1,000 Days on the River Kwai: The Secret Diary of a British Camp Commandant
H.C. Owtram
125th Anti-Tank Regiment R.A.1939-1945.
Murdoch Mackenzie
1995 Changi Diary: Celebrating the Australian Spirit
Neil Pigot
6th Heavy Anti Aircraft Regiment Royal Artillery
P. Walker
9th Gurkha Rifles, The (Volume 2) 1937-1947.
G.R. Stevens
A Copper in Kypriou
Jack Taylor
A Cruel Captivity
Ellie Taylor
A Different Brand Of English
Andrew Mason
A Doctor’s War
Aiden MacCarthy
A Doctor's Sword
Bob Jackson
A Doctor's War
Rowley Richards
A Green Hill Far Away
Fred Hirst
A Life for Every Sleeper: A pictorial record of the Burma-Thailand Railway
Hugh V. Clarke
A Musket For The King
Lesley S. Ives
A Record of the War: The Tenth Quarter
Philip Graves
A Song for Nagasaki
Paul Glynn & Shusaku Endo
A Spoonful of Rice with Salt
George Patterson
A.A. Duncan is OK
Meg Parkes
Accident or Assassnation
Arthur Lane
Across the Three Pagoda's Pass: The story of the Thai-Burma Railway
Yoshihiko Futamatsu
Active Service with Australia in the Middle East
No Author
Against all Odds: The History of the 2/18 BN A.I.F
James Burfitt
Against the Sun
James Uhr
Alberts War
Sydney A.Walmsley
All Quiet on the Irrawaddy
John Finnerty
Roger Maynard
Ambushed Under The Southern Cross
George W. Duffy
An Angel on my Shoulder
Geoffrey Monument
An Imperial Prisoner
I.B. Wyness
An Ocean Without Shores
Cyril Oswald Jennings
And All The Trumpets
Donald Smith
And the Dawn Came up Like Thunder
Leo Rawlings
Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders 2nd Batt. 1941-42.
Ian MacArthur Stewart
Arthur's War
Arthur Bancroft with John Harman
Asiatic Land Battles - Expansion of Japan in Asia
Trevor Nevitt duPuy
Asiatic Land Battles: Allied Victories in China and Burma
Trevor Nevitt duPuy
At Dawn We Slept
Gordon W. Prange
Atlas of Conflict WW32 The Pacific
Sean Sheehand
Aussie Soldier
Denny Neave & Craig Smith
Australia and the Second World War
A.K. MacDougall
Australian Artists at War Vol 1
John Reid
Australian Prisoners of War
Patsy Adam-Smith
Australians at War
Peter Cochrane
Australians in Malaysia
James Duffy
Back to Bangka
Georgina Banks
Back to Burma
Mary Davey
Bamboo and Barbed Wire
Stanley Wood-Higgs
Bamboo and Bushido
Alfred George Allbury
Bamboo Doctor
Stanley S.Pavillard
Bamboo Fortress, The
H Sidhu
Bamboo Heart
Ann Bennett
Bamboo Island
Ann Bennett
Bamboo Road
Ann Bennett
Bamboo Round My Shoulder - Changi the lighter side
George Sprod
Bamboo, Rice and Seaweed
Owen F. Mahoney
Banzai, You Bastards
Jack Edwards & Jimmy Walter
Barbed Wire and Bamboo
H. Clarke & C. Burgess
Bataan - The March of Death
Stanley L. Falk
Battalion at War: Singapore 1942
Michael Moore
Battle for Burma, The
Phillip Jowett
Battle For Manila, The
Richard M. Connaughton
Battle for Palembang
Terence Kelly
Battle for Singapore, The
Peter Thompson
Battle Within, The - POWs in Postwar Australia
Christina Twomey
Before Hiroshima
Jacqueline Jeynes
Behind Bamboo: an inside story of the Japanese prison camps
Rohan D. Rivett
Behind the Wire - A Cinical Diary - Changi 1944/5
Burnett Leslie Clarke
Beloved Enemy
K. Kataki
Betrayal In High Places
James Mackay
Beyond the Bamboo Screen
G.S.Gimson & Tom McGowran
Beyond the Chindwin
Bernard Ferguson
Beyond Victor's Justice: The Tokyo War Crimes Trial Revisted
Yuki Tanaka; TL H McCormack & Gerry Simpson
Biography of Max Norman Jones
Elizabeth M Whitney
Bitter End, The: The Fall of Singapore 1941-42.
Richard Holmes & Anthony Kemp
Black Jack: The Life/Times of Brig.Sir F Galleghan
Stan Arneil
Blind to Misfortune
Billy Griffiths & Hugh Popham
Blood On The Rising Sun
John Alexander McGregor
Bloody Buna: The Campaign that Halted the Japanese Invasion of Australia
Lida Mayo
Bloody Shambles, Vol I: The Drift to War
Christopher Shores & Brian Cull
Bloody Shambles, Vol II: The Defence of Sumatra
Christopher Shores & Brian Cull
Blue Door, The: A Little Girl's Story of Survival in the Japanese POW Camps of Java
Lise Kristensen
Blue Haze, The
Leslie G Hall
Blue Orchids
William Elliott Kelly
Boat, The
Walter Gibson
Borneo Graveyard 1941-1945, The
John S M Tulloch
Brave Japanese, The
Kenneth Harrison
Bridge Over the River Kwai, The
Pierre Boulle
Bridge to the Sun: The Scret Role of the Japanese Americans who fought in WWII
Bruce Henderson
Britains Never Never
Ken Porter
British Civilians and the Japanese War
Joseph Kennedy
British Infantryman in the Far East 1941-1945
Alan Jeffreys
British Pacific Fleet: The Royal Navy's Most Powerful Strike Force
David Hobbs
British POW in Japan 1942-1945
Grant Szafranski
British Soldier in India: The Letters of Clive Branson
Clive Branson
British Sumatra Battalion
A.A. Apthorp
Britons Never Never (Once I built a railroad)
Ken Porter
Bunker's War
Paul Bunker
Burma Railway and PTSD, The; A Family Memoir
Kim Wheeler
Burma Railway Artist
Jack Chalker
Burma Railway Man: Secret Letters from a Japanese POW
Charles Steel
Burma Railway Medicine
Geoff Gill & Meg Parkes
Burma Surgeon
Gordon S. Seagrave
Burma-Siam Railway - Secret Diary of Dr Robert Hardie 1942-45, The
Robert Hardie
By Eastern Windows
William H. McDougall
By Hellship to Hiroshima
Terence Kelly
Camp on Blood Island (fiction)
J.M.White & Val Guest
Campaign in Burma
Frank Owen
Captive Artists: The Unseen Art of British Far East Prisoners of War
Meg Parkes, Geoff Gill, Jenny Wood
Captive Fathers, Captive Children
Terry Smyth
Captive Memories: Far East POWs
Meg Parkes
Captive of the Rising Sun
Donald T. Giles
Captivity, Slavery and Survival as a Far East POW - The Conjuror on the Kwai
Peter Fyans
Captured at Singapore
Jill Robertson & Jan Slimming
Captured Behind Enemy Lines
Daniel Berke
Captured! Living with Death on the Sumatran Railway
Barbara M Tranter
Changi - Reminiscences of a P.O.W. in Singapore
Mary Cornelius
Changi Book, The
Lachlan Grant
Changi Brownlow, The
Roland Perry
Changi Calendar 1995, The
Australian Govt
Changi Connection, The
David Tett
Changi Cross, The
Louise Cordingly
Changi Days: The Prisoner as Poet
David Griffin
Changi Diaries Singapore 1942-45, The
G.K. Marshall
Changi Interlude
Guy Heriot
Changi Photographer: George Aspinall's record of captivity
Tim Bowden & George Aspinall
Changi Souvenir Song Album AIF
Ray Tullipan & Slim De Grey
Changi Teenage Soldiers
Gerard Sampson
Changi Terror
Jim Kent
Changi, the Lost Years: A Malayan Diary, 1941-1945
Thomas P.M. Lewis
Chaplain on the River Kwai
Chaim Nussbaum
Chindit War, The
Shelford Bidwell
Chungkai Memorial
Arthur Lane
Churches of the Captivity in Malaya, The
J.N. Lewis Bryan
Code of Love: a true story
Andro Linklater
Colonel of Tamarkan
Julie Summers
Conduct Under Fire
John Glusman
Conjuror of the Kwai
Peter Fyans
Conquering Tide, The: War in the Pacific Islands 1942-1944
Ian W.Toll
Corregidor: The American Alamo of World War 2
Eric Morris
Corregidor: The rock force assault 1945
E.M. Flanagan
Course For Disaster: From Scapa Flow to the River Kwai
Richard Pool
Crowded Hour
S. Cunyngham-Brown
Cumbria To Kwai
Tim Stewart
Day of Infamy: The Bombing of Pearl Harbor
Walter Lord
Dear Mum
Ken H. Stofer
Dear Philip: A Diary of Captivity - Changi 1942-45
Freddy Bloom
Death & Deprivation on the Forgotten Sumatra Railway
James H Banton
Death on the Hellships; Prisoners at sea in the Pacific War
Gregory F. Michno
Death Railway
Clifford Kinvig
Death Was Our Bedmate
Angus McEwan & Campbell Thomson
December 7 1941
Donald M. Goldstein & W. Prange
Defeat in Malaya - the Fall of Singapore
Arthur Swinson
Defeat into Victory
William Slim
Defining Years of the Dutch East Indies 1942-1949, The
Jan A Krancher
Deliverence it has come - e-book
John S. Beaber
Destination Kwai
Jack Shuttle
Destined Meeting
Leslie Bell
Devil at my Heels
Louis Zamperini & David Rensin
Devotion to a Calling
Harley Boxall & Joe Bamford
Diary of a Girl in Changi
Sheila Allan
Digger's Dtory
David Barrett & Brian Robertson
Disaster in the Far East 1941-1945
John Grehan & Martin Mace
Doctor Behind the Wire
Jackie Sutherland
Don't Ever Again Say 'It Can't Be Done
John Clemetson
Doomed Battalion
Peter Henning
Double Journey: Experiences and Teaching of a World War II FEPOW
Jack Butterfield
Down to Bedrock
Eric & Louise Cordingly
Dunkirk The Necessary Myth
Nicholas Harman
Durban 1942: A British Troopship Revolt
Gerry R.Rubin
East Indies Episode
Johan Fabricius
East Lancashire at War
Nick Dunnachie
Eastern Fleet and the Indian Ocean, The
Charles Stephenson
Echoes of a Living Hell
Aubrey E. Cooper
Echoes of Captivity
Louise Cordingly
Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Aftermath of World War II
John W Dower
Emperor’s Irish Slaves, The
Robert Widders
Emperor's Codes, The
Michael Smith
Emperor's Guest, The
John Fletcher-Cooke
Emperot's Guest, The
Don Peacock
Empire of the Sun (fiction)
J.G. Ballard
End of the Imperial Japanese Navy, The
Masanori Ito
Endless Years, The
John T. Barnard
Enemy Subject
Peggy Abkhazi
Escape From Singapore
Sydney Charles George
Escape From Singapore, The
Richard Gough
Escape From The Bloodied Sun
Freddie Guest
Escape from the Japanese
Ralph Burton Goodwin
Escape From The Rising Sun
Ian Skidmore
Escape to Captivity
Peter Hartley
Escape to Fight On
John Whitehead & George B Bennet
Escape to Japanese Captivity
Mick & Margery Jennings
Evacuation of Singapore to the Prison Camos of Sumatra; The
Judy Balcombe
Faith Hope and Rice
Ellie Taylor
Fall of General Gordon Bennett, The
Brett Lodge
Fall of Hong Kong
Tim Carew
Fall of Japan, The
William Craig
Fall of Singapore, The
Frank Owen
Far East Operations 1942-1945 (Despatches from the Front)
John Grehan & Martin Mace
Fearful Freedom
Robert Hamond
FEPOW - the story of a voyage beyond belief
Terence Kelly
Fight it Out
Captain Oliver L. Gordon
Fighting General
Tom Pocock
Fighting McKenzie - Anzac Chaplain
Col Stringer
Fire by Order
E.W. Maslen-Jones
First Reconnaissance of the Burma-Siam Railway
J.A Eldridge & H.C Babb
Flame of Freedom
Robert Hamond
Foo - A Japanese-American Prisoner of the Rising Sun
Frank Fujita
For Gunners Sake
L.J. Burns
Forgotten Armies
Christopher Bayly & Tim Harper
Forgotten Army's Box of Lions
Christopher David Johnson
Forgotten Heroes
Michael Bentinck
Forgotten Highlander, The
Alistair Urquhart
Forgotten Prisoners of War; FEPOWs and Their Families
Jacqueline Jeynes
Forgotten Squadron, The
Brian Williams
Forgotten VC's: The Victoria Crosses of the War in the Far East during WW2, The
Brian Best
Forgotten War, The. British Army in the Far East 1941-1945
Ed David Smurthwaite
Fortress Singapore
Siang Yong Yap
Fortress: The Story of the Siege and Fall of Singapore
Kenneth Attiwill
Forty two months in Durance Vile
R. Keith Mitchell
Frank Pantridge MC
Cecil Lowry
Fred's Letters: Letters to and From a FEPOW
Irene Chisnall & Caroline Maddocks et al
Freeing the Demons - Book One: Memories of 'Pop'.
Michael Nellis
Freeing the Demons - Book Two: Memories of 'Pop'.
Michael Nellis
From Coningsby to the Far East and Back Again
Elizabeth McElwee
From Gorbals to Jungle
Jack Caplan
From Java to Nagasaki
Les Spence
From Shanghai to the Burma Railway
Ed: Rory Laird
From the Somme to Singapore
Charles Huxtable
From the Woodlands to the Jungle
Martyn Fryer
Galleghan's Greyhounds 2/30th Australian Infantry
A.W.Penfold, W.C.Bayliss & K.E.Crispin
Gallipoli & the Middle East
Anthony Keith Macdougall
Genki Boys, The
Terence Kelly
Gideon Goes to War
Leonard Mosley
Gods Without Reason
C F.Blackater
Great Betrayal, The
David Day
Great was the Fall ! - The Malayan Tragedy
Greatness of Heart
Patrick Rorke
Guest of Nippon
Eddie Hunn
Guests of the Emperor: The Secret History of Japan's Mukden POW Camp
Linda Goetz Holmes
Guilty or Innocent: Gordon Bennett Case
Mark Clisby
Hai Kuan: The Sea Gate
Christopher Biggs
Happiness Box, The
David Griffin (drawings by Leslie Greener)
Hard Way, The
V S Ebbage
He’s Not Coming Home
Gillian Nikakis
Healing in Hell: The Memoirs of a Far Eastern POW medic
Ken Adams
Hell in Five
Jack Symon
Hell in the Pacific
Jonathan Lewis & Ben Steele
Hell Pits of Sendryu, The: A POW story of survival on the Death Railway and Nagasaki
Jim Brigginshaw
Forbes Cameron
Hellfire Pass Memorial: Thailand-Burma Railway - Pamphlet
Ron Beattie
Heroes of F Force
Don Wall
Heroes of Rimau
Lynette Ramsay Silver
Heroes, The
Ronald McKie
Hidden Horrors
Yuki Tanaka
Highland Laddie
Walter Gibson
History of Changi, The
H.A. Probert
History of the British Battalion in the Malayan Campaign
Kooi Loong Chye
History of The Royal Norfolk Regiment Vol 3 1919 to 1951, The
P.K. Kemp
History: The East Surrey Regiment Vol. IV 1920-1952
David Scott Daniell
Hong Kong Full Circle 1939-1945
Alexander Kennedy
Hong Kong Internment 1942-1945
Geoffrey Charles Emerson
Horror in the East
Lawrence Rees
Horrors of War
Karen Farrington
Hostages to Freedom - The Fall of Rabaul
Peter Stone
House at Ampasiet, The
Paula Kogel
Hunting of Force Z, The
Richard Hough
Hurricane Over the Jungle
Terence Kelly
I Fed the 5000 - Experiences of John Franks
M.W. Cornell
I Remember Blamey
Norman D. Carlyon
I Saw Too Much
Lorraine Stumm
I'm Praying hard for You- Love Letters to a Death Camp
Imperial War Museum, The. Book of the war in Burma 1942-1945
Julian Thompson
In 70 Days : Japanese Campaign in Malaya
Edwin Maurice Glover
In Defence of Singapore
A.V. Toze & S.Strange
In Honour of War Heroes
Athanasios Tsakonas
In My Father's Footsteps
Patricia Bienkowski
In Oriente Primas - A History of the Volenteer Forces in Malaya & Singapore
Jonathan Moffat & Paul Riches
In The Shadow
Geoffrey Burton
In the Shadow of Death
Idris James Barwick
Into the Smother
Ray Parkin
Japan Runs Wild 1942-1943
Peter Harsen
Japan Triumphant. The Far East Campaign 1941-1942
Philip Jowett
Japanese Army Handbook 1939-45
A.J. Barker
Japanese Bondage
George Frederick Whiting (Ronald Hastain)
Japanese experience in Indonesia
Anthony Reid & Akira Oki
Japanese Infantry Weapons
Donald B Mc Lean
Japan's Pacific War
Peter Williams
Judy Story, The
Edwin Varley
Judy: A Dog in a Million.
Damien Lewis
Jungle Beat, The
Roy Follows
Jungle is Neutral, The
Frederick Spencer Chapman
Jungle Journals
Frank & Ronald Williams
Jungle Soldier: The true story of Freddy Spencer Chapman
Brian Moynahan
Jungle Warfare
AIF set
Raymond Lamont - Brown
Kamikazes, The
Edwin P. Hoyt
Kanchanburi Memorial
Arthur Lane
Keep the Men Alive
Rosalind Hearder
Raymond Lamont - Brown
Kept-The Other Side of Tenko
Len Baynes
Khaki and Green
Australian Military Forces
Kill the Prisoners
Don Wall
King Rat
James Clavell
Kinkaseki: One Day at a Time
Arthur Titherington
Knights of Bushido, The
Lord Russell of Liverpool
Arthur Swinson
Kranji War Cemetry, Singapore Part I.
Cornel Lumiere
Kurrah ! An Australian POW in Changi and Thailand
William G..Power
Labuan Memorial
Arthur Lane
Lancashire Gunners at War - 88th Fld Reg
Stephen Bull
Last Flight From Singapore
Arthur Gerald Donahue DFC.
Last Man Out: Surviving the Burma-Thailand Death Railway: A Memoir
H. Robert Charles
Last Post over the River Kwai: The 2nd East Surreys in the Far East 1938-1945
Cecil Lowry
Last Stop Nagasaki
Hugh V Clarke
Lasting Honour, The
Oliver Lindsay
Laughing Gunner
Geoffrey Bingham
Lesser Gods Greater Devils
Arthur Lane
Lest We Forget
Ivy Woods
Lest We Forget: Life as a Japanese POW
Fred Seiker
Liberation of the Philippines
Stanley L. Falk
Liberation of the Phillipines, The
Jon Diamond
Life and Death in Changi
Thomas Kitching
Life on the Death Railway
Stuart Young
Line of Departure: Tarawa
Martin Russ
Line of Lost Lives
J.S. Cosford
Line, The
Arch & Martin Flanagan
Lion in The Sky
N. Shorrick
Living with Japanese
Terence Kelly
Long Night's Journey into Day: Prisoners of War in Hong Kong and Japan
Charles G Roland
Long Road to Changi, The
Peter Ewer
Long Way Back to the River Kwai
Loet Velmans
Long Way Home, The
Helen Vinter
Lost at Sea - Found at Fukushima
Andy Millar
Lost Samurai, The
Stephen Turnbull
Lost Sould of the River Kwai: Experiences of a British Soldier on the Railway of Death
Bill Reed & Mitch Peake
Love is the Spur
Geoffrey Bingham
Loyal Regiment (North Lanchashire) 1919-1953, The
Charles Graham Troughton Dean
MacArthur (Military Commanders)
Gavin Long
Arthur Lane
MacDougal's Farm
Eric Lambert
Main Fleet to Singapore
Russell Grenfell
Malayan Postscript
Ian Morrison
Malayan Tales of the Yorkshire Light Infantry
John Scurr
Mantle of Heroism
Michael B Graham
Marauders, The
Charlton Ogburn Jr
Arthur Lane
Masked Eden, a History of the Australians in New Guinea
Anne McCosker
Massacre at Parit Sulong
Gilbert Mant
Mastermind Behind Japan's Greatest Victory, The
M. Tsuji
Maturing Sun, The
Angela Bolton
Medical Soldiers
Bob Wislon and Ray Connolly
Men of the Line, The
Pattie Wright
Men Who March Away
Midnight in Broad Daylight
Pamela Rotner-Sakamoto
Midway 1942. Turning point in the Pacific.
Mark Stille & Howard Gerrard
Militaria from the Pacific War - Their Stories
James Pollard
Miracle at Midway
Prange, Goldstein & Dillon
Miracle of Deliverance
Stephen Harper
Miracle on the River Kwai
Ernest Gordon
Missing Years, The
Stu Lloyd
Mist Over the Rice Fields
J.N. Shipster
Monsoon Victory
Gerald Hanley
Moon Over Malaya: A Tale of Argylls and Marines
Jonathan Moffatt, Audrey Holmes McCormick
Moonlight War, The
Trevor O'Brien
Arthur Swinson
Mountbatten's Samurai: Imperial Japanese Army and Navy Forces under British Control in Southeast Asia, 1945-1948
Stephen B Connor
My Dad, My Hero
Michael Bentinck
My Life as a POW of the Japanese 1942-1945
Arthur Charles
My Life with the Samurai
Tony Cowling
Naked Island, The
Russell Braddon
Narrow Road To The Deep North, The
Richard Flanagan
Nemesis: The Battle for Japan 1944-45
Max Hastings
Never Forget, Nor Forgive (paparback version of Ordeal in the Sun)
George Cooper
Never Surrender
Mark Felton
Night of the New Moon
Laurens van der Post
Nippon Slaves
Lionel de Rosario
Nippon Very Sorry - Many Men Must Die
Queensland Ex POW Reparation Committee
Nippon's Guest: A Sailor POW in Japan
Ted Anderson and Robin Rowe
No Bamboo for Coffins
David Elio Roberts
No Mercy from the Japanese
John Wyatt & Cecil Lowry
No More Tenko
W.R. Smith and J.N. Walker
No Surrender
W.E Johns and R.A Kelly
No Surrender in Burma
Fred C Goode
No Time For Geishas
Geoffrey Pharoah Adams
Nor Iron Bars
Stephen Bull
Not Enough Said: My father's Story
Duke Sell
Not much of a Picnic
Frederick John Baxter
Not Ordinary Men
John Colvin
Not the Slightest Chance
Tony Banham
Notify Alec Rattray
Meg Parkes
John Toland
Odd Man Out: The Story of the Singapore Traitor
Peter Elphick & Michael Smith
Of Frigates and Fillies
Capt C Poynder
Of Love and War
Philippa Pool
Of Rice And Men
Jimmy Walker
Okinawa 1945. Gateway to Japan
Ian Gow
One Day at a Time -Kinkaseki
Arthur Titherington
One For Every Sleeper
Jeffery English
One Fourteenth of an Elephant
Ian Denys Peek
One God, Too Many Devils
Arthur Lane
One Man's War
Stan Arneil
One Year of Life
Alan & Gordon Franklin
One-Man War
Hal Richardson
Operation Rangoon Jail
K.P. Mackenzie
Ordeal in the Sun (renamed Never Forgive, Never Forget)
George Cooper
Out East in the Malay Peninsula
G.E.D Lewis
Out in the Midday Sun - Singapore 1941-1945
Kate Caffrey
Out of the Blue
Terence O'Brien
Out of the Depths of Hell
John McEwan
Pacific 360-Australia's Battle for Survival WW2
Perry Roland
Pacific Fury. How Australia & her Allies Defeated the Japanese
Peter Thompson
Pacific War Atlas, The
David Smurthwaite
Paradise Surrendered: Java 1942
Frank Willams
Peace Keepers - Australia at War Since 1945, The
A.K. Macdougall
Pearl Harbor Papers
Donald M. Goldstein & Katherine V. Dillon
Percival And The Tragedy of Singapore
John Smyth
Piddingtons, The
Russell Braddon
POW on the Sumatra Railway
John Geoffrey Lee (ed Christine Bridges)
PoW Sketchbook
Judy & Stuart Dewey
POWs in the Moluccas and Flores (only available in Dutch)
J.H.W. Veenstra
Prelude to the Monsoon
G.F. Jacobs
Prender's Progress
John Prendegast
Priest in Prison
John Hayter
Prisoner Doctor
Richard Philps
Prisoner List, The
Richard Kandler
Prisoner of Japan
Harold Atcherley
Prisoner of Nippon
Ray Stubbs
Prisoner of the Japanese
Tom Henling Wade
Prisoner of the Japanese: From Changi to Tokyo
Tom Henling Wade
Prisoner of the Rising Sun
Stanley Wort
Prisoner of the Samurai
James Gee, Rosalie Smith
Prisoner of Two Wars
Sherriff & John Probert
Prisoner on the Kwai
Basil Peacock
Prisoner on the Rails
Aubrey E Cooper
Prisoner Without a Crime
Jack Jennings
Prisoners in Java
Prisoners of Hope
Michael Calvert
Prisoners of Santo Tomas
Celia Lucas
Prisoners of the Emperor
Ian Mitchell
Prisoners of the Empire: Inside Japanese POW Camps
Sarah Kovner
Prisoners of the Japanese in WWII
Van Waterford
Prisoners of the Japanese: POWs of WWII in the Pacific
Gavin Dawes
Prisoners of the Sumatra Railway: Narratives of History and Memory
Lizzie Oliver & Stephen McVeigh
Prisoners of the Turnip heads: horror, hunger & humour
George Wright-Nooth & Mark Adkin
Prisoners of War
Hugh Clarke & Colin Burgess
Prisoners of War
Hugh Clarke & Colin Burgess
Prisoners of War: Australians under the Nippon
Hank Nelson
Prisoners on the Kwai: Memoirs of Dr Harold Churchill
Harold Churchill
Queen Mary's Book For India
Quiet Jungle - Angry Sea
Denis Gavin
RAF and the Far East 1941 - 1945, The
RAF Historical Society & Derek Wood
Railroad of Death
John Coast
Railroad of Death
John Coast
Railroad to Hell
Leo Rawlings
Railway Man, The
Eric Lomax
Railway of Death
Fred Ransome Smith
Railway of Hell
Reginald Burton
Rainbow Through the Rain
Geoffrey Scott Mowat
James M Scott
Real Tenko, The: Extraordinary True Stories of Women POW
Mark Felton
Reassessing The Japanese Prisoner of War Experience
R.P.W. Havers
Red Jungle
John Cross
Remembering Weary
Margaret Geddes
Remorseleless Road: Singapore To Nagasaki, The
James McEwan
Retreat in the East
O.D. Gallagher
Retreat With Stilwell
Jack Belden
Return From the River Kwai
Joan and Clay Blair
Return of the Tiger
Brian Connell
Return Ticket, The
Michael Bennetts
Return Via Rangoon
Philip G. Stibbe
Rise and Fall of the Japanese Empire
Gary Gordon
Rising Sun
Arthur Zich
Rising Sun in the Spice Islands
Richard Chauvel
Rising Sun on My Back, The
E.S. Benford
Rising Sun, The
John Toland
Rising Sunset, The
Ken Attiwill
River Kwai Railway
Clifford Kinvig
Road From Singapore
Diana Norman
Road to Three Pagodas, The
Reginald Burton
Royal Norfolk Regiment
Tim Carew
Sacrifice, Captivity & Escape
Peter Jackson
Safer Than a Know Way
Ian MacHorton & Henry Maule
Sai Wan Bay Memorial
Arthur Lane
Saipan 1944
John Grehan & Alexander Nicol
Samurais & Circumcisions
Dr Leslie Poidevin
Paul Ham
Sandakan - A Conspiracy of Silence
Lynette Ramsay Silver
Sandakan Under Nippon - The Last March
Don Wall
Sarong and the Kris, The
H.L.H. Harrison
Scapegoat: General Percival of Singapore
Clifford Kinvig
Scattered Under the Rising Sun
Stewart Mitchell
Second World War (Six Volume Boxed Set), The
Winston Churchill
Secrets of the Battlebox
Romen Bose
See Japan and Die
Frank Brimelow
Seed and the Sower, The
Laurens van der Post
Seventy Days to Singapore 1941-1942
Stanley L. Falk
Shadow of Hanaki
Edwin Joseph Ornstien
Shenton of Singapore
Brian Montgonery
Ships from Hell- Japanese War Crimes on the High Seas
Raymond Lamont-Brown
Short Cruise On The Vyner Brooke
Ralph E H Armstrong
Signal Honour
Robin Painter
Signals - Story of Austrlian Corps of Signals
AIF set
Singapore - The Japanese Version
Masanobu Tsuji
Singapore - The Battle That Changed The World
James Leasor
Singapore - The Chain of Disaster
Kirby, Maj-Gen S. Woodburn
Singapore - The Inexcusable Betrayal
George Chippington
Singapore - The Pregnable Fortress
Peter Elphick
Singapore - Too Little Too Late
Ivan Simpson
Singapore 1941-1942
Louis Allen
Singapore and After
Lord R.N.Strabolgi
Singapore and Beyond
Neil Storey
Singapore and Beyond
Neil Storey
Singapore and the Thailand Burma Railway
Alfred Knights
Singapore Burning
Colin Smith
Singapore Goes Off The Air
Giles Playfair
Singapore in WW2
National Heritage Board
Singapore is Silent
Geroge Weller
Singapore Memorial
Arthur Lane
Singapore Nightmare
Outpost (Pseudonym) Crowther
Singapore RAF Memorial
Arthur Lane
Singapore Samurai
Penrod V Dean
Singapore Surrender
Gilbert Mant
Singapore Tragedy
S.E. Field
Singapore, Changi & the Thailand Railway
Kathrine Bell
Singapore: The Pregnable Fortress
Peter Elphick
Singapore: We Got Away, or Did We ?
Arthur McKenzie
Singapore's Dunkirk
Geoffrey Brooke
Sinhgapore and the Thailand Burma Railway
Alfred Knights
Sinister Twilight
Noel Barber
Sinking of the Lisbon Maru, The
Tony Banham
Sinking of the Prince of Wales & Repulse, The
Martin Middlebrook
Sisters under the Rising Sun
Heather Morris
Sixth Column, The
Mahmood Khan Durrani
Slaves of the Son of Heaven
Roy H Whitecross
Small Man of Nanataki
Liam Nolan
So Long Singapore
Hugh Campbell & Ron Lovell
Soldier Surgeon in Malaya
Thomas Hamilton
Songs of War & Peace
Geoffrey Bingham
South By Java Head
Alistair MacLean
Souvenir, The
Louise Steinmann
Sparrow- A Chronicle of Defiance
Grant McLeod McLachlan
Sparrows, The
Tony Paley
Speedo Speedo
William Spalding
Spell Broken, The
Peter Brune
Spice Island Slaves
Leslie Audus
Spotlight on Singapore
Denis Russell-Roberts
Spotlight on the Second World War
Nathaniel Harris
Staff Wallah: At The Fall Of Singapore
John Wyett
Stand Easy - After the Defeat of Japan
AIF set
Standing Orders for Civian Internees
Masato Sisaito
Sticky Dewi
Patricia Clements
Stilwell Papers, The
Joseph Stilwell
Stolen Years: Australian POW's
Vets Affairs
Storm at Kalidjati, The
Francis Hansen
Story of Changi Singapore, The
David Nelson
Story of the Rice Cakes, The
Geoffrey Bingham
Stranger in the House
Julie Summers
Suez Maru Atrocity, The: Justice Denied
Allan Jones
Suez To Singapore
Cecil Brown
Suffolk Regiment 1928-1946, The
Col. W.N.Nicholson
Sumatra's Fittest
David Spero (Ed Helen Lester)
Summer will Come Again
John Lane
Sunset in the East
John Hudson
Sunset of the Raj
Cecil Lee
Surgeon in the Jungle War
John A. Baty
Survival & Separation on the River Kwai
Ian Roberts
Survival Factor, The
Rowley Richards & Marcia McEwan
Survival in Japanese POW camps with Changkol & Basket
Ernest C. Darch
Surviving Captivity
R W Christie
Surviving the Death Railway
Hilary Custance Green
Surviving the Japanese Onslaught
William Tate
Surviving the Sword
Brian McArthur
Survivor on the River Kwai
Reg Twigg
Survivor: Junyo Maru & Pekanbaru
Nicole Meindes & Willem Punt
Syona - Singapore Under The Japanese
Lee Cteok Boi
Syonan - My Story
Mamora Shinozaki
Taiping and KL Memorial
Arthur Lane
Tales From the Kings African Rifles
John Nunnerley
Tall Man who Never Slept, The
James Bradley
Tamajao 241
Ernest Warwick
Tanamera (fiction)
Noel Barber
Tarawa - A Hell of a Way To Die
Derrick Wright
Tattered Remnants, The
Eric Burgoyne
Thailand to Burma Railway
Geoffrey Pharoah Adams
Thanbazayat Memorial
Arthur Lane
That's My Lot
Lionel Griffith-Jones
The Borneo Graveyard
John S M Tuloch
The Summer of '45
Kevin Telfer
Their Last Tenko
James Home
Their Sacrifice - Australia Remembers 1945-1995
Rob Linn
Their's Not To Reason Why
Vivienne Chatfield
Thin Red Line, The
James Jones
This War Never Ends
Michael McKernan
Those Crazy British
Edward S. Strutt
Thousand Cups of Rice: Surviving the Death Railway
Kyle Thompson
Three Came Home
Agnes Newton Keith
Three Times a Guest
Charles.A. Fisher
Tigers in the Park
Jon Cooper
Tin Hats & Rice
Barbara Anslow
To End All Wars: A True Story about the Will to Survive and theCourage to Forgive
Ernest Gordon
To Japan to Lay a Ghost
Peter S.Rhodes
To Sandakan: The Diaries of Charlie Johnstone
Chris Dawson
To Singapore and Beyond:
Neil R. Story
To Stop a Rising Sun: Reminiscences of Wartime Burma and India
Roy S. Humphreys
To the Kwai - and Back
Ronald Searle
To War with the Walkers
Annabel Venning
Tobo - One Woman's Escape
Jane Tierney
Tokyo Calling
Ivan Chapman
Tomorrow Will Be A Good Day
Tom Moore
Tomorrow You Die
Eric S. Cooper
Tomorrow You Die
Eric S. Cooper
Towards the Setting Sun
James Bradley
Traces of War
Jan Banning
Traitors: How Australia and its Allies betrayed our Anzacs
Frank Walker
Trauma of Captivity - POW Mental Health
Julie Cook
Two Years of Tenko
Elizabeth van Kampen & Cec Lowry
Ubon: The Last Camp Before Freedom
Ray Withnall
Laura Hillenbrand
Under the Heel of Bushido
Martin Sugarman
Under the Poached Egg
Ronald & Frank Williams
Under the Rising Sun: War Captuvity and Survival 1941-1945
Edward W. Weiss
Underated Enemy, The
Adrian Stewart
Undercover University
Frank Bell
Unexplained Mysteries of WW2
Robert Jackson
Unforgettable Army, The
Michael Hickey
Unknown To The Emperor
James Hill
Unsung Heroes of the British Army
Pam Stubbs
Unsung Heroes of the Royal Air Force - Far East Prisoners of War 1941-45
Les & Pam Stubbs
Unsung Heroes of the Royal Navy & Royal Marines
Pam Stubbs
Unwritten Letters to Spring Street
Jacquelyn Frith
Valleys of the Shadow of Death
Charles Thrale Exibition
Volunteer: The Story of One Man's War in the East
Paul Gibbs Pancheri
War Against Japan, The - Vol I
Maj-Gen S. Woodburn et al
War Against Japan, The - Vol II
Maj-Gen S. Woodburn et al
War Against Japan, The - Vol III
Maj-Gen S. Woodburn et al
War Against Japan, The - Vol IV
Maj-Gen S. Woodburn et al
War Against Japan, The - Vol V
Maj-Gen S. Woodburn et al
War Behind the Wire
Michael Caulfield
War Dead of The British Commonwealth & Empire, The - Part I
No Author
War Diaries of Weary Dunlop, The
E.E. Dunlop
War in Burma
Roy Mckelvie
War in Malaya
Lieut-Gen A.E. Percival
War in Malaya and Indonesia
Philip Cockrill
War in the Far East - a Military History
Basil Collier
War in the Far East (Trilogy)
Peter Harmsen
War Memories. A medical Student in Malaya and Thailand
Gordon Smith
War Nurses, The
Anthea Hodgson
War Time Memories
Michael Bentinck
Warriors of the Rising Sun
Robert B. Edgerton
War-Time Interlude of a Temporary Soldier 1941-45.
Forbes Wallace
Way of a Boy, The: A Memoir of Java
Ernest Hillen
We Shall Suffer There. Hong Kong's Defenders Imprisoned 1942-1945
Tony Banham
Wearside Lad in World War 2, A
Len Gibson
Weary - The Life of Sir Ed Dunlop Vol 1
Sue Ebury
Weary - The Life of Sir Ed Dunlop Vol 2
Sue Ebury
What Price Bushido
Alfred Thomas Baker
What Price Surrender
Desmond Jackson
When Singapore Fell: Evacuations and Escapes 41-42
Joseph Kennedy
When Tigers Fight
Dick Wilson
When You Go Home
Arthur Lane
Where Are All The Madmen
Arthur Lane
Where Fate Leads
Harry Howarth
While History Passed
Jessie Elizabeth Simons
White Coolie
Ronald Hastain
White Coolies
Betty Jeffrey
Who Dies Fighting
Angus Rose
Why Singapore Fell
Grl. H Gordon Bennett
Why We Lost Singapore
Dorothy Crisp
Will to Live
L.L. Baynes
Will to Live – three true stories
Michael Bentinck
Will To Live, The - Dame Margot Turner
Sir John Smyth
Will to Survive, The
Douglas McLaggan
Wingate Adventure
W.G. Burchett
Wingate's Phantom Army
W.G. Burchett
Wingate's Raiders
Charles James Rollo
Wings Over Burma
Kenneth Hemmingway
With Freedom to Singapore
Oswald Gilmour
With the A.A.N.S. 1939-1945
Edith D.K. Eadie
With The Cambrideshires at Singapore
William Taylor
With the Gurkhas
Scott Leathart
With Wingate in Burma
David Halley
Women Beyond the Wire
Lavinia Warner
Women Interned in WW2 Sumatra
Barbara Coombs
World War II - As Seen Through Kids Eyes
R & C Brink
Worst Disaster, The - The Fall of Singapore
Raymond Callahan
You Must Endure
Chris Given-Wilson
You'll Die in Singapore
Charles McCormac
You'll Never Get Off The Island
Keith Wilson
Young Colonials, The
Barbara Anslow