10th Februay
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Killed in Action


10th February 1942


Percival had to decide what to do if the Japanese broke through to Bukit Timah, at a meeting with Heath and Simmons (Commanding Southern Area) at midnight on the 9th February, told them a parameter defines of Singapore City would be put into operation.

There then developed another lack of communication, Bennett issued orders to his brigadiers telling them their positions in the parameter defences, Brigadier Maxwell and Brigadier Taylor thought these orders were to be carried out immediately and withdrew from their strong positions on the Kranji to Jurong Line, this gave the Japanese a clear run towards Singapore City with only Bukit Timah in its way.

On the 10th February Churchill wrote to Wavell:

"I think you ought to realise the way we view the situation in Singapore. It was reported to the cabinet by the C.I.G.S. that Percival has over 100,000 men, of whom 33,000 are British and 17,000 Australian. It is doubtful whether the Japanese have as many in the whole Malay Peninsula, namely, five divisions forward and a sixth coming up. In these circumstances the defenders must greatly outnumber Japanese forces who have crossed the straits, and in a well-constructed battle they should destroy them. There must at this stage be no thought of saving the troops or sparing the population. The battle must be fought to the bitter end at all costs. The 18th Division has a chance to make its name in history.

Commanders and senior officers should die with their troops. The honour of the British Empire and the British Army is at stake. I rely on you to show no mercy to weakness in any form. With the Russians fighting as they are and the Americans so stubborn at Luzon, the whole reputation of our country and our race is involved. It is expected that every unit will be brought into close contact with the enemy and fight it out. I feel sure these words express your own feeling, and only send them to you in order to share your burdens"

Wavell visited the Island on the 10th and seeing the blunder ordered an immediate counterattack by Bennett.

Wavell informed Churchill:

‘Battle for Singapore is not going well. Japanese with their usual infiltration tactics are getting on much more rapidly than they should in the west of Island. Morale of some troops is not good and none is high as I should like to see. The chief troubles are a lack of sufficient training in some of the reinforcing troops and an inferiority complex which bold and skilful Japanese tactics and their command of the air have caused. Everything possible is being done to produce more offensive spirit and optimistic outlook. But I cannot pretend that these efforts have been entirely successful up to date. I have given the most categorical orders that there is to be no thought of surrender and that all troops are to continue fighting to the end.’


Killed in Action

Death Toll  10th February 1942





United Kingdom:-





Death Roll for 10th February 1942

(Click on Bullet below to open information)



Abdul Rahman Bin Adan,

Royal Engineers

Abdul Rahman Bin Wanik,

Malay Regiment

Abdul Rahman,

Malay Regiment

Abdul Rashid Bin Haji Ahmad,

Royal Army Service Corps

Abdul Rashid Bin Muhammad Fiah,

Malay Regiment

Abdul Razaq Bin Haji Muhammad Saleh,

Royal Artillery

Abu Bakar,

Malay Regiment

Abu Hasan Bin Aman,

Malay Regiment


8th Punjab Regiment

Ajaib Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Ali Hasan Shah,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Allah Ditta,

10th Baluch Regiment

Allan, George Albert Thomas Boris

Royal Artillery

Allard, Ernest

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Arjun Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Asher, John Reid

Royal Artillery

Asu Singh,

1st Punjab Regiment

Atkinson, Myles Thompson

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders


East Surrey Regiment


East Surrey Regiment

Bahadur Singh,

1st Punjab Regiment

Baldwin, James Ernest

Australian Infantry

Balwant Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Barker, Claude Alfred

Australian Infantry

Barker, Howard

Australian Infantry

Barnard, Edward Sam

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Barney, Frank Douglas

Royal Artillery

Bartlett, Leonard Mondrook

Australian Infantry


East Surrey Regiment

Beaumont, Edward Stephen James

Australian Infantry

Bhagul Din,

Jind Infantry

Bhal Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Bishan Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Bobe, Raymond Hellier Victor

East Surrey Regiment

Boyd, Allan Michael

Australian Infantry

Brandon, Leonard

East Surrey Regiment

Bremner, Ernest George

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Brereton, Cloudsley Shovell Malcolm

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Bucknall, Richard Drummond Hay

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Burley, Harold George

Royal Australian Artillery

Burton, Federal Sydney Harman

Australian Infantry

Butt, Arthur William

Australian Infantry

Callen, Jack Stewart

Australian Infantry

Campbell, Roger Henry Thomas

Royal Australian Artillery

Cannon, Jack

Australian Infantry

Cannon, Reginald Francis

Australian Infantry

Carruthers, Raymond Francis

Australian Infantry

Ceely, James Gardner

Australian Infantry

Ceely, Kenneth Mathers

Australian Infantry

Chain Singh,

1st Punjab Regiment

Chanan Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Chanchal Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Charlton, Arthur Leslie

Australian Infantry

Clinch, Allan Walter

Australian Infantry

Clough, Norman George

Australian Infantry

Cobbo, John

Australian Infantry

Collins, Neville Patrick

Australian Infantry

Combe, David Boyce

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Condon, John Owen

Australian Infantry

Connelly, Edward

Australian Infantry

Conran-Smith, Kenneth Freeman

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Cook, William Henry

Australian Infantry


East Surrey Regiment

Cowell, Thomas

Australian Infantry

Creswick, Allen Arthur

Australian Infantry

Crowther, Harry

Australian Infantry

Cully, Thomas John

Australian Infantry

Cunningham, Alfred Thomas

Australian Infantry

Currey, Ross

Australian Infantry

Dahlberg, Albert Edward

Australian Army Ordnance Corps

Daldry, Charles George

Australian Infantry

Dalip Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Dalip Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Daniel, George Henry

Australian Infantry

Daniels, Robert

East Surrey Regiment

Darby, Sydney James

Australian Infantry

Dasaundha Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Davies, Arthur Gallimore

Australian Infantry

Davis, Alfred Henry

Australian Infantry

Davis, Sidney Robert

Australian Infantry

Daya Ram,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Dean, Robert Allan

Royal Artillery

Death, Francis Arthur

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Deegan, Frank Silvester

Australian Infantry

Denman, Ronald

Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)

Ditcham, James Frederick

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Donovan, Stephen

Australian Infantry

Dost Muhammad,

1st Punjab Regiment

Dowling, Gladstone Ambrose

Australian Infantry

Downing, Richard Vaynor

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Drane, James Marner

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Duffy, Cyril

East Surrey Regiment

Dumas, Harry Scott

Australian Infantry

Dundas, Kenelm Crispin Vivian

Royal Air Force

Dunnett, Arthur Robert

Australian Infantry

Edmonson, Maurice Gilbert Devereaux

East Surrey Regiment

Edwards, Thomas Reginald

Australian Infantry

Ellery, Frederick Joseph

Australian Infantry

Elworthy, Douglas Richard

Merchant Navy

Emblin, Ernest Walter

Australian Infantry

Ensor, Robert William

Leicestershire Regiment

Farrell, John

Australian Infantry

Fauja Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Ferguson, William Maxwell

Australian Infantry

Fernandez, John Cyril

Wiltshire Regiment

Finlayson, Graham Alexander

16th Punjab Regiment

Fishwick, Joseph Henry

Reconnaissance Corps

Fitzgibbon, Edward Benjamin

Australian Infantry

Folkard, William Alan

Australian Infantry

Fowler, Alfred George Baden

Australian Infantry

Gabar Sing Gosain,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Ganda Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Gillett, Lindsay Hilary

Australian Infantry

Girwar Singh,

1st Punjab Regiment

Goebel, Percy Albert

Australian Infantry

Golding, Robert Joseph

Australian Infantry

Gordon, Linsay Stanley

Australian Infantry

Gordon, Ronald Harold

Australian Infantry

Gosling, Eric Alton

East Surrey Regiment

Grass, William Henry

Australian Infantry

Greaves, Vivian Joseph

Australian Infantry

Green, Frank William

Royal Artillery

Greenhough, Bernard

Australian Infantry

Griffiths, Henry George

Australian Infantry

Guan, George Godfrey

Australian Infantry

Gugan Singh,

1st Punjab Regiment


10th Baluch Regiment

Hamilton, David Swan

Royal Corps of Signals

Hanson, Arnold

Reconnaissance Corps

Hardie, Frank

Australian Infantry

Harnam Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Harvey, John Richard

Australian Infantry

Harwant Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Hastings, John

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Haydon, Edward Francis

Australian Infantry

Hazara Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Heaton, Richard Edward

Australian Infantry

Hensley, Gordon James

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Henty, George

East Surrey Regiment

Hibbin, John

Australian Infantry

Hill, Frank

Royal Artillery

Hinton, Thomas

Leicestershire Regiment

Hiu Chiok Whan,


Hogan, Ernest John

Australian Infantry

Holder, Richard Lloyd

Australian Infantry

Homer, Roy

Australian Infantry

Hope, Ernest John Lewis

Australian Infantry

Horwood, Leonard James

Australian Infantry

Howarth, Ronald Frederick

Australian Infantry


East Surrey Regiment

Hugo, Frank Kellett

Australian Infantry

Hunt, Arthur

East Surrey Regiment

Illidge, Bernard Walter

Australian Infantry

Indar Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Innes, Leonard Frank

Australian Army Service Corps

Irwin, John Edward

Australian Infantry

Ismail Bin Haji Mahmud,

Malay Regiment

Jagan Singh,

1st Punjab Regiment

Jagmal Singh,

1st Punjab Regiment

James, Ernest

Australian Infantry

Jenner, Arthur Albert

Australian Infantry

Jernail Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Jewell, Stanley James

Australian Infantry

Jog Singh,

1st Punjab Regiment

Jogindar Singh,

1st Punjab Regiment

Jones, Norman

Australian Infantry

Jones, Norman

Australian Infantry

Jones, Ronald Walter

Australian Infantry

Jones, Walter Henry

Australian Infantry

Jot Ram,

Jind Infantry


Indian Hospital Corps

Kartar Singh, (01)

8th Punjab Regiment

Kartar Singh, (02)

8th Punjab Regiment

Keeping, John Blane

Royal Australian Air Force

Kelly, John Mackay

Royal Artillery

Kelly, Percival Ross

Australian Infantry

Kennedy, Patrick

Royal Army Service Corps

Kerr, Graham Collow

Royal Artillery

Khamis Bin Ja'amat,

Malay Regiment

Khaw Kok Cheng,

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Khem Sing Bisht,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Khushal Singh,

1st Punjab Regiment

Khushal Singh,

1st Punjab Regiment

Kildey, William Athol

Australian Infantry

King, Alexander George

Australian Infantry

Kingsley, Reginald

East Surrey Regiment

Klaus, Jack

Australian Infantry

Larter, Robert Errol

Australian Infantry

Lawrence, Herbert Edward

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Layton, Oswald James

Australian Infantry

Le Comte, Alfred John Patrick

Australian Infantry

Lee Chai Yang,


Lee Swee Ming,


Leggett, Frank

Australian Infantry

Leu, Alfred John

Australian Army Service Corps

Levett, David William

Australian Infantry

Lindon, George Leonard

Australian Army Medical Corps

Lindsay, David

Australian Army Medical Corps

Lo Yoke Choy,

Royal Army Service Corps

Logan, Clarence Joseph

Australian Infantry

Logan, Patrick John

Australian Infantry

Lucas, Grafton James

Australian Infantry

Lydon, James Michael

Australian Infantry

Mackay, Angus William George

Australian Infantry

Macneil, Richard Peacock

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Madden, Gordon George Robert

Australian Army Service Corps

Madden, William

Australian Infantry

Magee, John Thomas

Australian Infantry

Mahtab Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Males, John Philip

Royal Artillery

Mansur Bin Qadir,

Royal Army Service Corps

Marman, Thomas Edward

East Surrey Regiment

Martin, Walter James

Australian Infantry


East Surrey Regiment

Matthews, Richard

Royal Artillery

Maybury, Harold Esmond

Australian Infantry

Mcalister, Thomas John

Australian Infantry

Mcbroome, Edward Harold

Australian Infantry

Mccarthy, John Joseph

Australian Infantry

Mccaul, Henry Maxwell

Australian Infantry

Mccorkell, Robert Mcgirr

Australian Infantry

Mccoy, John Bruce

Australian Infantry

Mcdonnell, Roy James

Australian Infantry

Mcgillicuddy, Peter Thomas

Royal Artillery

Mcgufficke, Norman Mclaurin

Australian Infantry

Mckenzie, Donald Alexander

Australian Infantry

Mcnamara, Sydney John

Australian Infantry

Mcshane, Lindsay Gordon

Australian Corps of Signals

Meehan, Albert Patrick

Australian Infantry

Mercer, Frederick William

Royal Artillery

Midwinter, Harold Arthur

Royal Artillery

Millar, Geoffrey William

Australian Infantry

Mir Nawaz,

10th Baluch Regiment

Mitchell, Douglas Albert

East Surrey Regiment

Moore, John Gilbert

Australian Infantry

Moran, Edward Albert

Royal Artillery

Morgan, Walter George

Australian Infantry

Morris, Alfred George

East Surrey Regiment

Morris, Arthur Mervyn

Australian Infantry

Morris, Reginald Dominic

Australian Infantry

Morris, Walter Laurence

Australian Infantry


East Surrey Regiment

Mottlee, Henry Edward

Australian Infantry

Muffett, Lindsay Donald

Australian Infantry

Muhammad Sayid Bin Ahmad,

Malay Regiment

Muhammad Yatim Bin Abdul Rahman,

Malay Regiment

Mulhall, Leo Alexander Bede

Australian Infantry

Mulholland, Leonard Walter

Australian Infantry

Munday, Ernest Montague

Australian Infantry

Murphy, Dennis Frank Michael

Royal Navy

Murray, Phillip Charles

Australian Infantry


Royal Army Service Corps

Myles, John Stanley Noel

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Nadin, Sidney

Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)

Nairn, Frederick

Australian Infantry

Narayan Singh,

1st Punjab Regiment

Nash, Wilfred James Robert

Australian Infantry

Nesbitt, Vincent Clyde

Australian Infantry

Newton, Martin Joseph Henry

Australian Infantry

Nichols, Henry Richard

Australian Infantry

Nik Mat Bin Nik Ismail,

Malay Regiment


East Surrey Regiment

Nobbs, Adrian Brancker King

Australian Infantry

Norman, Arthur Henry

Australian Infantry


East Surrey Regiment

O'donnell, Roy Leslie

Australian Infantry

O'neill, Ralph Ernest

Australian Infantry

Page, Wilfred Robert

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Partridge, Wilfred Joseph

Australian Infantry


East Surrey Regiment

Payne, Allan

Australian Infantry

Peach, John Wesley

Royal Artillery

Penberthy, Wallace

Australian Infantry

Pennell, Alfred Richard

Australian Infantry

Pennington, Robert Cyril

Royal Artillery

Percival, Leonard Charles

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Perkins, William Geoffrey Millar

East Surrey Regiment

Pethybridge, Alan Bradshaw

Royal Artillery

Phelps, Albert Sydney

Australian Infantry

Phillips, William Joseph

Australian Infantry

Phuman Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Pilbeam, Douglas Harry

Royal Artillery

Pothecary, Leslie Ernest

Australian Infantry

Pritam Singh, (01)

8th Punjab Regiment

Pritam Singh, (02)

8th Punjab Regiment

Pritam Singh, (03)

8th Punjab Regiment

Purnell, Arthur Edwin

Royal Army Service Corps

Pyara Singh, (01)

8th Punjab Regiment

Pyara Singh, (02)

8th Punjab Regiment

Pyper, Joseph Richard

Royal Army Service Corps

Qadir Bin Ja'afar,

Malay Regiment

Rachan Singh,

1st Punjab Regiment

Rafter, Thomas Francis

Australian Infantry

Randall, Frederick James

Reconnaissance Corps

Ranjit Singh,

Jind Infantry

Ranson, George Victor

Royal Engineers

Redfern, Herbert Edward

Australian Infantry

Richardson, John Thomas

Royal Artillery

Richardson, Norman Russell

Australian Infantry

Ritchie, George

Royal Australian Air Force

Ritchie, Henry

Australian Infantry

Robbins, Edward

Reconnaissance Corps

Robertson, James

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Robinson, Rupert Edward Dudley

Australian Infantry

Roffey, Charles Augustine

Australian Infantry

Rose, Ronald George

Australian Infantry

Rothwell, Richard

Reconnaissance Corps

Royal, Albert George

Royal Artillery

Ryan, John Bede Harold

Australian Infantry

Sagar Singh,

1st Punjab Regiment


East Surrey Regiment

Samud Singh,

1st Punjab Regiment


1st Punjab Regiment

Santa Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Santokh Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Sarwan Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Sayer, George Arthur

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Schubert, Charles Allan

Australian Infantry

Scott, Alan Campbell

Royal Australian Artillery

Scourfield, William Alfred

Australian Infantry

Searle, Geoffrey Everett

Royal Australian Artillery

Seeley, James Arthur

Australian Infantry


East Surrey Regiment

Shale, Donald James

Australian Army Medical Corps

Sharif Bin Shaer,

Malay Regiment

Sharp, Frederick Clifford

Australian Infantry

Shepherd, Horatio Thomas

Australian Infantry

Sheppard, Errol Samuel Randolph

Australian Infantry

Sheridan, Oscar James

Australian Infantry

Sherriff, Douglas Richard

Australian Infantry

Shib Lal Singh,

1st Punjab Regiment

Shiraz Gul,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Simon Chong Fatt Soon,

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Siraj Din,

1st Punjab Regiment

Slater, William Robertson

Australian Infantry

Smart, Victor Harold

Royal Marines

Smith, Claud Hutchinson

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Smith, Frederick Stanley

Royal Artillery

Smith, George William James

Australian Infantry

Smith, Jack

Australian Infantry

Smith, Reginald Sydney Gordon

Australian Infantry

Spurway, John Stewart

Australian Infantry

Stokes, Albert Norman

Royal Artillery

Strong, Reginald John

East Surrey Regiment

Swadling, Roy Leonard

Australian Infantry

Swain, Frank Desmond

Australian Infantry

Tan Siak Pien,


Tan Yong Keng,


Tang Siew Lam,

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Taylor, Darcy Stephenson

Australian Infantry

Taylor, Edwin Murray

Royal Air Force

Thakur Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Thomas, William Richard

Australian Infantry

Thomsett, Ernest James

Australian Infantry

Tipping, Lance August

Australian Infantry

Tonnison, Frederick

East Surrey Regiment

Trasler, Sidney James

Australian Infantry

Trewhitt, Robert

Local Defence Corps (Malaya)

Truscott, Bevil Gilbert

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Turner, John James

Australian Infantry

Tyrrell, Frank Edwin

Australian Infantry

Umar Bin Besar,

Royal Artillery

Usman Bin Baba,

Malay Regiment

Wade, Norman Tudor

Australian Infantry

Want, Irwin James

Australian Infantry

Warner, Charles Allan

Australian Infantry

Waryam Singh,

8th Punjab Regiment

Waygood, James Darcy

Australian Infantry

Wells, Frank

East Surrey Regiment

Wells, John William

Australian Infantry

Williams, Cecil Gordon

Australian Infantry

Williams, John

Australian Infantry

Williams, William Victor

Australian Infantry

Wilson, Frederick Alfred Robert

East Surrey Regiment

Wonson, John William

Australian Infantry

Wood, Donald Anthony

Australian Infantry

Woods, Henry Joseph

Australian Infantry

Wright, David

Royal Army Service Corps

Wyse, John Malin

Reconnaissance Corps

Yeo Chah Tong,


Yewings, Charles William

East Surrey Regiment

Young, John Denis

Royal Artillery

Zakaria Bin Adam,

Malay Regiment

Zarif Khan,

10th Baluch Regiment


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