1st-8th February
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Killed in Action


01-8th February 1942

The siege began officially with the blowing up of the causeway at 0800 hours on 31st January 1942, the explosion could be heard on the south coast of Singapore, the causeway was a road built on a foundation of big boulders at a cost of over £4,000,000, so unlike a bridge it was hard to cause substantial damage. Blowing the causeway did little to stop the Japanese advance as many allied troops left behind in Johore, swam the Straits over the next 24 hours with ease Search lights had been set up along the shore but there were no concrete defences. The main water supply from Johore was also destroyed in the explosion but there were two reservoirs on the island so water was rationed by having one tap in use for three households, food was not a problem.

Percival’s order of the day on 31st January was:

‘Our task is to hold this fortress until help can come, as assuredly it will come, this we are determined to do.

Any of the enemy who sets foot in our fortress must be dealt with immediately.

The enemy within our gates must be ruthlessly weeded out. There must be no more loose talk and rumour-mongering.

Our duty is clear. With firm resolve and fixed determination we shall win through.

For nearly two months our troops have fought an enemy on the mainland who has had the advantage of great air superiority and considerable freedom of movement by sea.

Our task has been to impose losses on the enemy and gain time to enable the forces of the Allies to be concentrated for this struggle in the Far East.

Today we stand beleaguered in our island fortress.’

Morale dropped later when it was discovered that the Naval Base the troops were there to defend had been evacuated and all aircraft were being withdrawn.

Hammond from the Malaya Tribune wrote:

‘Never throughout all the fighting, all the defeats, did I ever feel such a sense of utter dismay. It seemed impossible that this that this naval fortress which had cost £60 million and taken seventeen years to build could have been thrown away like this, without even a fight for it.’

The base was huge with dry docks, underground munition dumps, workshops and a floating dock so big that 60,000 men would be able to stand on its base and a town with accommodation for the workforce. As early as the 21st January the Admiralty warned Rear-Admiral Spoooner to get his skilled service personnel off the base these were then shipped off to Ceylon. No scorched earth policy had been carried out and everything was left in working order.

On a visit to the base early in February some journalists found the Indian guards let them in without papers, the barracks which housed 12,000 Asiatic workers were now empty, the police headquarters was left with uniforms and equipment in piles, left as it was taken off. The machine shops were still intact with supplies of iron waiting for the furnaces, presses and lathes all in working order. Great Boilers and spares for aeronautical equipment were left behind together with the huge wireless equipment stores. The huge crane was left standing and the floating dock which could accommodate a 45,000 ton battleship was just off shore ready for use and all the administration buildings were now empty. The near by Seletar airfield was similarly left, and after some bomb repairs to the runways would be ready to be used. How much of this equipment was destroyed is unknown but the Navy had left it all to the Army and Percival had not been told about this.

Percival decided to defend the total shoreline between Malaya and Singapore and divided the island up into three areas, Bennett’s Australians would take the Western Area, the 11th and 18th Divisions would take the Northern Area and a mixture of troops including the Malaya Brigade would take the Southern Area. Wavell had told Percival that the 18th Division should take the Western Area as he thought it most likely to be hit hardest but Percival disagreed with him thinking the North-eastern area would be under the heaviest attack so he readjusted the plans, he was found to be wrong.

As no defences had been prepared and there was now no civilian work forces the troops had some fast preparations to do, but as the Japanese heaverly bombed during the day, this work had to carried out at night. Plans to blow the airfields were made and supplies for the front line were made available, fuel which could have been used against the Japanese was emptied into creeks. Initially Percival said that preparing defences would cause the local morale to drop but now the Chinese who had been subjected to Japanese atrocities in the past, feared that as there was a lack of defences the Allies were not going to fight and the constant bombing was hitting them hard.

To give the Chinese heart Percival issued a statement:

‘The battle of Malaya has come to an end, and the battle of Singapore has started.

To carrying out this task we want the help of every man and woman in the fortress. There is work for all to do.’


Yamashita had taken over the Sultan of Johore’s Imperial Palace in which he could overlook Singapore, he was now desperately short of weapons, ammunition, fuel and food.

He was down to 18 tanks, his infantry could only be allowed 100 rounds per man per day, the fuel supplies were held up between Singora and Johore and the men would only be getting two bowls of rice each per day.

The 25th army has lost 4,315 men and is down to 30,000, his intelligence are saying they face 40,000 fighting troops.

With the odds against him he decides to attack before the British can be reinforced, knowing that if they hold out too long he will have to withdraw, he plans to capture Singapore within four days.

He now has to convince the British that he has ample supplies, by moving his artillery to fresh positions giving the impression he has more guns then in reality

Yamashita later wrote:

‘My attack on Singapore was a bluff, a bluff that worked. I had 30,000 men and was outnumbered more then three to one. I knew if I had to fight long for Singapore I would be beaten. That is why the surrender had to be at once. I was very frightened all the time that the British would discover our numerical weakness and lack of supplies and force me into disastrous street fighting.’

Yamashita gave his orders at a meeting on the 6th February, these were that Nishimura’s Imperial Guard would move to the east and attack the island of Palau Ubin to deceive Percival into the belief that the attack on Singapore was from the east, also dummy camps had been be set up opposite the Naval Base and transports were moving east during the day, doubling back and repeating this move the next day, giving the impression that there was a major movement of troops to the east.

Percival was deceived and had his ammunition dumps and stores moved to the east, the Australians to the west of the causeway noticed Japanese troops building in numbers opposite them by the 5th, but . the Japanese were still bombing the North-east of the island, so Percival ordered a patrol to reconnoitre the west coast opposite Bennet’s Australian troops. They reported a troop build up but did not penetrate deep enough to find the landing craft, this information did not reach Percival until 1530 hours the following day, so no concentration of fire on the Japanese loading positions was applied and the Japanese had all the time they wanted to assemble their craft ready for the attack.

When Percival decided he had been tricked and was wrong about where the attack would come from, he ordered the ammunition and stores back to west of the causeway, but time was now against him and the defending troops.

Yamashita had collected together 200 collapsible boats which had outboard motors and another 100 larger craft, and the troops had been trained to use these effectively. The 4,000 Japanese in the first attack had carried out similar landings in China and Yamashita knew they would not fail him. 

Killed in Action

Death Toll for 1st-8th February 1942







New Zealand:-


United Kingdom:-





Death Roll for 1st-8th February 1942

(Click on Bullet below to open information)



Abbott, Leslie

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Abdul Rahman Bin Musa,

Royal Engineers

Abdul Razaq,

9th Jat Regiment

Abdul Sadiq,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Abu Bakar Bin Muhammad,

Royal Artillery

Abu Bin Yahaya,

Royal Artillery

Achyut Marathe,

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Addington, Albert

Royal Army Service Corps

Ahmad Bin Darus,

Royal Artillery

Ahmad Bin Haji Yahaya,

Royal Army Service Corps


Indian Hospital Corps

Ali Bin Chek,

Federated Malay States Police

Allah Dad,

Indian Hospital Corps

Allah Ditta,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Allah Yar Khan,

11th Sikh Regiment

Allen, Henry Chapman

Royal Artillery

Amar Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Anstee, William Edward

Royal Artillery

Appleby, Herbert George

Australian Infantry

Aris Bin Din,

Royal Army Service Corps

Armitage, Harold

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

Arnell, Francis Moffatt

Royal Australian Artillery

Ashworth, Clifford

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Atkins, Frederick

East Surrey Regiment

Atkinson, Donald William

Australian Infantry

Ault, John Thomas

Royal Army Service Corps

Ayres, George Edward

Royal Artillery

Baber, Anthony Hugh

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Badden, John Walter

Australian Infantry

Bagh Ali,

11th Sikh Regiment

Bagley, Edgar Frank

Australian Infantry

Bakar Bin Puteh,

Royal Artillery

Baker, Arthur Cecil

Australian Infantry

Bala Khan,

Indian Hospital Corps

Ballard, Charles Harry

East Surrey Regiment

Barkat Ali, (01)

9th Jat Regiment

Barkat Ali, (02)

Indian Hospital Corps

Bell, Gerald Mavor

Australian Infantry

Betts, Robert Cope

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Bielby, Horace Canute

Australian Infantry

Bir Bahadur Mall,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Black, Tom Rupert

Australian Army Service Corps

Blake, Robert Thomas

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Bland, Jack Robert

Australian Infantry

Booi Siow Tin,

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Boots, William James Henry

Reconnaissance Corps

Bott, Allan Theodore

Royal Australian Air Force

Bradshaw, George

Australian Infantry

Bray, James

Leicestershire Regiment


Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Brown, Claud Vernon

Royal Australian Artillery

Brown, Frederick

East Surrey Regiment

Bruce, James Alexander

Gordon Highlanders

Bulling, Joseph

Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)

Burdett, Basil

Australian Red Cross Society

Burhan Ali,

2nd Punjab Regiment

Burrows, George Gilbert

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Buswell, Jack Goodrich

Johore Volunteer Engineers

Byrne, Paul Gladstone

Australian Infantry

Byrnes, Edward Francis

Australian Infantry

Cameron, Burnett Ronald

Royal Australian Artillery

Campbell-Orde, Peter Stewart

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Carmen, Arthur Ernest

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Carr, William Walter

Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)

Carter, Frank Ernest

Royal Artillery

Carter, Raymond George

Royal New Zealand Air Force

Casey, Hubert William

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Chandra Bahadur Karki,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Chandra Bahadur Thapa,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Chandra Bhan,

9th Jat Regiment

Charan Das,

10th Baluch Regiment

Charles, Edward Douglas

Gordon Highlanders

Chet Ram Singh,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Chhotu Ram,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Chiang Kuan Guan,


Chilton, Eric George

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Chisholm, Alfred Charles

Australian Headquarters

Choa Watt Seng,

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Choo Tuan Kiat,


Choong Pow Sin,

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Chua Seow Geok,

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Clarke, James

Royal Northumberland Fusiliers

Clayton, James Williams

Australian Army Ordnance Corps

Cluley, Gordon Anthony

Reconnaissance Corps

Cochrane, John Reuben

Australian Infantry

Cole, Arthur Henry

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Collett, Frederick George

Australian Infantry

Constable, Henry James

East Surrey Regiment

Cooke, Bert Frank

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Cooper, Kenneth Finlay

Royal Artillery

Cowell, Norman Alfred

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Cox, Albert

Royal Air Force

Crone, John Smith

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Croston, James

Reconnaissance Corps

Crouth, Frederick

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Croxson, Albert Ross

Australian Infantry

Cunningham, Arthur John

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Cushing, Henry Heavingham

Australian Army Medical Corps

Cutler, Henry John

Australian Infantry

Daimun Bin Hasan,

Royal Engineers

Dalip Singh,

Indian Hospital Corps

Darus Bin Abdul Hamid,

Royal Artillery

Dattu Chawan,

Indian Army Ordnance Corps

Dattu Mali,

Indian Pioneer Corps

Davies, Caradwig Morgan

Corps of Military Police

Davies, Robert Griffith

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Davies, Thomas Gwyn

East Surrey Regiment

Davis, Bertie Albert

Reconnaissance Corps

Dawson-Scott, Keith Desmond

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Daya Ram,

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Dayal Singh,

Indian Signal Corps

Dean, Ronald Leslie

Royal Artillery

Dennis, Albert Edward

Australian Infantry

Dhan Bahadur Thapa,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Dhana Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Dhani Ram,

17th Dogra Regiment

Digby, Frank William

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Dilbir Sing Bisht,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Din Muhammad,

Indian Hospital Corps

Diwan Singh,

Royal Indian Army Service Corps


Indian General Service Corps

Dixon, Ralph Huntley

Australian Infantry

Dixon, Richard Wickham

Reconnaissance Corps

Dixon, Robert Patrick

Royal Northumberland Fusiliers

Donnelly, John Joseph

Australian Infantry

Dost Muhammad,

10th Baluch Regiment

Dougherty, William George

East Surrey Regiment

Doyle, Patrick

Royal Artillery

Draper, Walter

Royal Artillery

Dulley, David Charles

Royal Artillery

Durose, Ernest Edward

Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)

Durrant, Bertie Stanley

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Durward, James Gordon

Royal Corps of Signals

Durward, Quentin Longshaw

Manchester Regiment

Eaton, Cyril Albert

Royal Artillery

Edwards, Charles Alexander

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Edwards, Herbert Reginald

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Emmett, William George

Royal Corps of Signals

Ereira, George Walter

Royal Artillery

Eriksen, Norman

Australian Infantry

Errington, George

Royal Northumberland Fusiliers

Evans, Arthur John

Royal Artillery

Fateh Khan,

11th Sikh Regiment

Fearnett, Alfred Cecil

Royal Artillery

Feasey, Dennis Thomas

Reconnaissance Corps

Feng Chung Ching,


Fennell, Alec Frederick

East Surrey Regiment

Fernandez, Norman George

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Findlay, Douglas

Australian Infantry

Firoz Khan,

Royal Indian Artillery

Fitzpatrick, Bernard

East Surrey Regiment

Flanders, John

Royal Artillery

Footitt, Thomas

Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)

French, Thomas John

Royal Artillery

Fulljames, David Owen

Australian Infantry

Fulton, John Oswald

1st King George V's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment)


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners


Indian Hospital Corps

Ghulam Muhammad,

2nd Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Muhammad,

2nd Punjab Regiment

Gibb, John

Gordon Highlanders

Gibson, David

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Gifford, Emil Algernon

Royal New Zealand Air Force

Gildert, John

Reconnaissance Corps

Gill, Edward George Laurence

Australian Infantry

Gill, Edward Henry

Australian Infantry

Gillies, Robert Lusk

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Gleeson, Martin

Australian Infantry

Glynn, Kenneth Arthur

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Goh Tuan Juay,

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Goldsmith, Bernard Roy Edward

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Goodwin, Alexander Kennedy

Australian Infantry

Gornall, George Herbert

Royal Australian Air Force

Grant, William Charles Henry

Reconnaissance Corps

Graves, Walter James

Australian Infantry

Gugan Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Gui Kim Tee,


Gul Faraz Khan,

13th Frontier Force Rifles


1st Punjab Regiment

Guy, Alan George

Australian Infantry

Hackforth, Samuel Nicholas

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Hadley, Major

Royal Army Service Corps

Halliwell, James

Royal Artillery

Hamid Bin Daud,

Royal Artillery

Hamilton, George Allan

Australian Infantry

Hand, Archibald

Australian Infantry

Har Chand Singh,

11th Sikh Regiment

Harbhajan Singh,

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Hardy, George William

East Surrey Regiment

Harris, Ivor Linsey George

Leicestershire Regiment

Harte-Barry, Lionel Henry

General List

Harun Bin Abu Bakar,

Local Defence Corps (Singapore)

Hasan Bin Ahmad,

Royal Artillery

Hasan Bin Muhammad,

Royal Artillery

Hatch, George

Royal Army Service Corps

Hawkins, Alfred

Suffolk Regiment

Haynes, Ronald William

Australian Infantry

Haynes, William

Royal Army Service Corps

Hazura Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Hendry, James Matthew

Australian Infantry

Herbert, Frederick Peter

Intelligence Corps

Hewitt, Lawrence Henry

Australian Infantry

Hill, Bernard

Royal Corps of Signals

Hobbs, Sidney

East Surrey Regiment

Hodgson, John

Reconnaissance Corps

Hollinworth, William

Reconnaissance Corps

Holt, Stanley

Royal Artillery

Hopson, William Reginald

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Horwood, Edward Oscar

East Surrey Regiment

Howard, John

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Howell, Bertie Arthur

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Howes, Henry

East Surrey Regiment

Humphrey, Joseph Harold

Royal Army Service Corps

Hunter, Douglas Stanley

Royal New Zealand Air Force

Hurst, George William

Australian Infantry

Ibrahim Bin Muhammad,

Malay Regiment

Impey, Donald James

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Indar Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Irwin, Johnston

Royal Artillery

Ives, John Anthony Gerard

Royal Artillery

Ja'afar Bin Mustafa,

Royal Artillery

Jagat Ram,

Indian Army Ordnance Corps

Jaman Sing Bisht,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

James, Walter

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Jamieson, Ronald Gordon

Australian Infantry

Jamil Bin Baba,

Royal Artillery

Jang Bahadur Rana,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Jauhari Singh,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Jeffs, Kenneth Frank

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Jit Singh,

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Jita Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Jogindar Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Jogindar Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Jogindar Singh, (03)

14th Punjab Regiment

Johnson, Arthur Thomas

Reconnaissance Corps

Johnson, Lawrence William

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Johnstone, Hugh Osborne

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Jones, Alan Edward

Royal Australian Artillery

Jones, Ernest Francis

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Jones, Frederick William

Leicestershire Regiment

Jones, James

Reconnaissance Corps

Jones, John Mander

Royal Australian Artillery

Kabul Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Kalyan Sing Bhandari,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Karam Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Karam Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Karam Singh, (03)

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Karnail Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Karnail Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Karnail Singh, (03)

14th Punjab Regiment

Kartar Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Kartar Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Kartar Singh, (03)

14th Punjab Regiment

Kartar Singh, (04)

14th Punjab Regiment

Kartar Singh, (05)

14th Punjab Regiment

Kartar Singh, (06)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Kayser, Colin Mcfarlane

Royal New Zealand Air Force

Keating, Russell James

Royal Australian Artillery

Kennedy, Kevin Francis

Australian Infantry

Kesar Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Keshar Sing Sarwal,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Kewal Krishnan Bhagat,

Indian Army Ordnance Corps

Khazan Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Khazan Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Khoo Heng Peng,

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Khub Ali,

11th Sikh Regiment

King, John Eric

Leicestershire Regiment

King, Ronald Oliver Clayton

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Kirby, Mark Edward

Royal Artillery

Kirpa Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment


14th Punjab Regiment

Kishan Chand,

14th Punjab Regiment

Kishan Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Kishan Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Kleckner, Cardell

Royal Canadian Air Force

Knight, Frederick Clifford

Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)

Knights, Alan Maurice

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Koh Kim Seah,

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Koh Meng Seah,

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Kola Muthu,

Indian Army Ordnance Corps


Indian Army Corps of Clerks


Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Kundan Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Kundan Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Lachhman Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Lai Joon Seng,


Lai Ni San,



14th Punjab Regiment

Lal Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Lal Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Lambert, Howard Reginald

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

Lamond, Henry James

Royal Australian Air Force

Lawson, Arthur Hamilton

Reconnaissance Corps

Laycock, Kenneth

Royal Army Medical Corps

Leahy, John Barham

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Lee, David

Gordon Highlanders

Lee, David L. A.

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Lees, Horace George

Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)

Lenton, Joseph Sydney

Australian Infantry

Lewis, Jack

Leicestershire Regiment

Liang Ann Thuan,


Lillie, Roy

Royal Artillery

Lim Beng Chye,

Royal Army Medical Corps

Lim Boon Keng,

Royal Army Medical Corps

Lim Kia Hui,


Lim Kok Seng,

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Linton, Kenneth

Royal Air Force

Lloyd, Robert Charles

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

Lok Bahadur Adhikari,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Longden, William

Reconnaissance Corps

Low, Anthony

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Lowe, Hilton John

Australian Army Service Corps

Lunn, Arthur John

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Lye, Douglas

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Lynas, James Neville

Royal Australian Air Force

Mace, Albert Sydney

East Surrey Regiment

Maghar Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Maghar Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Maghar Singh, (03)

14th Punjab Regiment

Mahadeo More,

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Mahan Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Mahant Ram,

14th Punjab Regiment

Mal Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment


14th Punjab Regiment

Man Chand,

14th Punjab Regiment

Man Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Mandri Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Mani Ram,

14th Punjab Regiment

Mann, William Charles

Royal Artillery

Mansabdar Khan,

11th Sikh Regiment

Martin, James David

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Masa Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Mason, James Edwin

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Mast Ram,

14th Punjab Regiment

Mastin, Victor Bruce

Australian Infantry

Matbar Sing Jayara,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

May, Albert Edward

East Surrey Regiment

May, Ernest Richard

Royal Artillery

Mayor, Bert

Reconnaissance Corps

Mcalister, Bruce Alexander

Royal New Zealand Air Force

Mccubbin, William John

Johore Volunteer Engineers

Mcgrath, Patrick Edward

Reconnaissance Corps

Mckercher, Ewen Kennedy

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

Mclaughlin, Francis

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Mcleary, John Mcdonald

East Surrey Regiment

Mcmenemy, Charles

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Mcnamee, Hugh

Australian Infantry

Meddings, Thomas Robert

East Surrey Regiment

Mehar Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Mehar Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Mehar Singh, (03)

14th Punjab Regiment

Mehnga Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Mehnga Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Meiklejohn, John Thompson

Australian Infantry

Menzies, Stewart Keith

Royal Australian Air Force

Metcalf, Robert

Royal Artillery

Mian Muhammad,

11th Sikh Regiment

Mikar Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Milkhi Ram,

14th Punjab Regiment

Miller, George D.

Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)

Miller, Ian Campbell

Royal Artillery

Miller, William Claud

Australian Infantry

Mit Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Moffat, Alexander Carlyle

Royal Australian Artillery

Mohan Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Mohindar Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Moodie, William Adamson

Royal New Zealand Air Force

Morgan, Arthur

Gordon Highlanders

Morgan, William Cecil

Royal Artillery

Morris, Leslie Carrine Brinton

Royal Engineers

Moti Chand,

17th Dogra Regiment

Mudge, William

Royal Artillery

Muhammad Arif Bin Din,

Federated Malay States Police

Muhammad Ashraf,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Muhammad Aslam,

Indian Hospital Corps

Muhammad Firoz,

9th Jat Regiment

Muhammad Husain,

Indian Hospital Corps

Muhammad Isa Bin Din,

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Muhammad Isa Bin Wahap,

Royal Artillery

Muhammad Nur Bin Arshad,

Royal Artillery

Muhammad Nur Bin Awang,

Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Muhammad Nur Bin Ibrahim,

Royal Artillery

Muhammad Nur Bin Ismail,

Royal Artillery

Muhammad Sadiq,

11th Sikh Regiment

Muhammad Sayid Bin Kulop Mat Alit,

Malay Regiment

Muhammad Sayid Bin Lebai Saleh,

Royal Artillery

Muhammad Tahir Bin Ja'afar,

Malay Regiment

Muhammad Tazin Bin Mat,

Royal Artillery

Mukand Lohar,

Indian Pioneer Corps

Mukha Singh,

King George V's Own Bengal Sappers and Miners

Mukhtar Bin Mat Zin,

Malay Regiment

Mukhtiyar Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Mulligan, Clive Frederick

Australian Infantry

Munawar Husain,

Indian Hospital Corps


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Munshi Ram, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Munshi Ram, (02)

15th Punjab Regiment

Murphy, Daniel Lawrence

Australian Infantry


Royal Army Service Corps

Musa Bin Sulaiman,

Royal Army Service Corps

Mustafa Bin Abdullah,

Pahang Local Defence Corps

Nadir Ali,

Royal Indian Artillery

Nagendra Chandra Dey,

Indian Hospital Corps

Nahar Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Nahar Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment


Indian Hospital Corps

Nasib Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment


14th Punjab Regiment

Nazar Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Nazar Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Newton, Ernest Harvey

Australian Infantry

Niblow, Reginald William

Royal Corps of Signals

Nicholson, John George

Australian Infantry

Nihal Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Niranjan Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Niranjan Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment


14th Punjab Regiment

Noonan, Lindsay

Australian Infantry

Norman, Bertram Oliver

Australian Infantry

Norman, John Thomas William

Royal Corps of Signals

Norton, Joseph Michael

Royal Artillery

Oh Swee Kia,

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Ong Pek Guan,

Royal Army Service Corps

Osborne, Herbert John

Australian Infantry

Pang Tian Ting,


Panjab Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment


14th Punjab Regiment

Papworth, Leslie James

Australian Infantry

Parmodh Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Partap Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment


14th Punjab Regiment

Partridge, Clifford John

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

Parvin, Herbert Frank

Royal Artillery

Pentreath, George Henry

Royal Corps of Signals


14th Punjab Regiment

Phang Koon Chiew,

Royal Army Service Corps

Phang Theng Choon,


Phillips, Harry Edward John

Australian Infantry

Phuman Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Pollitt, Frank

Reconnaissance Corps

Polu Ram,

9th Jat Regiment

Popplewell, Richard Cecil

Reconnaissance Corps

Prabh Dayal,

14th Punjab Regiment

Pratt, Robert William

Australian Infantry

Pritam Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Pritam Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Pritam Singh, (03)

14th Punjab Regiment

Puran Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Purves, Thomas

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Pyara Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Pyara Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Qadir Bin Abdul Rahman,

Royal Artillery

Quah Ek Cheong,

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Quick, Richard Ernest

Australian Infantry

Rabett, Reginald Peter Anthony

Royal Australian Artillery

Radford, Edward Leslie Horace

Royal Artillery

Raghbir Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Raghu Nath,

14th Punjab Regiment

Raja Ahmad Taj-Ud-Din Bin Raja Abdul Majid,

Royal Army Service Corps

Rajendar Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Ram Das,

Indian Hospital Corps

Ram Parshad, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ram Parshad, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ram Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ram Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ram Singh, (03)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ramlin Bin Mat,

Royal Artillery

Ratan Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ratan Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ratan Singh, (03)

14th Punjab Regiment

Raven, John Arnold

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Read, John Jeffery

Australian Infantry

Reeve, John William

Royal Artillery

Regan, Patrick

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

Resham Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Reynolds, Herbert

Royal Artillery

Reynolds, Raymond Henry

Royal Australian Artillery

Riley, Maxwell Ernest

Australian Infantry

Riley, Norman Horace

Reconnaissance Corps

Robins, Frank Reginald

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Rodgers, John

Australian Infantry

Rodrigues, Wilfred

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Rothwell, James

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Rouse, George Robert

Australian Infantry

Rowe, Mark Russell

Australian Infantry

Rowe, William Treza

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Rowlands, Edwin George

East Surrey Regiment

Rup Chand,

14th Punjab Regiment

Ryan, John Henry

Royal Northumberland Fusiliers

Ryton, Kenneth Newton

Royal Artillery

Sadhu Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Saida Khan,

11th Sikh Regiment

Sajjan Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Salter, Joseph Alexander

East Surrey Regiment

Samand Khan,

Indian Hospital Corps

Sampuran Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Sampuran Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Sandys, John Antoine

Local Defence Corps (Malaya)

Sansar Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Sansar Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Sant Ram, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Sant Ram, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Sant Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Santa Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Santa Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Santa Singh, (03)

14th Punjab Regiment

Santa Singh, (04)

14th Punjab Regiment

Sardar Khan, (01)

11th Sikh Regiment

Sardar Khan, (02)

9th Jat Regiment

Sardar Khan, (03)

9th Jat Regiment

Sardar Singh, (04)

14th Punjab Regiment

Sardara Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Sardara Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Sarwan Singh, (03)

14th Punjab Regiment

Sarwan Singh, (04)

14th Punjab Regiment

Sati Muhammad,

Royal Indian Artillery

Saville, Harold Robert

Australian Infantry

Sawan Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Sayid Fakhar-Ud-Din,

Hyderabad Infantry, Indian States Forces

Schofield, William

Reconnaissance Corps

Schoon, John Mervin

Royal Army Service Corps

Scott, Harry Bertram Thomas

Reconnaissance Corps

Scott, Thomas Liddle

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Scrimgeour, Denis Allan

Royal New Zealand Air Force

Seah Peng Siang,

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

See Pee Teck,

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Sexton, Cecil Clare

Australian Infantry

Sham Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Shanu Ram,

14th Punjab Regiment

Sharman, Albert George

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Shaw, Albert

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

Sheekey, John

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Sheikh Farid,

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Sheikh Mahbub,

Hyderabad Infantry, Indian States Forces

Shelly, William Robert

Australian Infantry

Shepherdson, Neville

Australian Infantry

Sher Afzal,

11th Sikh Regiment

Sher Muhammad, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Sher Muhammad, (02)

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Sher Shah,

11th Sikh Regiment

Sher Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Shingara Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Shiv Dayal,

10th Baluch Regiment

Shiv Ram,

14th Punjab Regiment

Sidiq Bin Saidin,

Royal Artillery

Simpkin, Lewis

Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)

Simpson, Hugh

Negri Sembilan Local Defence Corps

Siri Pat,

14th Punjab Regiment

Sloane, Robert Leo

Australian Infantry

Smith, Albert Ernest

East Surrey Regiment

Smith, James

Royal Air Force

Smith, Peter Neilson

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Smith, Walter Samuel

Leicestershire Regiment

Smith, William Arthur

Leicestershire Regiment

Smyth, Frank Miles

Australian Infantry

Soh Teow Kee,

Royal Army Medical Corps

Sohan Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Sohan Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Sohan Singh, (03)

14th Punjab Regiment

Solly, John Frederick

Australian Infantry

Souster, John William

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Speed, Frederick William

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Spencer, Harry

Reconnaissance Corps

Spencer, Ralph

Royal Artillery

Stanley, George Herbert

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

Stark, Malcolm Douglas

Australian Infantry

Steele, Geoffrey Moore

Royal Australian Air Force

Stevens, Robert

Royal Army Service Corps

Stickley, Raymond James

Australian Infantry

Stubbs, John Bowe

Australian Infantry

Stubbs, Robert

Royal Artillery

Stubbs, Robert Langhorn

Reconnaissance Corps

Subhan Singh,

Indian Army Ordnance Corps

Sujan Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Sulakhan Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Sullivan, Charles William

Australian Army Service Corps

Sundar Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment


14th Punjab Regiment

Sunit Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Surayan Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Surta Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Swain, Ronald Sidney

East Surrey Regiment

Swaran Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Swaran Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Swaran Singh, (03)

14th Punjab Regiment

Swinglehurst, John Hartley

Royal Army Service Corps

Tahal Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Talbot, William Alexander James

Royal Corps of Signals

Tame, Henry William

East Surrey Regiment

Tan Kim Chee,

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Tan Sim Eng,

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Tan Sim-Boh,

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Tang Chong,

Malay Regiment

Tara Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Tara Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Tara Singh, (03)

14th Punjab Regiment

Tatham, Terrence

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Tegar Towdu,

Indian Pioneer Corps

Teja Ram,

14th Punjab Regiment

Teja Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Teja Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Teja Singh, (03)

14th Punjab Regiment

Teja Singh, (04)

14th Punjab Regiment

Teja Singh, (05)

14th Punjab Regiment

Teoh Koon Hoe,

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Thakur Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Thomas, Albert William Jesse

General List

Tirlok Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment


14th Punjab Regiment

Tomlinson, Muir Percy

Australian Infantry

Tooth, Richard Maurice

East Surrey Regiment

Tota Ram,

14th Punjab Regiment


Indian Signal Corps

Trim, Douglas Roland Howard

Royal Artillery

Tuffin, Reginald George

Australian Infantry

Tyrer, Ernest

Reconnaissance Corps

Udham Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Ujagar Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ujagar Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Upton, Sidney Arthur

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Upward, George Erle

Australian Infantry

Usman Bin Abbas,

Malay Regiment


Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Walker, James Charles William

Royal Engineers

Waller, Herbert

Royal Engineers

Walsh, John

Royal Artillery

Wan Umar Bin Wan Yakub,

Kelantan Volunteer Force

Wang Tee Yang,


Warburton, Howard Edward

Australian Infantry

Watkins, John

Australian Infantry

Watson, Thomas Henry

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Watts, Frank Eric

Royal Air Force

Wenban, Alan

Australian Infantry

Wesley, Reginald Charles

Suffolk Regiment

Whayman, George Cecil Henry

Suffolk Regiment

White, Abraham Basil John

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Whitehall, Septimus Cox

Australian Army Medical Corps

Whiteley, Clyde Hartley

Australian Infantry Brigade

Whyte, Alexander Rae

Australian Infantry

Williams, Frank

Australian Infantry

Williams, George

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Williamson, Charles

Royal Engineers

Williamson, Erwin Alexander

Australian Infantry

Williamson, Noel Alex

Australian Corps of Signals

Willis, William Andrew

Australian Infantry

Wilmshurst, Ronald Geoffrey

East Surrey Regiment


2nd Punjab Regiment

Wilson, Robert Barker

Royal Artillery

Windeyer, Edward Walter Holden

Australian Infantry

Windle, Harry

Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)

Withers, Gerald Guy

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Wong Foh,


Wong Keng Chuan,


Wong Seng Lee,

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Wood, John William

Gordon Highlanders

Wood, Thomas Alfred

Royal Corps of Signals


Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Woods, Arthur James

Reconnaissance Corps

Woods, Richard Anthony

Royal Army Service Corps

Wright, Ernest Edward

Royal Artillery

Wymer, Charles Clifford

Royal Army Service Corps

Yaqub Bin Haji Tahir,

Royal Artillery

Ying Chia Chian,


Young, Francis Murdo

East Surrey Regiment

Zainam Bin Darus,

Royal Artillery

Zimmerman, John Patrick

Australian Infantry


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