Repatriation Rolls
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[FEPOW Family] [British Repatriation Rolls] [FEPOW] [B]


British Flag

British Far East PoW

Repatriation Roll


Compiled by Ronnie Taylor



Aircraftman 2nd Class

Barry, Edward

Born 1922/07/30, Glamorgan, Wales


Royal Air Force

605 Squadron





Japanese PoW

Date of Capture:-


Place of Capture:-




Japanese Index Card

These Index Cards are obtained from KEW or FindMyPast


Index Card File:-

WO 345/3

Card Camp:-

Hakodate PoW camp

Card Country:-


As the cards were made out at the later end of 1942, the ‘Card Camp’ and ‘Card Country’ indicate where the PoW was at this time









Survived Liberation 1945/09/11.

Roll - 'HMS Glory':- Embarked Manila 1945/10/09. Destination Esquimalt Naval Base, Canada. British then entrained to the East Coast and transported to UK.




For more information search FEPOW Family web sites


Next Stages For You To Research


  1. One Stage at a time, do not rush, you could miss vital information


  1. A notebook is required or use a computer for your Notes


  1. Add to your Notes at each stage


  1. From FEPOW Family, Research section, Search ‘British FEPOWs’  for information, adding to your Notes (As you are here this stage has been completed).


  1. If you have not searched the FEPOW Family websites using Name and Service Number in the search window above, please do so now. Adding Information found to your Notes.



  1. Obtain Japanese Index Card from KEW or FindMyPast to increase Notes, download the images of both sides of the card. A red diagonal line across card indicates the PoW died. To obtain ‘Side Two’- when card is found in FindMyPast, click on the right hand arrow downloading both. Card is in Japanese and requires deciphering


  1. If Died ‘Find’ in Commonwealth War Graves Commission a Commemorative Certificate can be downloaded from the CWGC


  1. Obtain the PoWs Liberation Questionnaire from KEW or COFEPOW. If filled in the PoW Camps will be obtained with dates and other vital information for your Notes


  1. Search for information in FEPOW Community, about your Notes


  1. Read ‘Articles’ related to your Notes within the FEPOW Community


  1. Read ‘Research’ in the FEPOW Family related to your Notes


  1. Read Far Eastern Heroes which are stories from the FEPOWs, follow those stories which are related to your Notes


  1. Join FEPOW Family Facebook Group or the many other FEPOW Groups available


  1. Search on other FEPOW related web sites, there are many.


  1. Each piece of information in your Notes adds another piece of the jigsaw and a picture will start to to be seen, even with some missing pieces


  1. Enjoy the journey - Keeping the Candle Burning



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