15th Feb. 1942
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Killed in Action


15th February 1942


Killed In Action

(Click on Bullet below to open information)



Gabar Sing Gosain,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gabar Sing Jogi,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gabar Sing Kaintura,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gabar Sing Rauthan,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gabar Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gabar Sing Sajwan,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gabell, Harold Reginald

Military Accounts Department

Gadu Sing Negi,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gaina Sing Bisht,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gaina Singh Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gainu Sing Dabola,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles


18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gaj Pal Sing Negi,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gaj Pal Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gaj Raj Khattri,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Gajendar Singh,

Indian Hospital Corps

Gajendra Bahadur Bhandari,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Gajjan Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Gajjan Singh, (02)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Gajpal Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles


14th Punjab Regiment

Galletly, Louis William Adolph

Australian Infantry

Galloway, Arthur Wellesley

Royal Artillery


Royal Army Medical Corps

Gamal Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gandhara Singh,

11th Sikh Regiment

Ganesh Singh,

6th Rajputana Rifles


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners


Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Ganga Bahadur Chand,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Ganga Bahadur Khandka,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Ganga Bahadur Khattri,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Ganga Bahadur Mall, (01)

9th Gurkha Rifles

Ganga Bahadur Mall, (02)

9th Gurkha Rifles

Ganga Ram Ghirth,

1st King George V's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment)

Ganga Ram Kadam,

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Ganga Ram, (01)

17th Dogra Regiment

Ganga Ram, (02)

17th Dogra Regiment

Ganga Ram, (03)

17th Dogra Regiment

Ganga Ram, (04)

6th Rajputana Rifles

Ganga Ram, (05)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Ganga Sing Bisht,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Ganga Singh, (01)

17th Dogra Regiment

Ganga Singh, (02)

Kapurthala Jagatjit Infantry


17th Dogra Regiment

Ganpat Gaikwad,

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Ganpat Kalimkar,

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Ganpat Ram, (01)

6th Rajputana Rifles

Ganpat Ram, (02)

6th Rajputana Rifles

Ganpat Ram, (03)

9th Jat Regiment

Ganpat Ram, (04)

9th Jat Regiment

Ganpat Shinde,

Indian Hospital Corps

Ganpatrao Sargar,

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Gardner, John

Royal Northumberland Fusiliers

Garrett, Nelson Robert

Suffolk Regiment

Gauhar Rahman, (01)

1st Punjab Regiment

Gauhar Rahman, (02)

1st Punjab Regiment

Gaun Chand,

17th Dogra Regiment

Gee, James

Royal Artillery

George, William Denis

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Geza Singh,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Ghansham Sing Negi,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles


17th Dogra Regiment

Ghazan Khan,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery


9th Jat Regiment

Ghouth Din Wan,

Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Ghulam Abbas,

14th Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Ali, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Ali, (02)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Ghulam Haidar, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Haidar, (02)

Hyderabad Infantry, Indian States Forces

Ghulam Haidar, (03)

Hyderabad Infantry, Indian States Forces

Ghulam Haidar, (04)

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Ghulam Haidar, (05)

Royal Indian Artillery

Ghulam Husain, (06)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Husain, (07)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Husain, (08)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Husain, (09)

1st Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Husain, (10)

6th Rajputana Rifles

Ghulam Husain, (11)

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Ghulam Jilani, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Jilani, (02)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Ghulam Khan,

14th Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Muhammad, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Muhammad, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Muhammad, (03)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Muhammad, (04)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Muhammad, (05)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Muhammad, (06)

16th Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Muhammad, (07)

Indian Hospital Corps

Ghulam Muhammad, (08)

Royal Indian Artillery

Ghulam Muhammad, (09)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Ghulam Muhammad, (10)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Ghulam Mustafa,

1st Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Nabi, (01)

9th Jat Regiment

Ghulam Nabi, (02)

Indian Engineers

Ghulam Nabi, (03)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Ghulam Qadir, (01)

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Ghulam Qadir, (02)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Ghulam Rasul, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Rasul, (02)

Indian Signal Corps

Ghulam Rasul, (03)

Royal Indian Artillery

Ghulam Rasul, (04)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Ghulam Sarwar, (01)

1st Punjab Regiment

Ghulam Sarwar, (02)

6th Rajputana Rifles

Ghulam Yasin,

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Ghulamat Khan,

14th Punjab Regiment

Ghulum Rasul,

Indian Engineers


17th Dogra Regiment

Gian Chand, (01)

17th Dogra Regiment

Gian Chand, (02)

17th Dogra Regiment

Gian Chand, (03)

Indian Hospital Corps

Gian Sing Bisht,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gian Sing Gosain,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gian Sing Negi,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gian Sing Panwar,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gian Sing Pundir,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gian Sing Rautela,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gian Sing,

Indian Hospital Corps

Gian Singh, (01)

11th Sikh Regiment

Gian Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Gian Singh, (03)

14th Punjab Regiment

Gian Singh, (04)

17th Dogra Regiment

Gian Singh, (05)

17th Dogra Regiment

Gian Singh, (06)

17th Dogra Regiment

Gian Singh, (07)

17th Dogra Regiment

Gian Singh, (08)

Indian Hospital Corps


Indian Hospital Corps

Gibbs, Douglas Albert

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Gibbs, Ernest William

Australian Infantry

Gill, Charles Henry

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Gillard, Harold Hall

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

Girdhari Ram, (01)

6th Rajputana Rifles

Girdhari Ram, (02)

9th Jat Regiment

Girdhari Sing Bisht,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles


17th Dogra Regiment

Girwar Singh,

6th Rajputana Rifles

Gita Singh,

17th Dogra Regiment

Gladwin, William Herbert

Royal Engineers


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Gobind Singh,

Indian Hospital Corps


17th Dogra Regiment

Gokul Sing Gosain, (01)

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gokul Sing Gosain, (02)

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gokul Sing Negi,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gokul Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gokul Singh Rana,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles


Indian Medical Department

Goldfinch, Edward William

Royal Army Ordnance Corps


Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve


Indian Hospital Corps

Gom Singh,

3rd Cavalry, I.A.C.

Gomes, Marcus

14th Punjab Regiment

Gooch, John Francis

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Gopal Naidu,

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Gopal Sing Rana,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gopal Sing Sahi,

1st King George V's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment)

Gopal Singh Bhandari,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gopal Singh,

17th Dogra Regiment

Gopal Singh, (01)

17th Dogra Regiment

Gopal Singh, (02)

17th Dogra Regiment

Gopal Thapa,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Gopal, (01)

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Gopal, (02)

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Gopalan Nair,

Royal Indian Artillery

Gopi Ram,

17th Dogra Regiment


17th Dogra Regiment


14th Punjab Regiment

Gordhan, (01)

9th Jat Regiment

Gordhan, (02)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Gorman, Glen Alvan

Australian Infantry

Govind Sing Bisht,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Govind Sing Gosain,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Govind Sing Negi, (01)

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Govind Sing Negi, (02)

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Govind Sing Rawat, (01)

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Govind Sing Rawat, (02)

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Govind Sing Rawat, (03)

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Govind Singh,

6th Rajputana Rifles

Govindan Nair,

Indian Hospital Corps


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Govindaswami, (01)

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Govindaswami, (02)

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Govindaswami, (03)

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Govindaswami, (04)

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Govindaswami, (05)

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Govindaswami, (06)

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Gray, Albert Arthur

Royal Corps of Signals

Gray, John Dennis

Australian Infantry

Gray, Reginald Henry

Suffolk Regiment

Green, Clifford George

Cambridgeshire Regiment


Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Griffiths, Eustatius William Barton

Royal Air Force (RAFO)

Griffiths, Wilmer John David

Reconnaissance Corps

Grigg, George Stanley

Royal Artillery

Grundy, William Leslie

Australian Infantry

Gudalu Badai,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gudar Singh,

1st Punjab Regiment

Guest, Frank Leslie

Australian Infantry

Gul Firoz,

14th Punjab Regiment

Gul Mast,

14th Punjab Regiment

Gul Mawaz,

Royal Indian Artillery

Gul Muhammad,

14th Punjab Regiment

Gulab Din,

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Gulab Khan,

Indian Army Ordnance Corps

Gulab Nur,

14th Punjab Regiment

Gulab Shah, (01)

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Gulab Shah, (02)

Royal Indian Artillery

Gulab Sing Negi, (01)

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gulab Sing Negi, (02)

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gulab Sing Negi, (03)

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gulab Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gulab Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Gulab Singh, (02)

17th Dogra Regiment

Gulab Singh, (03)

17th Dogra Regiment

Gulabar Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Gulistan Khan,

Hyderabad Infantry, Indian States Forces

Gulzar Ahmad,

1st Punjab Regiment

Gulzari Singh,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Guman Sing Negi,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Guman Sing Panwar,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Guman Singh, (01)

1st Punjab Regiment

Guman Singh, (02)

6th Rajputana Rifles

Gundar Sing Rana,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Gur Saran Singh,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Gurbachan Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Gurbachan Singh, (02)

Indian Army Ordnance Corps

Gurbachan Singh, (03)

Indian Army Ordnance Corps

Gurbachan Singh, (04)

Indian Army Ordnance Corps

Gurbachan Singh, (05)

Kapurthala Jagatjit Infantry

Gurbachan Singh, (06)

Kapurthala Jagatjit Infantry

Gurbachan Singh, (07)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Gurbachan Singh, (08)

Royal Army Service Corps

Gurbakhsh Singh, (09)

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Gurbakhsh Singh, (10)

14th Punjab Regiment

Gurbakhsh Singh, (11)

14th Punjab Regiment

Gurbakhsh Singh, (12)

Kapurthala Jagatjit Infantry

Gurbakhsh Singh, (13)

Royal Indian Artillery

Gurcharan Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Gurcharan Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Gurcharan Singh, (03)

14th Punjab Regiment

Gurcharan Singh, (04)

14th Punjab Regiment

Gurdayal Singh, (01)

11th Sikh Regiment

Gurdayal Singh, (02)

11th Sikh Regiment

Gurdayal Singh, (03)

11th Sikh Regiment

Gurdayal Singh, (04)

11th Sikh Regiment

Gurdayal Singh, (05)

11th Sikh Regiment

Gurdayal Singh, (06)

11th Sikh Regiment

Gurdayal Singh, (07)

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Gurdayal Singh, (08)

14th Punjab Regiment

Gurdayal Singh, (09)

14th Punjab Regiment

Gurdayal Singh, (10)

14th Punjab Regiment

Gurdayal Singh, (11)

14th Punjab Regiment

Gurdev Singh, (01)

11th Sikh Regiment

Gurdev Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Gurdip Singh,

1st Punjab Regiment

Gurditt Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment


17th Dogra Regiment

Gurmej Singh, (01)

11th Sikh Regiment

Gurmej Singh, (02)

Kapurthala Jagatjit Infantry

Gurnam Singh, (01)

11th Sikh Regiment

Gurnam Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Gurnam Singh, (03)

Indian Hospital Corps

Gurner, Leonard George

Suffolk Regiment

Gurpal Singh,

Kapurthala Jagatjit Infantry

Guru Ram, (01)

6th Rajputana Rifles

Guru Ram, (02)

6th Rajputana Rifles

Guruswami Naicker,

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Guruswami Naidu,

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Guruswami, (01)

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Guruswami, (02)

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Guy, Clifford William

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Habib Ahmad,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Habib Khan, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Habib Khan, (02)

9th Jat Regiment

Habib Ullah, (01)

1st Punjab Regiment

Habib Ullah, (02)

Indian Army Ordnance Corps

Habib Ullah, (03)

Royal Indian Army Service Corps


9th Jat Regiment

Haig, Thomas Douglas

Royal Artillery

Hakam Ali,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Hakam Din,

Royal Indian Artillery

Hakam Khan, (01)

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Hakam Khan, (02)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Hakam Singh,

11th Sikh Regiment

Hakim Ali, (01)

Indian Army Ordnance Corps

Hakim Ali, (02)

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Hakim Ali, (03)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Halford, John Hartshorn

Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)


9th Jat Regiment

Hall, Charles Ernest

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Hall, Robert

Royal Artillery

Hamesh Gul,

14th Punjab Regiment

Hamid Khan Shahzada,

Indian General Service Corps

Hamir Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Hamir Singh, (02)

6th Rajputana Rifles

Hamzah Bin Kotek,

Malay Regiment

Hancox, Ernest Walter

Royal Navy

Hanif Muhammad,

9th Jat Regiment


9th Jat Regiment

Hannaford, Francis Charles

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

Hannah, Richard Clement

Royal Engineers

Hans Raj Ram,

6th Rajputana Rifles

Hans Raj Singh,

6th Rajputana Rifles

Hans Ram, (01)

Indian Hospital Corps

Hans Ram, (02)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Hansa Singh,

11th Sikh Regiment

Hanson, Alexander

Australian Infantry

Hanson, Frederick Benjamin John

Australian Infantry

Hansu Khan,

Indian Hospital Corps


17th Dogra Regiment

Hanuman Ram,

6th Rajputana Rifles

Hanumanta Surawanshi,

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Har Bhagat Singh,

Royal Indian Artillery

Har Chand Ram,

9th Jat Regiment

Har Chand Sing Danu,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Har Chand, (01)

3rd Cavalry, I.A.C.

Har Chand, (02)

9th Jat Regiment

Har Gian,

9th Jat Regiment

Har Narayan, (01)

19th Hyderabad Regiment

Har Narayan, (02)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Har Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Har Sukh, (01)

17th Dogra Regiment

Har Sukh, (02)

17th Dogra Regiment

Harak Bahadur Bhandari,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Harak Bahadur Khandka,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Harak Bahadur Khattri,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Harak Bahadur Thapa,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Harbakhsh Singh,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Harbans Singh, (01)

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Harbans Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Harbans Singh, (03)

14th Punjab Regiment

Harbans Singh, (04)

14th Punjab Regiment

Harbans Singh, (05)

Kapurthala Jagatjit Infantry


17th Dogra Regiment

Harbhajan Singh,

Indian Army Ordnance Corps

Hardayal Ram,

6th Rajputana Rifles

Hardayal Singh,

Royal Indian Artillery

Hardeva Ram,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Harding, Frederick John Atkin

Indian General Service Corps

Hardwari Singh,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery


9th Jat Regiment

Hari Bahadur Sahi,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Hari Das,

14th Punjab Regiment

Hari Kishan,

3rd Cavalry, I.A.C.

Hari Ram Sharma,

Indian Hospital Corps

Hari Ram, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Hari Ram, (02)

17th Dogra Regiment

Hari Ram, (03)

6th Rajputana Rifles

Hari Sing Narwani,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Hari Singh, (01)

11th Sikh Regiment

Hari Singh, (02)

11th Sikh Regiment

Hari Singh, (03)

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Hari Singh, (04)

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Hari Singh, (05)

14th Punjab Regiment

Hari Singh, (06)

14th Punjab Regiment

Hari Singh, (07)

14th Punjab Regiment

Hari Singh, (08)

17th Dogra Regiment

Hari Singh, (09)

17th Dogra Regiment

Hari Singh, (10)

3rd Cavalry, I.A.C.

Hari Singh, (11)

6th Rajputana Rifles

Hari Singh, (12)

9th Jat Regiment

Hari Singh, (13)

Indian Hospital Corps

Hari Singh, (14)

Kapurthala Jagatjit Infantry

Hari Singh, (15)

Kapurthala Jagatjit Infantry

Hari Singh, (16)

Kapurthala Jagatjit Infantry

Hari Singh, (17)

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Hari Singh, (18)

Royal Indian Artillery

Hari Singh, (19)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Hari Singh, (20)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Hari Singh, (21)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Hari Singh, (22)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery


Indian Hospital Corps

Hariya Ram,

Indian General Service Corps

Harji Ram,

17th Dogra Regiment

Harjit Singh,

11th Sikh Regiment

Harka Ram,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Harkesh Ram,

6th Rajputana Rifles

Harnam Das,

Indian Army Ordnance Corps

Harnam Sing Aswal,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Harnam Singh, (01)

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Harnam Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Harnam Singh, (03)

14th Punjab Regiment

Harnam Singh, (04)

16th Punjab Regiment

Harnam Singh, (05)

17th Dogra Regiment

Harnam Singh, (06)

17th Dogra Regiment

Harnam Singh, (07)

1st Punjab Regiment

Harnam Singh, (08)

Kapurthala Jagatjit Infantry

Harnam Singh, (09)

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Harpal Singh,

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Harphul Ram,

6th Rajputana Rifles

Harphul Singh,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Harrington, Ernest Clarence

Australian Infantry

Harrison, George Edward

Manchester Regiment

Harriss, William Frederick James

Australian Army Service Corps

Hartshorn, Jesse Fletcher

Reconnaissance Corps

Hasan Bin Aji,

Malay Regiment

Hasan Khan,

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Hashim Beg,

Indian Army Ordnance Corps

Hawkins, Edward Leonard

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Hawley, Leslie William

Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)

Hawtrey, Roger

Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Hayat Ali,

1st Punjab Regiment

Hayat Khan, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Hayat Khan, (02)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Hayat Muhammad,

14th Punjab Regiment

Hayat Muhammad,

1st Punjab Regiment

Hayat Sing Bisht,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Hazara Singh, (01)

11th Sikh Regiment

Hazara Singh, (02)

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Hazara Singh, (03)

14th Punjab Regiment

Hazara Singh, (04)

14th Punjab Regiment

Hazara Singh, (05)

16th Punjab Regiment

Hazara Singh, (06)

Kapurthala Jagatjit Infantry

Hazara, (01)

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Hazara, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment


9th Jat Regiment

Hazur Singh,

14th Punjab Regiment

Hazura Singh, (01)

11th Sikh Regiment

Hazura Singh, (02)

11th Sikh Regiment

Hearn, Geoffrey Charles

Suffolk Regiment

Heenan, Patrick Stanley Vaughan

16th Punjab Regiment

Hellyer, Felix Arthur

Royal Australian Artillery

Helm, Edward

Australian Division

Hem Raj Ram,

6th Rajputana Rifles

Hem Raj,

17th Dogra Regiment

Henderson, Herbert George

Australian Army Medical Corps

Henderson, Jack Sproule

Australian Army Service Corps

Hensby, Arthur John

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Henson, Henry George

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

Herborn, Keith Scott

Australian Infantry

Hewson, Leonard

Royal Navy

Highton, Hubert Thomas

Suffolk Regiment

Hill, Bernard Howard

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

Hill, Charles Benjamin

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Him Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Himmat Singh,

6th Rajputana Rifles

Hira Lal, (01)

Indian Hospital Corps

Hira Lal, (02)

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Hira Lal, (03)

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Hira Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Hira Singh, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment


12th Frontier Force Regiment

Ho Yong Kiew,

Royal Army Service Corps


Mysore Infantry, Indian States Forces

Hodgson, Will

Royal Corps of Signals


Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Holcombe, Raymond

Australian Infantry

Holden, Peter Vivian Shuttleworth

Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)

Holdsworth, George

Manchester Regiment

Hollis, Norman Wilfred

Australian Infantry

Hollowell, Walter James

Suffolk Regiment

Hollylee, Arthur Frederick

Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment

Holmes, William

Australian Infantry

Holyhead, William

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Horsefield, Stanley Rostron

Indian Army Ordnance Corps

Hortin, William Robert Richard

Royal Artillery


Indian Pioneer Corps

Howard, George Edward

Royal Engineers

Howe, George

Australian Infantry

Howe, Ronald

Manchester Regiment

Howie, Charles Bain

Gordon Highlanders

Hu Wen Chong,

Royal Army Medical Corps

Hueng Hoong Poh,

Royal Army Service Corps

Huitson, Norman

Royal Artillery

Hukam Bahadur Mall,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Hukam Dad, (01)

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Hukam Dad, (02)

Royal Indian Artillery

Hukam Sing Farswan,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Hukam Sing Panwar,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Hukam Sing Rautela,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Hukam Singh,

9th Jat Regiment

Humphrey, Lionel Dudley

Suffolk Regiment

Hunt, John William

Australian Infantry

Hunter, Edmund

Australian Infantry

Hunter, Thomas Tory Anderson

Royal Artillery

Hurrell, Robert George

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

Husain Bakhsh,

Indian Army Ordnance Corps

Husain Bin Harun,

Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Husain Bin Ja'afar,

Malay Regiment

Husain Bin Muhammad Isa,

Malay Regiment

Hushiyar Sing Khawas,

1st King George V's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment)

Hushiyar Singh, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Hushiyar Singh, (02)

17th Dogra Regiment

Hushiyar Singh, (03)

17th Dogra Regiment

Hushiyar Singh, (04)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Hushiyar Singh, (05)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Hushiyar Singh, (06)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery


17th Dogra Regiment


14th Punjab Regiment

Hyamson, Theodore David

Royal Engineers

Ibrahim Bin Alang Mat Jusoh,

Malay Regiment

Ibrahim Bin Ali,

Malay Regiment

Ibrahim Bin Bagong,

Malay Regiment

Ibrahim Bin Jusoh,

Malay Regiment

Ibrahim Bin Ma'amin,

Malay Regiment

Ibrahim Bin Mahmud,

Royal Engineers

Ibrahim Bin Tahir,

Malay Regiment

Ibrahim Khan,

14th Punjab Regiment

Ibrahim, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ibrahim, (02)

Indian General Service Corps

Ibrahim, (03)

Kapurthala Jagatjit Infantry

Ijaz Khan,

9th Jat Regiment

Ilam Chand,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Ilam Din, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ilam Din, (02)

Indian General Service Corps

Ilam Din, (03)

Indian Hospital Corps

Ilam Din, (04)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Imam Din, (01)

Kapurthala Jagatjit Infantry

Imam Din, (02)

Royal Indian Artillery

Imam Sahib,

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Imam-Ud-Din, (01)

9th Jat Regiment

Imam-Ud-Din, (02)

9th Jat Regiment

Imtiyaz Husain,

Indian Hospital Corps

Inayat Khan, (01)

Indian Signal Corps

Inayat Khan, (02)

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Inayat Muhammad,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Inayat Ullah,

14th Punjab Regiment


14th Punjab Regiment

Indar Sing Aswal,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Indar Sing Bisht,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Indar Sing Butola,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Indar Sing Gosain,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Indar Sing Negi, (01)

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Indar Sing Negi, (02)

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Indar Sing Negi, (03)

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Indar Sing Pundir,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Indar Sing Rana,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Indar Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Indar Singh, (01)

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Indar Singh, (02)

14th Punjab Regiment

Indar Singh, (03)

17th Dogra Regiment

Indar Singh, (04)

17th Dogra Regiment

Indar Singh, (05)

6th Rajputana Rifles

Indar Singh, (06)

Indian Signal Corps

Indar Singh, (07)

Kapurthala Jagatjit Infantry

Indar Singh, (08)

Kapurthala Jagatjit Infantry

Indar Singh, (09)

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Indar Singh, (10)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery


9th Jat Regiment

Indra Bahadur Khandka,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Indra Bahadur Mall,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Indra Bahadur Sahi,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Indraj Ram,

9th Jat Regiment

Ingram, Samuel Guy

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force


Royal Indian Artillery

Irshad Ali, (01)

9th Jat Regiment

Irshad Ali, (02)

Indian Hospital Corps

Irshad Ali, (03)

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Irvine, Donald Ferguson

Royal Army Medical Corps

Isa Khan,

14th Punjab Regiment

Ishar Das,

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Ishar Singh,

Indian Signal Corps


2nd Punjab Regiment

Ishwar Singh,

Indian Hospital Corps

Ismail Bin Muhammad Rashid,

Malay Regiment

Ismail Khan,

Royal Indian Artillery

Ismail, (01)

14th Punjab Regiment

Ismail, (02)

Kapurthala Jagatjit Infantry

Isnin Bin Chik,

Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Israr Husain,

Indian Hospital Corps

It Bahadur Sahi,

9th Gurkha Rifles


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