9th February
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Killed in Action


9th February 1942


In the late evening of the 8th February at 2330 hours the Japanese landing craft pushed away from Johore heading for the North-west shore of Singapore.

The Australian troops had been heavily bombed during that night and in the early hours of the 9th February the shore defences reported seeing craft approaching, within the hour the eight mile stretch of coast between Tanjong Buloh and Tanjong Marai was under attack.

The plan had been to switch on searchlights so the defending troops could pick off the landing craft but the heavy bombing had knocked out the lines of communication so nothing was turned on and they found they had to fire blind. The infantry had to send up distress rockets before the gunners got the message to open fire but they were too late as the Japanese had already landed.

The Australians did well destroying the first assault and inflicting heavy casualties on the second wave, but the Japanese were able to pinpoint the Australians from their fire and land away from these positions.


Once ashore the Japanese outflanked the defensive positions and came upon the Australians from the rear where hand to hand fighting started. Many positions were overwhelmed by numbers and then the Japanese could land without opposition. Gradually the Japanese gained the upper hand and the Japanese headed south towards Ama Keng, the stranded Australian troops had to find their way back towards Singapore City.

When the Japanese reached Ama Keng the Australians held well and even counterattacked but again the Japanese outflanked them and  the Australians had to retreat to the Jorong Road, within six hours the Japanese had control over much of the Western Area.

By noon Yamashita had landed all the infantry of the 5th and 18th Divisions and called for Nishimura’s Imperial Guards to land, but Nishimura had been rebuffed by his superior when he had beheaded all 200 wounded left behind by the Australians and Indians at the Muar River in Malaya, and was being awkward he hung back.


Yamashita wrote later:

‘I ordered the Imperial Guards to cross the Strait. Then their commander asked for further orders from me. I received a message from him that his troops were hesitating to cross because of oil flames on the surface of the water. It looked to me as if he was still upset about not being able to lead the attack. I ordered him to do his duty.’

Nishimura then sent a young staff officer to argue his case, but Yamashita was now very annoyed and sent him away with:

‘Go back to your divisional commander. Tell him the Imperial Guard Division can do what it likes in this battle.’

tanks__landedThis gave Nishimura the understanding from Yamashita that the Japanese could win the battle without the Imperial Guard, this did the trick and Nishimura advanced, but in his present frame of mind further atrocities were bound to follow.

Bennett had now stabilised the defences but the Japanese were now landing their tanks, this would prove to much for the  Australians, but at the moment they held onto the Johore Line, a ridge running from the Kranji River to the Jorong River, it was a natural defensive position which should last out for days.

Killed in Action

Death Toll  9th February 1942





United Kingdom:-





Death Roll for 9th February 1942

(Click on Bullet below to open information)



Abdul Aziz,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Abdul Bin Ismail,

Royal Artillery

Abraham, Frank Charles

Australian Infantry

Addison, Robert Beaven

Australian Infantry

Adlam, Kenneth Cecil

Australian Infantry

Albury, Harold Raymond

Australian Infantry

Allanson, Harry

Australian Infantry

Allen, Campbell

Royal Army Service Corps

Anthoney, Clarence Richard

Australian Infantry

Asher, Kenneth Croft

Australian Infantry

Aspinall, Thomas Henry

Royal Army Service Corps

Assheton, Charles Frederick

Australian Infantry

Aston, John Wilfred

Australian Infantry

Bacon, Kenneth William John

Royal Australian Engineers

Baker, William Frederick

Australian Infantry

Balbir Singh,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Balcombe, James Reginald

Australian Infantry

Baldev Singh,

17th Dogra Regiment

Ball, Harold Charles

Australian Army Medical Corps

Barclay, James Alexander

Gordon Highlanders

Barnes, Harvey Hickman

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Barnsley, Francis Albert

Suffolk Regiment

Barr, Robert Shipley

Australian Infantry

Baugh, John

Australian Infantry

Betterridge, Alexander James

Australian Infantry

Black, Alan George

Australian Infantry

Blackborrow, John Harold

Australian Infantry

Blake, Roy Stanley

Australian Infantry

Bleakley, Robert James

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Bloomfield, Albert Ernest

Australian Infantry

Boag, Lloyd Ray

Australian Infantry

Bolger, Norman James

Australian Infantry

Boreham, Philip Henry

Royal Australian Engineers

Borg, Frank

Australian Infantry

Boston, Vernon Robert

Australian Infantry

Boulter, Robert Gordon

Australian Infantry

Bow, Leonard Ernest

Australian Infantry

Brotchie, Douglas Hume

Australian Infantry

Brown, Athol Thomas

Australian Infantry

Brown, Eric John

Royal Australian Engineers

Brown, Reginald James

Australian Infantry

Brown, Sydney Thomas

Australian Infantry

Brown, Walter Cook

Australian Infantry

Brown, William Edgar

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Browne, Maurice Lester

Australian Infantry

Bruce, William Thomas

Australian Infantry

Buckland, William Stanly Parke

Royal Australian Engineers

Buderus, Arthur Frederick

Australian Infantry

Budhan Badan Singh,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Bugg, Victor Allan

Australian Infantry

Burge, Frank


Burke, Roy William

Australian Infantry

Burke, William Martin

Australian Infantry

Burnier, Charles William

Australian Infantry

Butler, Frederick Arthur

Australian Infantry

Callcott, Arthur Noel

Australian Infantry

Cameron, Clarence William

Australian Infantry

Cates, Walter Frederick Joseph

Australian Infantry

Chadwick, John James

Australian Infantry

Chambers, Andrew Malcolm

Royal Australian Engineers

Chandar Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Chapman, Gerald

Australian Infantry

Charlish, Archie William Lloyd

Royal Corps of Signals

Charlton, Kenneth Harold

Royal Army Service Corps

Chave, Bernard Arthur

Australian Infantry

Chein Kia Seng,


Chen Kwok Kwang,


Christensen, Sydney Henry Albert

Australian Infantry

Chua Siew Kam,


Chung Hin Chone,


Clark, Leonard Hubert

Australian Infantry

Clasper, Frederick

Royal Artillery

Cleary, John Edward

Australian Infantry

Clifton, Arthur John

Australian Infantry

Clough, Eric Harrie

Australian Infantry

Cohen, Richard Hugh

Australian Infantry

Cohen, Roy David

Australian Infantry

Coleman, Victor James

Australian Infantry

Colenso, Raymond Joseph

Australian Infantry

Collinge, Kenneth

Australian Infantry

Colvin, George

Australian Infantry

Connell, Patrick Francis

Australian Infantry

Connor, Alexander Maxwell

Australian Army Service Corps

Connors, Desmond Cyril

Australian Army Service Corps

Cooper, Raymond Arthur

Royal Australian Artillery

Corby, Norman

Australian Infantry

Counter, Allan Charles Walter

Australian Infantry

Court, Leonard

Australian Army Medical Corps

Cowie, David Guy Colvin

Royal Artillery

Cozens, Evan Ronald Charles

Australian Infantry

Crawford, Ray Laurence

Australian Infantry

Devine, Wesley Edward

Australian Infantry

Doman, Reginald Jasper

Australian Infantry

Donohoe, Frank Joseph

Australian Infantry

Donohoe, Thomas

Australian Infantry

Doughty, Nathaniel Morrison

Australian Infantry

Dunn, Lawrence Sebastian

Royal Australian Engineers

Durham, Henry Robert

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Dutton, Robert Alfred

Australian Infantry

Ellis, Thomas

Royal Army Service Corps

Emerson, Mervyn Henry

Australian Infantry

Evans, Maurice Clyde

Australian Infantry

Evans, Reginald Spencer Newell

Australian Infantry

Fahey, William James

Australian Infantry

Farrow, Edgar Joseph

Australian Infantry

Fawcett, Reginald John

Australian Infantry

Fenner, John

Australian Infantry

Finnigan, John Vincent

Australian Infantry

Fitzgerald, Francis Gerald

Australian Infantry

Flower, Francis James

Royal Australian Artillery

Foley, Kevin Joseph

Australian Infantry

Folkes, Norman James

Australian Infantry

Francis, Oswald Charles

Australian Infantry

Fuller, Donald Richard

Australian Infantry

Gadsden, Ronald Clifford William

Royal Australian Engineers

Ganga Saran,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Gardner, Arnold

Australian Army Medical Corps

Garn, James Gordon

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Gater, William Henry

Royal Australian Artillery

George, Sydney Ernest

Australian Infantry

Gilbert, Lancelot Leslie

Royal Australian Artillery

Giles, Harold Boyer

Australian Infantry

Gleeson, Gerald Vincent

Australian Infantry

Goodger, William Cecil

Australian Infantry

Goodwin, Stephen Thomas

Australian Infantry

Gordon, Max Royston

Australian Infantry

Goulding, Daniel

Royal Army Service Corps

Grace, Donald Lawson Hale

Australian Infantry

Grant, Donald Thomas

Australian Infantry

Grieve, Kenneth William

Australian Infantry

Grover, Reginald Joseph

Australian Infantry

Hadlow, George Henry

Royal Artillery

Hafey, Geoffrey Edward

Australian Infantry

Hall, Francis Trevor

Australian Infantry

Hall, Gordon Roy

Royal Australian Engineers

Hamblin, Lance Joseph

Royal Australian Engineers

Hamid Bin Man,

Malay Regiment

Hamilton, Laurence Bulmer

Intelligence Corps

Hamilton, William Heaslip

Australian Infantry

Harding, Leslie Norman Matthew

Australian Infantry

Harwood, Roger

Australian Infantry

Hashim Bin Yusuf,

Royal Engineers

Haydon, Malcolm Raynor Meurisse

Australian Infantry

Hayes, Ronald Frederick

Australian Infantry

Heathcote, Charles Thomas

Royal Australian Engineers

Hemm, John Cliffith

Royal Australian Artillery

Higgs, Leslie John Carlyle

Australian Infantry

Highton, Thomas

Australian Infantry

Hill, William

Australian Infantry

Hocking, Luke Macartney

Australian Infantry

Hockings, Cecil John

Australian Infantry

Howdin, Ronald John

Australian Infantry

Howes, Reginald Leslie

Australian Infantry

Hughes, Lloyd

Australian Infantry

Hunter, Eric Luke Thomas

Australian Infantry

Hutchison, Richard Norman

Australian Army Postal Service

Huzzey, Newton Edmund

Royal Army Service Corps

Hyde, Arthur Harold

Australian Infantry

Jackson, Frederick George

Australian Infantry

James, Arthur

Royal Artillery

Jeffery, Benjamin Jack

Leicestershire Regiment

Jenkinson, Mathew Isaac

Royal Australian Artillery

Jennings, John Edgar

Royal Australian Engineers

Jones, Ronald Duncan

Australian Infantry

Jug Lal,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Kelly, Frederick Thomas

Royal Australian Artillery

Kelly, Victor Maurice Vincent

Australian Infantry

Kent, Charles Sydney

Australian Infantry

Khan Muhammad,

Indian Hospital Corps

Khoo Leng Kian,

Chinese Labour Corps, Malay Forces


Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Kiem, John Francis

Australian Infantry

Kilmurray, Patrick Leonard

Australian Infantry

King, James Ronald

Australian Infantry

Kirby, William Christopher

Australian Infantry

Kirpal Singh,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Knight, Alan James

Royal Australian Artillery

Lal Din,

Indian General Service Corps

Langley, Clarence William Henry

Australian Infantry

Latur Singh,

1st Punjab Regiment

Lee Boon Chiao,


Lee Ho Siong,


Lennon, James Joseph

Australian Infantry

Lennon, Peter Casper

Australian Infantry

Leonard, William Peter Wearing

Australian Infantry

Lewis, William Thomas

Australian Army Service Corps

Liang Yoke Hong,


Lithgow, William James

Australian Infantry

Lollback, Charles Joseph Henry

Australian Infantry

Lowe, James Michael

Australian Infantry

Lynch, Arthur Thomas

Australian Infantry

Macdonald, Desmond Ronald

Royal Australian Engineers

Macdonald, John

Australian Infantry

Macdonald, Lindsay Murray

Australian Infantry

Macintyre, Athol Mackinnon

Australian Infantry

Mackay, Reginald George David

Australian Infantry

Madden, Kenneth Charles Moloney

Australian Army Medical Corps

Maitland, Frederick Victor George

Australian Infantry

Mangal Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Marks, Herbert Joseph

Royal Army Service Corps

Marshall, William

Royal Australian Engineers

Martin, Basil Eric

Australian Infantry

Mason, Roy Angus

Royal Australian Engineers

Matheson, William Michael

Royal Australian Artillery

Mccannes, Ernest

Australian Infantry

Mccauley, Alan Lorraine

Australian Infantry

Mcclure, Harry

Australian Infantry

Mccosker, Leo Cleve John

Australian Infantry

Mcculloch, Wilfred Arthur

Australian Army Medical Corps

Mcdonagh, Patrick James

Australian Infantry

Mcgee, Roger William

Australian Infantry

Mcguire, Sidney Borrowdale

Australian Infantry

Mcinnes, John

Australian Infantry

Mclean, Ernest William

Australian Infantry

Mclean, John William

Royal Australian Engineers

Mcmurray, Cecil John

Australian Infantry

Mcnamara, Francis Joseph

Australian Infantry

Mcnulty, Wilfred

Royal Artillery

Mctaggart, Vincent John

Australian Infantry

Merten, Eric

Australian Infantry

Miller, Arthur Sidney

Australian Infantry

Miller, Dennis Joseph

Australian Infantry

Mira Bin Bulat,

Malay Regiment

Moir, Andrew Donald

Australian Infantry

Moore, Neville Thomas James

Australian Infantry

Moore, Reginald George

Royal Australian Artillery

Morgan, John Glenffwdd Thomas

Australian Infantry

Morris, Walter William


Mort, Roger Charles Penrith

Australian Infantry

Mountain, Charles Beecroft

Australian Infantry

Mulkern, Hubert Cowell

Royal Artillery

Munns, Percy

Australian Infantry

Murphy, Kevin Francis

Australian Infantry

Ness, James

Australian Infantry Brigade

Norman, Richard Edgar

Australian Infantry

North, Dudley

Australian Infantry

Oestreich, Eric William

Australian Infantry

O'neill, William Joseph Patrick

Australian Infantry

Ottley, Darrell Tasso

Australian Infantry

Palmer, Edmund Archibald

Royal Australian Engineers

Palmer, Thomas

Royal Artillery

Park, John Fairfield

Australian Army Medical Corps

Parker, Roy

Royal Artillery

Parramore, Gregory Blaxland

Australian Infantry

Payne, Edward Phillip

Australian Army Ordnance Corps

Peake, Frederick Henry Lawrence

Royal Australian Artillery

Plumridge, William Thomas

Royal Australian Engineers

Porter, Howard Wilton

Australian Infantry

Power, Patrick Michael

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Poynton, Ronald Warwick

Royal Australian Artillery

Price, Charles Thomas

Australian Infantry

Price, John Thomas Anthony

Australian Infantry

Pridmore, William Edward

Royal Australian Artillery

Pulley, Kenrick Unwin

Australian Infantry

Pulling, Lloyd Cater

Royal Australian Engineers

Ram Narayan,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Ramsay, Alfred David

Australian Infantry

Rayment, Mervyn George

Australian Infantry

Redding, Raymond George

Australian Infantry

Reid, Albert Harold

Royal Australian Engineers

Reid, Sydney

Australian Infantry

Rhodes, Cecil John

Australian Infantry

Richards, Edward Henry

Australian Infantry

Ritchie, John Maclean

Australian Infantry

Rodgers, Cecil Lawrence

Australian Infantry

Rogers, John Elsley

Royal Artillery

Round, Edward Charles

Australian Army Service Corps

Sabourn, John

Royal Army Service Corps

Sadler, Joseph

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Sammut, Julian

Australian Army Service Corps

Sams, Ernest William

Australian Infantry

Sardar Khan,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Saudagar Khan,

Indian Hospital Corps

Saunders, Donald Finlay

Royal Australian Engineers

Saunders, Kenneth George

Australian Infantry

Scott, Donald Allan

Royal Artillery

Seagrott, Gordon Bruce

Australian Infantry

Shannon, Cecil Patrick

Australian Infantry

Shearer, Leslie Hector

Australian Infantry


Indian Hospital Corps

Shutt, Lancelot Leslie

Australian Infantry

Simmons, John Ignatius

Australian Infantry

Smith, Alfred Godfrey

Australian Infantry

Smith, Charles Franklin

Pioneer Corps

Smith, John August

Australian Infantry

Smith, Stanley

Australian Infantry

Sorby, Thomas William

Australian Infantry

Sparks, Roy

Australian Army Medical Corps

Stanger, James Arthur Stanley

Australian Infantry

Stein, Bryson William

Australian Infantry

Stirk, Kenneth Harry

Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)

Stone, Ronald Charles

Australian Infantry

Stribley, Albert William

Australian Infantry

Stuart, Reginald

Australian Infantry

Stuart, William George Raymond

Australian Infantry

Sugden, Dorothy M M.

Voluntary Aid Detachment

Sullivan, Sydney

Australian Infantry

Suraj Bhan,

19th Hyderabad Regiment


Indian General Service Corps

Sweeting, John Sidney

Australian Infantry

Tate, Colin John

Australian Infantry

Taylor, Frederic Laurence

Australian Infantry

Tipping, Bruce George

Australian Infantry

Tisdale, Richard Clarence

Australian Infantry

Todd, Harry

Royal Artillery

Tomkinson, Alfred Shields

Australian Infantry

Tooke, Percy

Royal Artillery

Towers, Allan

Australian Infantry

Tregenza, Frederick Thomas

Australian Infantry

Trevaskis, Harold Claude

Royal Australian Engineers

Urquhart, Charlie

Australian Infantry

Valentine, Cecil William

Australian Infantry

Van Gelder, Felix

Australian Army Provost Corps

Vincent, Thomas Guy

Australian Infantry

Walker, Alan

Australian Infantry

Walker, James

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Walton, Laurence Keith

Royal Australian Artillery

Wang Guan Liang,


Waterworth, Stanley Mcmath

Royal Australian Engineers

Weir, Clarence Roy

Australian Infantry

Wellington, Albert

Royal Army Service Corps

Whitby, Robert

Australian Infantry

White, Thomas

Australian Infantry

Whitton, Charles Edward

Australian Infantry

Williams, Trevor

Royal Artillery

Williams, Trevor John

Royal Artillery

Winter, William George

Australian Infantry

Wong Kwang Chew,


Woodman, Alfred James

Australian Army Medical Corps

Woodman, John Reginald

Royal Australian Engineers

Woolcock, Arthur

Australian Infantry

Yeo Din Ping,


Yin, Harry

Australian Infantry

Yusuf Bin Awang,

Royal Artillery

Zulfiqar Khan,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery


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