punjab Regiment

Mcmurray, John Brown

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Mcneill, James Hope

Royal Navy

Mcnelis, James

Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Mcparland, Edward

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Mcqueen, William

Royal Navy

Mcsparrow, John Richard

Royal Navy

Mcstravick, Patrick John

Royal Navy

Mcvean, John Mcnaught Dickson

Royal Navy

Mead, Stanley Frederick

Royal Navy


12th Frontier Force Regiment

Megahey, Joseph

Royal Navy

Mehar Din,

16th Punjab Regiment

Mehar Husain,

6th Rajputana Rifles

Mehar Khan,

16th Punjab Regiment

Mehar Sing Thapa,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Mehar Singh, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Mehar Singh, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Mellor, Ernest

Royal Navy

Melrose, John Halliday

Kelantan Volunteer Force

Mercer, James

Royal Navy

Mettrick, Jack

Royal Navy

Mewa Din,

10th Baluch Regiment

Meyers, Walter Knight

East Surrey Regiment

Mikti Bahadur Majhi,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Milkhi Ram,

16th Punjab Regiment

Millar, John Christie

Royal Air Force

Miller, Ronald John Hollinger

Royal Navy

Mills, Arthur

Royal Navy

Mills, James Henry

Leicestershire Regiment

Mills, William James

Royal Navy

Min Bahadur Thapa,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Mir Ajab Khan,

10th Baluch Regiment

Mir Husain,

Indian Signal Corps

Miraj Gul,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Miraj Gul,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Misal Khan,

14th Punjab Regiment

Mitchell, George Stanley

Royal Navy

Mitchell, John

Royal Navy

Mitchell, John Sidney

East Surrey Regiment

Mitchell, Kenneth Gibson

Royal Navy

Moffat, Alan

Royal Navy

Moffat, Thomas Curran

Royal Navy

Monk, Thomas

Royal Navy

Moon, John Henry

Royal Navy

Morgan, George William

Royal Navy

Morgan, Kenneth Howard William

Royal New Zealand Navy

Morgan, Kenneth Howard William

Royal New Zealand Navy

Morgan, Leonard

Leicestershire Regiment

Morris, Sidney Walter

Royal Air Force

Morse, Peter John

Royal Navy

Mowbray, John Henry

Royal Navy

Muhammad Afsar, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Afsar, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Afzar

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Muhammad Akram, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Akram, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Aksar,

16th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Alam,

16th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Ashraf,

16th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Aslam,

8th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Ayub,

16th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Banaras,

16th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Bashir,

9th Jat Regiment

Muhammad Ghaus,

Hyderabad Infantry, Indian States Forces

Muhammad Ghazni,

16th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Husain, (01)

10th Baluch Regiment

Muhammad Husain, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Husain, (03)

Royal Indian Artillery

Muhammad Inayat,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Muhammad Khan, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Khan, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Khan, (03)

2nd Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Khan, (04)

8th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Najib, (01)

15th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Najib, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Sadiq,

9th Jat Regiment

Muhammad Sarfaraz,

Indian Signal Corps

Muhammad Sarwar Khan,

14th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Sarwar,

8th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Shah,

8th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Sharif,

Royal Indian Artillery

Muhammad Sher,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Mumtaz Ali, (01)

8th Punjab Regiment

Mumtaz Ali, (02)

9th Jat Regiment

Mundy, Arthur Alfred

Royal Navy

Murch, Tom

Royal Navy

Murphy, Arthur Quirk

Royal Navy

Murphy, John Anthony

Royal Navy

Muzaffar Khan,

16th Punjab Regiment

Muzaffar Mahmud,

16th Punjab Regiment

Naina Bahadur Gurung,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Nall, George Henry

Royal Artillery

Nand Ram Gharti,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Nand Singh,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Nankivell, Cecil

Royal Navy

Nankivell, Cecil

Royal Navy

Nar Bahadur Khati,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Nar Bahadur Thapa,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Nar Bir Thapa,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Nawab Khan,

Royal Indian Artillery

Nazir Ahmad,

16th Punjab Regiment

Neagle, John

Royal Navy

Neal, Edward

Leicestershire Regiment

Needham, Horace

Leicestershire Regiment

Nek Ram,

16th Punjab Regiment

Nelson, Charles Robert William

Royal Navy

Nepal Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Nesbitt, Robert

Royal Navy

Newall, John Douglass

Royal Navy

Newbery, Douglas Arnold

Royal Navy

Newby, Harold Edward

Royal Navy

Newlan, James Reginald

Royal Navy

Newlan, James Reginald

Royal Navy

Newman, Haydn Walter

Royal Navy

Niamat Ullah,

14th Punjab Regiment

Niaz Muhammad,

16th Punjab Regiment

Niranjan Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Nishan Ali,

16th Punjab Regiment

Nizam Khan,

10th Baluch Regiment

Nobes, Ronald Charles

Leicestershire Regiment

Noon, John Edward

Royal Navy

Norman, Harry Roland

Leicestershire Regiment

Norsworthy, John Thomas

Royal Navy

North, Samuel Alexander

Royal Navy

Nur Din,

16th Punjab Regiment

Nur Husain,

Indian Signal Corps

Nur Muhammad,

16th Punjab Regiment

Nye, Joseph Albert

Royal Navy

O'Donoghue, Thomas

Royal Navy

Oelrich, Ronald Reginald

Royal Australian Air Force

Offen, Ernest Richard

Royal Navy

O'Grady, James

Royal Navy

O'Leary, Patrick

Royal Navy

Oliver, Alfred Henry

Royal Navy

Orme, James William

Royal Navy

Orme, Sydney

Royal Navy

Osborne, Charles Kelynack

Royal Navy

Owen, Edward

Royal Navy

Owen, Goronwy Wynne

Royal Navy

Oxley, Ronald

Royal Artillery

Padam Sing Thapa,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Page, John Birley

Royal Navy

Page, Norman

Leicestershire Regiment

Page, Walter Richard Douglas

Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Paget, Arthur James

East Surrey Regiment

Paget, Frederick Charles

Royal Navy

Paget, Frederick Charles

Royal Navy

Paget, William Howard

Royal Navy

Paley, John Horace

Royal Navy

Paley, John Horace

Royal Navy

Palmer, William James

Royal Artillery

Pandurang Bhagat,

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Panjakhar Gurung,

1st King George V's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment)

Pargat Chand,

17th Dogra Regiment

Pargiter, Percival William

Leicestershire Regiment

Parker, Charles George

Royal Navy

Parker, John Stanley

Royal Navy

Parker, The Rev. Wilfred Graham

Royal Navy

Parkes, John Allan

Royal Navy

Parkinson, Eric Hudson

Royal Navy

Parry, Colin

Royal Navy

Parsonage, William

Royal Navy

Parsons, Edward Ernest

Leicestershire Regiment

Parsons, Harry

Royal Navy

Parsons, Kenneth Jack

Royal Navy

Partridge, Frank

Royal Navy

Pascoe, Cecil Davy

Royal Navy

Pascoe, Donald

Royal Navy

Pascoe, Urbane Owen

Royal Navy

Passman, James

Royal Navy

Pati Ram,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Paton, John Ramsay

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Paul, Charles William

Royal Navy

Pearce, Eric Hollings

Royal Navy

Pearce, Leslie William

Royal Navy

Pearson, Harry

Royal Navy

Pease, Reginald Cecil

Royal Navy

Peck, Robert Arthur

Royal Navy

Pem Bahadur Khan,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Penfold, George

East Surrey Regiment

Pengally, Maxwell William Hoskin

Royal Navy

Perry, Norman Clyde

Royal Navy

Perry, Samuel Harvey

Royal Navy

Peters, Rupert Henry

Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Phillips, Sir Tom Spencer Vaughan

Royal Navy

Pickles, Arthur

Royal Navy

Pidcock, Frederick Arthur

Leicestershire Regiment

Pilkington, Norman

Royal Navy

Piran Ditta,

8th Punjab Regiment

Pitman, William Robert Charles

Royal Navy

Platt, Kenneth

Royal Navy

Pocock, Ronald

Royal Navy

Pollock, Thomas

Royal Navy

Pompey, Edward Frank

Royal Navy

Pope, Sydney Henry James

Royal Navy

Porter, Henry Wilson

Royal Navy

Potter, James William

Royal Navy

Powell, George

Special Operations Executive

Power, Leonard

Royal Artillery

Pownall, John James

Royal Navy

Poxon, William Hollingworth

Royal Navy

Prabh Dayal,

10th Baluch Regiment

Prabhu Ram,

10th Baluch Regiment

Prem Bahadur Singh,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Prem Sing Thapa,

1st King George V's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment)

Price, David Evan

Royal Marines

Price, David Leslie

Royal Navy

Price, Maurice

Royal Navy

Price, Richard Sidney

Royal Navy

Pritam Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Pritam Singh, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Procter, Herbert

Royal Navy

Proctor, Henry George

Royal Navy

Proffitt, Bert

Royal Marines

Prue, Reginald Sam

Royal Marines

Pudifoot, Cyril Wyatt

Royal Navy

Pyara Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Pyne, Samuel

Royal Navy

Qasim Bin Runching,

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Qasim Khan,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Quayle, Thomas Edward

Royal Navy

Rab Niwaz,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Rae, William

Royal Navy

Raghu Bir Sing Khatri,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Rahim Dad,

10th Baluch Regiment

Raj Wali Khan,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Ram Pal,

9th Jat Regiment

Ram Rakha,

14th Punjab Regiment

Ram Saran,

16th Punjab Regiment

Ram Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Rama Singh,

Mysore Infantry, Indian States Forces

Ramzan Khan,

16th Punjab Regiment

Ran Bahadur Gurung,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Randle, Frederick Charles

Royal Navy

Randles, Charles Leslie

Royal Navy

Rangil Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Rankes Gurung,

1st King George V's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment)

Rankin, Albert

Royal Navy

Ratan Singh, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Ratan Singh, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Rawsthorne, The Rev. Peter

Royal Army Chaplains' Department

Ray, Herbert

Royal Marines

Rayner, Jack

Royal Navy

Raysbrook, Sidney Ernest Frederick

Royal Navy

Read, James Frederick

Royal Navy

Redfern, Leonard

Leicestershire Regiment

Reed, Ronald William

Royal Navy

Rees, John Raymond

Royal Navy

Regan, Laurence

Royal Navy

Reid, Henry Neville

Royal Navy

Rewant Sing Thapa,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Reynolds, Alexander Roy

Royal Navy

Rice, John Francis

Royal Navy

Rice, William John Henry

Royal Marines

Richards, Arthur

Royal Navy

Richards, Frederick Harold

Royal Navy

Richards, Rupert Geoffrey

Royal Engineers

Richards, Thomas James Rewartha

Royal Navy

Riddle, Howard George Aubrey

Royal Navy

Ridgway, Samuel James

Royal Navy

Ridout, William Lawton

9th Gurkha Rifles

Rikha Bahadur Khattri,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Robb, William Henry

Royal Navy

Roberts, George Henry Thomas

Royal Navy

Roberts, John Lawton

Royal Navy

Roberts, William Leonard

Royal Navy

Robertson, Graham

Royal Army Service Corps

Robertson, Percy Edwin

Royal Navy

Robertson, Robert Watt

Royal Navy

Robinson, Albert

Royal Navy

Robinson, James

Royal Navy

Robinson, Ronald Frederick

Royal Marines

Robinson, William George

Australian Infantry

Robson, George

Royal Navy

Roche, Sidney William

East Surrey Regiment

Rope, Walter Ernest

Royal Navy

Rose, George Frederick

Royal Artillery

Rowe, Eric Rowland

Royal Navy

Rowe, Herbert William Henwood

Royal Navy

Rowe, Percy John

Royal Navy

Rowlands, Alfred

Royal Navy

Rudd, Albert Edward George

East Surrey Regiment


16th Punjab Regiment

Rumble, James Henry

Royal Navy

Rundle, Leslie Richard

Royal Navy

Russell, Arthur Charles

Royal Navy

Rutherford, William Edward

Royal Navy

Ryder, Arthur

Royal Artillery

Sabar Husain,

16th Punjab Regiment

Sadhu Ram,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Sadullah Khan,

8th Punjab Regiment

Saha Bir Thapa,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Saidal Shah,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Saif Ali,

16th Punjab Regiment


16th Punjab Regiment

Salig Ram,

16th Punjab Regiment

Salisbury, William Percy

Royal Navy

Sanak Bahadur Basnyat,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Sandercock, Benjamin George Charles

Royal Navy

Sanders, Cyril George Cleve

Royal Navy

Sant Ram, (01)

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Sant Ram, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Sant Ram, (03)

16th Punjab Regiment

Sant Ram, (04)

16th Punjab Regiment

Sardar Ali,

16th Punjab Regiment

Sardar Ali,,

9th Jat Regiment

Sardar Khan, (01)

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Sardar Khan, (02)

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Sardar Khan, (03)

16th Punjab Regiment

Sardar Singh,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Sargent, Alfred William

Royal Navy

Sarwar Khan,

16th Punjab Regiment

Saudagar Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Saunders, John Ernest

Royal Artillery

Sayid Bin Muhammad Yusuf,

Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Scales, Richard Ernest

Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Scott, Herbert George Stanley

Royal Marines

Scott, Howard Blakeney

Royal Navy

Screech, Harry Kenneth

Royal Navy

Sear, Leonard Alfred

East Surrey Regiment

Searle, Richard William John

Royal Navy

Seaton, William James Alexander

East Surrey Regiment

Semple, Alexander

Royal Navy

Seymour, William John Henry

Royal Marine Band

Shah Alam Khan,

10th Baluch Regiment

Shah Din,

16th Punjab Regiment

Shah Muhammad,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Shah Niwaz,

16th Punjab Regiment

Shah Zamir,

14th Punjab Regiment

Shakur Khan,

9th Jat Regiment


12th Frontier Force Regiment

Shamsher Singh,

17th Dogra Regiment

Shanti Swarup,

3rd Cavalry, I.A.C.

Sharland, William John

Royal Navy

Sharland, William John

Royal Navy

Sharman, William Frank

Leicestershire Regiment

Sharp, John Martin

16th Punjab Regiment

Sharples, William

Royal Navy

Shaw, Alexander

Royal Navy

Shaw, Robert Stitt

Royal Navy

Shears, Norman Stewart

Royal Navy

Sheen, William Joseph

Royal Navy

Sheikh Badin,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Sheldon, Thomas

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Shepherd, Albert Gordon

East Surrey Regiment

Shepherd, John

Leicestershire Regiment

Shepherd, Thomas Smith

Royal Marines

Sher Bahadur Gurung,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Sher Baz,

16th Punjab Regiment

Sher Khan, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Sher Khan, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Sher Muhammad, (01)

10th Baluch Regiment

Sher Muhammad, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Sher Sarin Gul,

15th Punjab Regiment

Sher Shah,

Bahawalpur Infantry

Sher Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Sher Singh, (02)

Royal Indian Artillery

Sheridan, Stephen

Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Shimmin, Richard

Royal Navy

Shingara Singh,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Shiv Ram,

16th Punjab Regiment

Shore, Robert

Royal Navy

Shore, Robert

Royal Navy

Shread, Horace Charles

Royal Marines


Indian General Service Corps

Sikandar Shah,

10th Baluch Regiment

Simkin, William Robert

East Surrey Regiment

Sinclair, Norman William

Royal Navy

Sinu Ram,

16th Punjab Regiment

Skyrme, Edgar Frank

16th Punjab Regiment

Slade, Peter John Allan

Royal Navy

Slater, James

Royal Navy

Slatter, Arthur William Donat

15th Punjab Regiment

Slatter, Reginald William

Royal Navy

Sly, Frederick John

Royal Navy

Smart, Alfred

Leicestershire Regiment

Smith, Alexander

Royal Navy

Smith, Alexander Harry

Royal Marines

Smith, Edwin William

Royal Navy

Smith, George Albert

Leicestershire Regiment

Smith, John

Royal Navy

Smith, Robert Samuel William

Leicestershire Regiment

Smith, Roy Charles Sidney

Royal Navy

Smith, Samuel

Royal Navy

Smith, Samuel

Royal Navy

Smith, Tom

East Surrey Regiment

Smith, Walter

Royal Navy

Smitheram, Henry

Royal Navy

Sohan Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Soma Singh,

17th Dogra Regiment

Southard, Victor

Royal Navy

Southwell, James

Royal Navy

Spence, Mervyn Charles

Royal Navy

Spencer, John Standford

Royal Navy

Spin Baz,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Spin Gul, (01)

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Spin Gul, (02)

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Spin Gul, (03)

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Spink, Tom

Royal Navy

Spray, Harold Frederick

Royal Marines

Sprigg, Leonard Leslie

Royal Navy

Spruce, Stanley

Royal Navy

Stadon, Douglas John

Royal Navy

Stain, Joseph William

Royal Australian Engineers

Stanford, John Harry

East Surrey Regiment

Stansfield, Albert

Royal Navy

Stapleton, Gilbert

Royal Marines

Steele, John Housin

Royal Navy

Stephens, Albert

East Surrey Regiment

Stephenson, Thomas George

Royal Corps of Signals

Stevens, Arthur Joseph

Royal Navy

Stevens, George

Royal Navy

Stevens, Reginald George

Royal Navy

Steward, Dudley Charles

Royal Navy

Stewart, Charles David

Royal Navy

Stewart, William

Royal Navy

Stiles, Charles

East Surrey Regiment

Stillwell, George William

Royal Navy

Stillwell, Herbert George

Royal Artillery

Stock, Oliver George

East Surrey Regiment

Stockbridge, William Francis

Royal Navy

Strachan, John Ross

Royal Navy

Stuart, Alex

Royal Navy

Stubbings, Arthur Leonard

Royal Marines

Sturrock, Arthur Ferrier

Royal Navy

Sucha Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Sugden, Horace Thomas John

Royal Navy

Sulaiman Khan,

Hyderabad Infantry, Indian States Forces

Sultan Khan, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Sultan Khan, (02)

Royal Indian Artillery

Sultan Muhammad,

16th Punjab Regiment

Summers, Thomas George

Australian Infantry

Swansbury, Kenneth Thomas

East Surrey Regiment

Swift, Walter Edward

Royal Navy

Symonds, William James

Royal Navy

Symons, Harry Reginald

Royal Navy

Talib Husain,

10th Baluch Regiment

Tames, Walter Francis

Royal Navy

Tara Chand,

3rd Cavalry, I.A.C.

Tara Singh,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Tarbuck, Norman Daniel

Royal Navy

Tatton, Christopher

Royal Navy

Taylor, Frank

Royal Navy

Taylor, George Edward

Royal Navy

Taylor, George Edward

Royal Navy

Taylor, Roy Cedric

Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Taylor, William James

Leicestershire Regiment

Teasdale, Robert

Royal Naval Reserve

Tehal Singh,

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Tek Bahadur Baniya,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Tek Bahadur Gurung,

1st King George V's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment)

Tek Bahadur Mahat,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Than Bahadur Rana,

1st King George V's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment)

Thomas, Edward John

Royal Navy

Thomas, Ernest James

Royal Navy

Thomas, John Richard

Royal Marines

Thomas, John Selwyn

Royal Navy

Thompson, Eric

Royal Navy

Thompson, Norman George Cameron

Royal Navy

Thomson, Humphrey Barron

Royal Army Medical Corps

Thornhill, Edward James

Royal Navy

Thyer, Leslie Marshall Robert

Royal Navy

Tika Khan,

16th Punjab Regiment

Tonkin, Percy

Royal Navy

Traynor, William Etchel

Royal Navy


Malayan Volunteer Air Force

Tribe, David Risely Wilberforce

Royal Navy

Trigger, Allenby Francis Henry

Royal Navy

Truscott, Charles Edwin

Royal Navy

Tucker, Ernest John

Royal Navy

Tucker, Sidney Victor

Royal Navy

Tufail Ahmad,

3rd Cavalry, I.A.C.

Tulsi Ram, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Tulsi Ram, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment


16th Punjab Regiment

Turner, Harold

Royal Navy

Turner, Herbert Lewis

Royal Navy

Turner, Herbert Sidney

East Surrey Regiment

Turner, Thomas Burleigh

Royal Marine Band

Twentyman, Laurence Keith

Australian Army Medical Corps

Tyrrell, Frederick Levi

Royal Navy

Ujagar Singh, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Ujagar Singh, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Umar Din,

16th Punjab Regiment

Usher, Frederick William

Royal Marine Band

Usman Bin Hashim,

Federated Malay States Police

Uttam Singh,

17th Dogra Regiment

Vaughan, Walworth Gwyn Jenkin

Royal Navy

Vaughan, William

Royal Navy

Vincent, Leonard Andrew

Royal Navy

Wait, James George

Royal Navy

Walker, Alfred Joseph

Royal Navy

Walker, Henry Jones

Royal Navy

Walker, John

Royal Navy

Walkley, Thomas A.

Royal Navy

Walkley, Thomas A.

Royal Navy

Wallace, Ernest Michael

Royal Navy

Wallace, George William

Royal Berkshire Regiment

Wallace, Verdun

Leicestershire Regiment

Walters, Roy Morgan

Royal Navy

Walton, James Kenneth

Royal Navy

Ward, Horace Gerald

Royal Navy

Warn, Cecil Fred Cole

East Surrey Regiment

Warren, Ernest John

Royal Marines

Waryam Singh,

2nd Punjab Regiment

Waters, Horace

Royal Navy

Watson, John Louie Colclough

Royal Navy

Watts, Edgar George

Royal Navy

Weaver, John Herbert

Royal Navy

Webb, Allan George

Royal Navy

Webb, Lancelot Vere

Royal Navy

Webster, George Ernest

Leicestershire Regiment

Weeks, Henry Thomas Charles

Royal Navy

Wells, Edward George

Royal Navy

Westhead, Edward

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Westlake, William Henry Frederick

Royal Navy

Whitbourn, Lewis Henry

Australian Army Service Corps

White, Alan Maxwell

Royal Australian Air Force

White, Jonas

Leicestershire Regiment

Whitear, John

Royal Navy

Whitham, William

Royal Navy

Whittall, Jack Charlton Frederick

East Surrey Regiment

Widdecombe, Jack

Royal Navy

Widdecombe, Leonard Charles

Royal Navy

Wilcock, Francis

Royal Navy

Wildman, Victor Edward

East Surrey Regiment

Wilkins, John

Royal Navy

Wilkinson, Paul Laurence

Royal Navy

Wilkinson, Sydney

Royal Navy

Williams, Alfred

Royal Navy

Williams, Douglas Victor

Royal Navy

Williams, Edgar Thomas

Royal Navy

Williams, Ernest Richard

Royal Navy

Williams, Francis James Thomas

Royal Navy

Williams, George

East Surrey Regiment

Williams, Harold John Dunn

Royal Marines

Williams, James Henry

Royal Navy

Williams, John Renfree

Royal Navy

Williams, Patrick Robert

14th Punjab Regiment

Williams, Robert

Royal Navy

Williams, William Charles

Royal Navy

Williams, William George Henry

Royal Navy

Williamson, George Alexander

Royal Navy

Williamson, Kenneth Arthur

Royal Navy

Willingale, George William Charles

East Surrey Regiment

Wills, Charles Richard

Royal Navy

Wilson, Ernest

Royal Navy

Wilson, Jack Robert Thomas

Royal Navy

Wilson, William Thomas

Royal Navy

Wingfield, Basil Frederick Percy Bamsay

Royal Navy

Winslow, Walter

Royal Artillery

Winstanley, John Charles

Royal Navy

Winter, Douglas

Royal Marines

Withers, Stanley Charles

Royal Navy

Withey, Albert Thomas William

Royal Navy

Witney, Grahams Felix

Royal Air Force

Womersley, John Bassett

Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Wood, Frank

Royal Navy

Wood, Harry Hector

Royal Navy

Wood, Leonard Frank

Royal Navy

Wood, William

Leicestershire Regiment

Wood, William

Leicestershire Regiment

Wookey, John

Royal Navy

Woollard, Edward John

East Surrey Regiment

Woollons, Leonard John

Royal Navy

Wright, Ernest Charles

Royal Navy

Wright, Samuel Wilson

East Surrey Regiment

Wright, Stanley

Royal Navy

Wyatt, Harold Walter William

Royal Marine Band

Yarwood, Colin

Royal Navy

Young, Cyril Francis Sydney

Royal Navy

Young, James

Royal Navy

Young, Robert Emmanuel

Royal Navy

Young, William George

Royal Navy

Yusuf Khan, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Yusuf Khan, (02)

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Zail Singh,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Zulfi Ram,

12th Frontier Force Regiment



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