Transport List
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Transport List


On 15th August Emperor Hirohito made a radio speech to the Japanese public and Japan surrendered, liberating the prisoners of war, unfortunately this did not happen overnight, some Japanese even killing prisoners after the surrender.


Plane Transport

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          Shipos by Arival By Arrival Port


After three and a half years in Japanese prisoner of war camps, the realisation that the war was over brought tears of joy but also tears of sadness, it hit home that mates would be left behind, mates that would never see blighty again.

The prisoners had to adapt themselves to this new found freedom and they would find later that  they would never be completely free, the freedom would be short lived, the nightmare would return.

How the prisoners reached home is not widely documented, these pages are an attempt to document their movements and the transports used.

The Americans launched ‘Operation Magic Carpet’, to repatriate over eight million American military personnel from the European, Pacific, and Asian theatres including PoWs.


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FEPOW Family

Keeping The Candle Burning

In Memory of FEPOW Family Loved Ones

Who Suffered in the Far East

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