Ataka Pamphlet
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[Liberation] [Ataka Pamphlet] [Section 1]


Ataka Pamphlet


Our Welcome To You

To all of you on your journey home, whether in the Services or not, this brings you a warm welcome to the Middle East Command.

You may be here for up to 18 hours and the reason for this break is to provide you with the warm clothing you will need on arrival in England. Our object will be to make this break as pleasant as possible and to provide such entertainments as we can while you are here. This pamphlet tells you what will happen here.

Whatever you may think of our arrangements you can be sure of one thing - they have been tackled with the greatest keenness by everyone connected with them.

This clothing of thousands of people of all sizes and sexes is no small job. We shall not have had much information about your size and shape before you arrive and you will realise that the quality of clothing has not got any better in the past four years of war. But we have done everything to produce our best for you.

Outfitting you with clothing will take place at ATAKA. The outfitting of individuals will not be a long process but to deal with all the passengers of your ship will take some time. Therefor, we have organised recreational facilities at ADABIYA to fill in your time of waiting.

There is a plan at the end of this pamphlet showing both places and the facilities at each.


      Section 1 Section 1

      Section 11 Section 11


       Lists of Clothing and Necessaries to be issued

      Officers Officers

      Other Ranks Army Other Ranks Army

      Other Ranks RAF Other Ranks RAF

      Civilian Men Civilian Men

      Civilian Woman Civilian Woman

      Boys 3-15 Boys 3-15

      Girls 3-15 Girls 3-15

      Boys Under 4 Boys Under 4

      Girls Under 4 Girls Under 4


      Letter of Silence Letter of Silence


      Map Map


Supplied by Gill Grant


[Liberation] [Ataka Pamphlet] [Section 1]


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