20-31st January
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Killed in Action


20-31st January 1942


To enable the troops left to retreat safely to Yong Peng the 53rd Infantry Brigade, consisting of 5th and 6th Norfolks, 2nd Cambridgeshires, 135 Field Regiment RA and supporting units were put into action in Jahore, within three days of landing at Singapore, they had received no jungle training and had not seen any action before.

The 6th Norfolks headed for Yong Peng and were dropped off nine miles north on the road with Bukit Belah to the North and Bukit Pelandok to the south. The Japanese attacked two days later and quickly took control of a hill held by C Company, D Company held on under heavy pressure. During that night they could hear the fire from a Japanese attack on a convoy of ambulances passing near them on the on the Parat Sulong road. At dawn on the 20th January D Company found they had been cut off, the 3/16th Punjab Regiment attacked Bukit Belah trying to relieve D Company but were badly cut up in their effort, Colonel H.D.Moorhead who had led the Punjabis throughout Malaya was killed and D Company was finally overrun. By the 23rd January the position could no longer be held and the Norfolks were told to withdraw as Japanese tanks were coming down the road towards Yong Peng, This force was later to be scattered under the pressure and speed of the Japanese advance and many had to make their own way back towards Singapore.

Matsui’s troops had now reached Labis and he stuck to the coast road heading for Batu Pahat where the 2nd Battalion of the Cambridgeshire Regiment and the 5th Battalion of the Royal Norfolk Regiment were waiting, they held held up the Japanese advance for over a week, then had to fight their way back to Singapore as they were cut off.

By now Percival had ordered yet another retreat towards Singapore to a line running from Kluang to Ayer Hitam, only twenty square miles of Malaya was now left. Communications was now breaking down and many troops did not get any orders, this left a very untidy situation with many troops isolated.


The Japanese hit the villages and towns with bombs and the civilians were hard hit over 2,100 casualties in Singapore alone. Bennett kept ambushing the Japanese and was still causing them problems even at this late stage, he even had the Japanese 40th Infantry withdrawing until Yamashita sent in more troops.

On 26th Percival sent a message to Wavell:

‘Consider general situation becoming grave. With our depleted strength it is difficult to withstand enemy ground pressure combined with continuous and practically unopposed air activity. We are fighting all the way but may be driven back into the Island within a week.’

That evening he wrote:

‘Very critical situation has developed. The enemy has cut off and overrun majority of forces on west coast. Unless we can stop him it will be difficult to get our own columns on other roads back in time especially as they are both being pressed. In any case it looks as if we should not be able to hold Jahore for more than three or four days. We are going to be a bit thin in the Island unless we get all remaining troops back.’

On 28th January Percival and Heath met and found that Eastforce and Westforce had no reserves left, trying to hold South Malaya was now pointless as the remaining troops would be destroyed. The evacuation to Singapore would began at once to be completed before the end of January.

The troops started falling back over the causeway joining Malaya to Singapore, Yamashita was trying to cut off their retreat, so they had to move fast. The Argylls were one of the last to retreat, they tried to make the most of a desperate situation by having a piper play them onto Singapore Island.

The only allied troops left in Malaya were either lost, captured or killed in action.


Killed in Action

Death Toll  20-31st January 1942







New Zealand:-


United Kingdom:-





Death Roll for 20-31st January 1942

(Click on Bullet below to open information)



Abdul Azim,

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Abdul Hamid Bin Jusoh,

Johore Volunteer Force

Abdul Husain,

9th Jat Regiment

Abdul Khan,

10th Baluch Regiment

Abdullah Bin Muhammad,

Johore Military Forces

Abdullah, (01)

9th Jat Regiment

Abdullah, (02)

9th Jat Regiment

Abell, Walter Edward

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Abery, Martin Robert James

East Surrey Regiment

Adalat Khan,

2nd Punjab Regiment

Adam, Thomas Stevenson

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Aggas, James William

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Ahmad Khan,

9th Jat Regiment

Ajaib Singh,

11th Sikh Regiment

Akram Ullah Khan,

Royal Indian Army Service Corps


Indian Army Postal Service

Alderton, Godfrey

Royal Norfolk Regiment


Mysore Infantry, Indian States Forces

Alford, John Francis Godfrey

Royal Australian Artillery

Ali Bin Awang,

Johore Volunteer Force

Ali Muhammad,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Allah Dad,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Allah Ditta,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Allan, John Harry

Royal Artillery

Allen, Lionel

Australian Infantry

Aman Bin Qadir,

Royal Artillery

Amar Singh,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Anderson, Dennis Patrick

Royal Artillery

Anderson, Frank Graham

15th Punjab Regiment

Anderson, Ivan Victor Strachan

Royal New Zealand Air Force

Anderson, Victor Dennistoun

14th Punjab Regiment

Anderson, William

Royal Air Force

Anderton, William John

Australian Infantry

Andrews, Raymond

Gordon Highlanders

Annett, Reginald Albert Wilfred

Australian Infantry

Ansell, John

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Arbon, Ronald Henry

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Arjun Singh,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Arjun Singh,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Armitt, Archie Edward

Australian Infantry

Armour, George

Gordon Highlanders

Armstrong, George Ronald

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Armstrong, Walter

Royal Engineers

Arnold, Cecil William

Royal Air Force

Arthur, Vincent

Royal New Zealand Air Force

Aslam Jan,

12th Frontier Force Regiment

Atherton, Thomas Hodson

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Atkins, Alfred Percival

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Atkins, Lester John

Royal Australian Artillery

Atkinson, Herbert George

Royal Artillery

Atkinson, John Surtess

3rd Cavalry, I.A.C.


9th Jat Regiment

Auton, John Clyde

Australian Infantry

Awang Bin Chik,

Johore Volunteer Force

Ayyaswami, (01)

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Ayyaswami, (02)

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Badlu Ram,

9th Jat Regiment

Badri Ram,

16th Punjab Regiment

Bailey, Frederick Douglas

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Bailey, Leonard

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

Bainbrigge, Lyal Thomas

Australian Infantry

Baker, Stanley

Royal Artillery

Balaam, Herbert William

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Baldwin, Herbert Leslie

Royal Air Force

Baldwin, Mervyn John Fitzhardinge

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Ballard, Frederick Thomas

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Bancroft, Geoffrey

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Bannah, Vincent Joseph

Australian Infantry

Barber, Albert

Australian Infantry

Barber, Mervyn Peter

Australian Infantry

Barker, George Henry

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Barker, George William

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Barker, Stanley Alfred

Australian Infantry

Barnes, Fred

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Barrett, Edward William

Australian Infantry

Barstow, Arthur Edward

Indian Army General List

Barton, Alexander Walter

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Baskerville, Earl William

Australian Infantry

Bass, John Edward

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Baxter, Albert Charles

Australian Infantry

Baxter, Charles Henry

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Baxter, Eric Joseph

Royal Australian Artillery

Baxter, George Harry William

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Beament, Jesse

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Beard, Alexander

Australian Infantry

Beavis, John

Royal Artillery

Beck, Walter George

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Beckett, Ranald Hugh Colin

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Bedol Bin Nur Din,

Royal Artillery

Beesley, Stanley Herbert William

East Surrey Regiment

Bell, Jackson

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Bell, Samuel Charles

Australian Infantry

Bell, William

6th Rajputana Rifles

Belsham, Stanley George

Royal Artillery

Belt, Harry

Royal Artillery

Bennett, Leslie Crawford

Australian Infantry

Bennett, Norman Michael

Australian Infantry

Bennetts, Allan George

Australian Infantry

Bennetts, Kenneth

Australian Infantry

Bhag Singh,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Bhajan Singh,

11th Sikh Regiment

Bhan Singh,

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Bird, Daniel Albert

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Bird, Thomas

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Birkett, Joseph

Royal Air Force

Biru Ram,

9th Jat Regiment

Bishop, Peter Conway

Royal Air Force

Blackledge, Wilfred

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Blackley, Hugh

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Blair, Gordon William

Australian Infantry

Blanchard, Arthur

Australian Infantry

Blanchard, William

Leicestershire Regiment

Bland, Robert Thomas

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Blunt, Harry Sutton

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Boardman, Stuart Cozens-Hardy

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Boland, Ronald Owen James

Australian Infantry

Bolden, Joseph Arthur

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Borras, Cyril John Samuel

Royal Air Force

Boult, Reginald Herbert

Royal Artillery

Boulter, Frederick George

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Bourchier, Harry Leslie

Australian Infantry

Bourke, John Royal

Australian Infantry

Bourke, Kenneth Henry

Australian Infantry

Bourke, William

Australian Infantry

Bowman, Henry Phillip

Australian Infantry

Bradford, Arthur Albert

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Braybrooke, Robert

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Breakspear, Sydney

Australian Infantry

Bredin, William Wesley

Australian Infantry

Brett, Frank

Australian Infantry

Brew, Philip James

Australian Infantry

Brewer, Paul Middleton

Royal New Zealand Air Force

Broadbent, Arthur

Royal Artillery

Brooker, Douglas Charles

Australian Infantry

Broom, Cecil Robert

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Brown, Charles Thomas

Australian Infantry

Brown, Edmund John

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Brown, Frederick Charles

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Brown, Frederick John

Royal Australian Artillery

Brown, Leslie Owen

Australian Infantry

Brown, Ronald Charles

Australian Infantry

Brown, Stanley Henry

Australian Infantry

Brown, Stephen Wilfred

Australian Corps of Signals

Brown, William Edward Harold

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Browning, Albert James

Australian Infantry

Bruce, James Roderick

Australian Infantry

Bruce, Leonard Leslie

Royal Australian Artillery

Brunton, Reginald Theodore

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Buck, George Arthur

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Buckley, James Steve

Australian Infantry

Bullock, Lloyd Angus Keith

Australian Infantry

Bunt, Leslie Finley

Australian Infantry

Burdett, Harry

Australian Infantry

Burles, Archibald Albert

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Burrows, John

Australian Infantry

Burtinshaw, John

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Burton, Alexander William

Australian Infantry

Burton, Harry

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Burton, James Henry

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Burtonwood, David

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Butt, Donald Leslie

Australian Infantry

Byng, Leonard Julian

Australian Army Service Corps

Byrnes, Phillip

Australian Infantry

Byrnes, Robert James

Australian Infantry

Byron, Hubert William

Australian Infantry

Caldecoat, Ernest George

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Callaghan, Francis Xavier

Australian Infantry

Cameron, John

Australian Infantry

Campbell, John

Royal Artillery

Campbell, William John

Australian Infantry

Canby, Sylvester

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Cant, William Thomas Theodore

Australian Infantry

Capel, Donald

Australian Infantry

Carr, John William Robert

Australian Infantry

Carr, William Picken

Australian Infantry

Carroll, James

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Carter, Ernest

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Carter, Gerald Vernon Herbert

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Carter, John

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Cassells, Vincent Harold

Australian Infantry

Cassidy, Clarence Bernard

Royal Australian Artillery

Cassidy, Thomas

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Caswell, Richard William

Royal Artillery

Cawley, Leonard

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Chabi Lal,

15th Punjab Regiment

Chambers, Leslie Charles

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Chan Khey Thye,

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Chandan Sing Negi,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Chandar Singh,

9th Jat Regiment

Chandler, George Alexander

Australian Infantry

Chapman, George William

Royal Artillery

Cheah Kim Hong,

Royal Army Service Corps

Chesterman, Sydney Noel

Royal Australian Air Force

Chilvers, Reginald

Royal Norfolk Regiment


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Chinnaswami, (01)

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Chinnaswami, (02)

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Chiranji Lal,

9th Jat Regiment

Chivers, Hugh John

Cambridgeshire Regiment


Royal Army Service Corps

Christensen, Reuben Roseniuse

Australian Infantry

Christian, Charles David Gordon

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Christie, Jack

Australian Infantry

Christoff, George Joseph

Australian Infantry

Chuna Ram,

9th Jat Regiment

Chuni Lal,

9th Jat Regiment

Churchard, Ernest William

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Clark, William James

Australian Infantry

Clarke, James Ellis Lace

Australian Infantry

Clarke, Kenneth Frederick

Royal Artillery

Clarke, Leonard Verdun

Australian Army Provost Corps

Clarke, Royal

Australian Infantry

Clayton, Bertram

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Cleary, Lawrence James

Australian Infantry

Cleator, Arthur Bertram

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Clements, Wesley Richard

Australian Infantry

Clifton, Adam Ronald

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Clohesy, Joseph

Australian Infantry

Clulow, Robert John

Royal Australian Artillery

Clyne, George

Gordon Highlanders

Cocklin, Albert George

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Coe, John Franklin

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Cohen, Leslie Ernest

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Cole, Clifford

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Cole, Ronald

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Cole, Victor Joseph

Australian Infantry

Collins, Francis James

Australian Infantry

Collins, Terrence Cecil

Australian Infantry

Condliffe, Arthur

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Cook, James Edward

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Cooper, Cecil Percival

Royal Engineers

Cooper, Francis

Australian Infantry

Cooper, John Watson

Gordon Highlanders

Cooper, Roy Gordon

Australian Infantry


9th Jat Regiment

Cornish, Ernest George

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Corr, Stuart

Australian Infantry

Costello, Arthur George

Australian Infantry

Costello, James

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Cotton, Arthur

Australian Infantry

Couch, Bert Raymond

Australian Infantry

Coutie, Alan Vincent

Royal Australian Air Force

Cox, John Edward

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Craddock, George William

Royal Artillery

Craig, Walter Norman Stanley

Australian Infantry

Craske, George Thomas

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Crathern, John Henry

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Crawford, Byron Donald George

Australian Infantry

Crawford, Macedon

Australian Infantry

Creasey, Dennis Albert

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Crittenden, Kenneth Alphonsus

Australian Infantry

Crooke, John Allen

Australian Infantry

Crossley, Joseph

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Croston, James Wilfred

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Crotch, Reginald George

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Crouch, George Henry

Australian Infantry

Crump, Frederick Charles

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Cuckow, Frank Alfred

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Culwick, John Edward

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Cummins, Henry George

Australian Infantry

Curran, Patrick Valentine

Royal Australian Artillery

Cutlack, Cecil William Robin

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Daftar Khan,

9th Jat Regiment

Dalip Singh,

11th Sikh Regiment

Dalton, Stanhope James

Australian Infantry

Danciger, Sigmund

Royal Australian Artillery

Daniel, Brian Philip

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Dant, John Edward Robert

Royal Engineers

Darby, William

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Darbyshire, Frank

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Dare, James Nankivell

Australian Infantry

Darley, Henry William

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Darvell, Edward James

Australian Infantry

Darwall, John Evelyn Desmond

Royal Navy

Daryao Singh,

15th Punjab Regiment

Das Gupta,

Indian Army Ordnance Corps

Data Ram,

9th Jat Regiment

Datta Ram,

9th Jat Regiment

Davidson, Raymond Leslie

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Davidson, Reginald Arthur

Australian Infantry

Davies, Frank

Leicestershire Regiment

Davies, Jack Lloyd

Australian Infantry

Dawson, Percival William

Australian Infantry

Day, Cecil Ernest

Australian Infantry

Day, Frederick John

Royal Engineers

Daya Ram,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

De Roche, Francis

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

De Souza, Donald Winfred

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Dean, David Roy

Australian Infantry

Dean, Stanley

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Dedman, Richard Henry

Royal Australian Artillery

Dempster, Douglas Gordon

Royal Australian Engineers

Dennett, Robert Alfred

Australian Infantry

Denton, Walter William

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Dersley, Charles Harry

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Des Raj, (01)

15th Punjab Regiment

Des Raj, (02)

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Des Ram,

9th Jat Regiment

Deverell, Herbert Clarence

Australian Infantry

Deveril, Leslie Stuart

Australian Infantry

Deverson, Victor John

Royal Air Force

Devlin, Donald Charles

Royal Australian Air Force

Dewa Singh,

9th Jat Regiment

Dexter, James Verdun

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Dhani Ram,

10th Baluch Regiment

Dickerson, Maurice Golden

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Dickinson, Cyril Frank

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Dickson, Alexander Gerard

Australian Infantry

Digby, Leslie Lancelot William

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Dip Chand,

9th Jat Regiment

Diwan Singh,

9th Jat Regiment

Dixon, Laurence Beatty

Australian Infantry

Dixon, Victor Arthur

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Dobson, David Harold

Australian Infantry

Dobson, William

Intelligence Corps

Dodds, James Angus

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Donley, Edward

Australian Infantry

Doughty, Reginald Leonard Carter

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Douthwaite, Arthur James Percy

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Dow, Ronald John

Australian Infantry

Downes, Basil Ivory

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Doyle, Dennis Daniel

Australian Infantry

Doyle, John Robert

Australian Infantry

Dring, Thomas Eric

Royal Artillery

Driscoll, Lawrence Allan

Australian Infantry

Duli Chand,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Duli Chand,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Dumpleton, John Stephen

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Dunbar, Allan James

Australian Infantry

Duncan, Herbert Cecil

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Dunham, Ernest

Royal Engineers

Dunn, Frederick Lambourne

Royal Australian Artillery

Dunthorne, George Arthur

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Durdin, Charles Richard

Australian Infantry

Durkin, Leslie William

Australian Infantry

Dutton, Charles William

Australian Infantry

Duxbury, Albert George

Royal Australian Air Force

Dyer, Anthony Derrick

9th Jat Regiment

East, Leonard

Royal Engineers

Eckersley, Harry

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Edgley, John Louis

Australian Infantry

Ellaby, Edward Watts

Johore Volunteer Engineers

Elliott, Frederick Thomas

Royal Artillery

Elliott, Robert

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Ellis, Douglas Owen

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Eloy, Henry Albert

Royal Artillery

Emblow, Edward Sydney

Royal Artillery

Enke, Arnold Charles

Australian Infantry

Erratt, Erle Hope

Australian Infantry

Etheridge, Ernest Alfred

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Evans, Bernard Essex

Australian Infantry

Evans, Clarence Leslie

Australian Infantry

Evans, Harold Victor

Australian Infantry

Evans, Leonard Edward

Australian Infantry

Evans, Lindsay Stewart Edgar

Australian Infantry

Evans, Richard Rowland

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Everson, Clarrie

Royal Australian Artillery

Ewells, Harry James

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Ewen, George

Royal Canadian Air Force

Faiz Ullah,

11th Sikh Regiment

Fallaw, Charlton

Australian Infantry

Fallover, Thomas Henry

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Fancourt, Edward

Australian Infantry

Farnes, Victor Lewis

Australian Infantry

Farr, Leonard Raymond

Royal New Zealand Air Force

Farrington, Joseph Francis

Australian Corps of Signals

Farthing, Hugh Arthur

Royal Air Force

Fateh Muhammad, (01)

10th Baluch Regiment

Fateh Muhammad, (02)

10th Baluch Regiment

Fateh Muhammad, (03)

16th Punjab Regiment

Fateh Muhammad, (04)

Royal Indian Artillery

Fateh Sing Butola,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Fauja Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Fawcett, Harry

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Fazl Dad,

Indian General Service Corps

Ferguson, Ronald John

Australian Infantry

Ferguson, Ross Albert

Australian Infantry

Few, Walter Joseph

Australian Infantry

Fielding, William

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Fildes, Norman

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Finigan, Raymond

Australian Infantry

Finn, John Gilbert

Royal New Zealand Air Force

Finnigan, William John

Australian Infantry


10th Baluch Regiment

Fisher, Henry Maxwell Money

Royal Australian Artillery

Fiske, Sidney Harold

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Fitzgibbon, James Merton

Australian Infantry

Fitzpatrick, John Barnard

Australian Infantry

Fleming, Andrew Martin Hearn

Royal New Zealand Air Force

Flowers, David Henry

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Flowers, Ernest Joseph

Australian Infantry

Flowers, Robert

Royal Artillery

Forbes, Gilbert Strachan

Royal Air Force

Ford, Frederick Thomas

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Forrest, Leslie Walter

Australian Infantry

Forrester, Robson George

Australian Infantry

Forsyth, Albert

Gordon Highlanders

Foster, Douglas Moore

Royal Air Force

Foster, John

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Foster, John Colin

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Foulger, Neville

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Fowler, Enoch Keith

Royal Australian Artillery

Fowler, John

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Fox, Harry Edward

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Foy, Leslie William

Royal Australian Artillery


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Francis, Reginald

Australian Infantry

Freeman, Arthur Ernest

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Freeman, Frederick Thomas

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Freeman, Leonard Cyril

Australian Infantry

French, Richard John

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Frisby, Leslie Thomas

Royal Air Force

Frost, Cyril Thomas

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Frost, Geoffrey George

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Frost, Percy James

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Fryer, Jonathan

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Fuller, Frederick

Australian Infantry

Gallaher, John

Australian Infantry

Gamble, Robert George

Australian Infantry

Ganpat Chaugule,

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Gardiner, Benjamin

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Gardiner, Daniel Stephen

Royal Artillery

Gardner, Charles David

Australian Infantry

Garsden, Joseph

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Garvin, Samuel Norman John

Australian Infantry

Gaster, Edward George

Cambridgeshire Regiment

George, Reginald John

Australian Infantry

Ghulam Husain,

10th Baluch Regiment

Ghulam Muhammad, (01)

10th Baluch Regiment

Ghulam Muhammad, (02)

10th Baluch Regiment

Gibson, John Forster

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Gibson, Walter Thomas

Royal Australian Artillery

Gilbert, Alfred

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Gilby, William Clarence

Royal Artillery

Gill, Fred

Australian Infantry

Gill, George Alexander

Australian Infantry

Gill, Neil Stewart

Royal Australian Air Force

Glasson, David James Russell

Australian Infantry

Glen, William Campsell

Australian Infantry

Glynn, Alfred

Royal Artillery

Godfrey, Reginald Charles

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Godward, William Edward

Australian Infantry

Goldsmith, William Arthur

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Goldsworthy, Leonard

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Gomm, John Henry

Royal Air Force

Gooch, Gordon Douglas

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Gooch, Reginald Charles

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Good, George Joseph

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Goodfellow, Victor James

Royal Australian Artillery

Goodwin, Samuel Busby

Royal Air Force

Goonan, Alfred

Australian Infantry


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Gore, Francis Joseph

Australian Infantry

Gouda, Arnold Herbert

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Gourlay, David

Royal Artillery


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Grant, Alexander Hope Gordon

Merchant Navy

Grant, George Yeoman

Royal Engineers

Grant, John

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Gray, Cyril Edward

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Gray, Leonard

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Gray, William Linden

Australian Infantry

Gray, William Louis

Royal Army Medical Corps

Grayson, Albert

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Green, James

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Greenacre, Alan George

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Greenstreet, Neil

Royal Australian Artillery

Greentree, George Ernest

Australian Infantry

Greenwood, James

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Gregg, Alston

Australian Infantry

Griffiths, Percy William

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Griffiths, Trevor

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Grimes, Eric Harvey William

Royal Air Force

Grogan, Herbert Allan

Australian Infantry

Groom, Basil Raf

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Grosvenor, Henry

Australian Infantry

Grounds, Frederick Ambrose

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Guest, Donald

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Gugan Ram,

9th Jat Regiment

Gulab Khan,

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Gurdayal Singh,

11th Sikh Regiment

Gurditt Singh,

11th Sikh Regiment

Gurnam Singh,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Guta Ram,

9th Jat Regiment

Guymer, Christopher George

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Guymer, Henry Thomas

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Habib Abdul Rahman,

Hyderabad Infantry, Indian States Forces

Habib Khan,

10th Baluch Regiment

Haggan, Owen

Royal Air Force

Hainworth, Harold Burt

South Lancashire Regiment

Haji Ahmad Bin Sha'ari,

Malay Regiment

Hakam Singh,

11th Sikh Regiment

Halim Bin Yusuf,

Royal Artillery

Hall, Henry Michael

Australian Infantry

Hall, Jack Russell

Australian Infantry

Hall, Percival

Australian Infantry

Hall, Raymond Charles

Royal Australian Artillery

Hall, William Herbert Crampton

Australian Infantry

Hallhead, Thomas

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Halson, Roy Napier

Australian Infantry

Hamilton, Alexander Mathieson Sneddon

Australian Infantry

Hamilton, Andrew

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Hammond, George Charles

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Hammond, Thomas Silvester

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Hammond, Walter Clifton

Australian Infantry

Hands, Ronald John

Australian Infantry

Hannant, Edward Herbert

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Hansen, Thomas

Australian Infantry

Harbridge, Gordon James


Harding, Jack

Royal Australian Artillery

Hardwick, Philip Clarence Brown

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Hari Sing Gosain,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Hari Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Harnam Singh, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Harnam Singh, (02)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Harnwell, Kenneth Charles

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Harris, Bernard Vernon

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Harris, Frederick James

Australian Infantry

Harris, Mervyn Keith

Australian Infantry

Harrison, Benjamin

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Harrison, Edward William

Royal Engineers

Harrison, Leonard Joseph

Australian Infantry

Harrison, Thomas Freeman

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Hart, Alan Edward

Australian Infantry

Hart, Richard

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Harun Bin Mat,

Royal Engineers

Harvey, James George Mckean

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Harvey, Reginald Richard

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Hasan Bakhsh,

Bahawalpur Infantry

Hasan Din,

9th Jat Regiment

Haslam, Harry Jack

Royal Artillery

Hawes, James

Royal Artillery

Hawken, Ralph

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Hawkins, George

Australian Infantry

Hawthorn, John Clelland

Royal Artillery

Hay, Philip Carlisle

Royal Australian Air Force

Hayat Muhammad,

10th Baluch Regiment

Haylock, Henry Gratton

Royal Engineers

Haynes, George

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Haynes, John

Australian Infantry

Haynes, Thomas Edward

Australian Infantry


15th Punjab Regiment

Hearn, Alfred

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Henderson, John Hartley

Royal Australian Air Force

Hepburn, Jonathan

Gordon Highlanders

Hetherington, William Murphy

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Hewitt, Arthur James

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Hicks, Humphrey Frank

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Higgins, Albert James

Royal Australian Artillery

Higson, Thomas

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Hilton, Stanley Herbert

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Hingst, Harry

Royal Australian Artillery

Hinkins, Henry William Charles

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Hinson, Ronald Stanley

Australian Infantry

Hira Lal Sah,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Hite, Thomas Payne

Royal Engineers

Ho Siew Chong,

Royal Army Service Corps

Hodgett, David Alexander Hynds

9th Gurkha Rifles

Hodson, Albert

Royal Engineers

Hodson, Bernard Thomas

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Hogg, Arthur

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Holt, Hubert Francis

Australian Infantry

Hook, Arthur Charles

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Hope, John Forster

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Hornsby, Edward Samuel

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Horobin, George Henry

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Horsley, Keith Thornton

Australian Infantry

Hosie, Andrew Allen

Australian Infantry

Houldsworth, James Howitt

Army Catering Corps

Howard, Henry Albert

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Howard, John Owen

Royal Australian Artillery

Howard, Joseph

Australian Infantry

Howard, Robert

Australian Infantry

Howard, Thomas Alvin Alexandria

Australian Infantry

Howe, John Henry

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Howes, Frederick

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Howiss, Gordon Stewart

Royal Australian Air Force

Hoyes, Horace

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Hoyes, James

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Hubbard, Reginald John

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Hughes, David

Royal Australian Air Force

Hughes, Joseph

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Hughson, Herbert Harold

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Hull, Charles Arthur Robert

Royal Australian Artillery

Humble, John Jones

Royal Artillery

Husain Bakhsh,

10th Baluch Regiment

Husan Muhammad,

9th Jat Regiment

Hushiyar Singh, (01)

9th Jat Regiment

Hushiyar Singh, (02)

Royal Indian Army Service Corps

Hutchinson, George Arthur

Australian Infantry

Ibbott, Alan Gardiner Cope

Australian Infantry

Indar Singh,

Kapurthala Jagatjit Infantry

Inglis, William Walker

Australian Infantry

Ingram-Moody, Thomas

Australian Infantry

Iqbal Khan,

9th Jat Regiment

Irvin, Robert Leslie

Australian Infantry

Irvine, Alexander Patterson

Australian Infantry

Ismail Bin Ahmad,

Royal Artillery

Ismail Khan,

11th Sikh Regiment

Isom, Gordon Harold Joseph

Australian Infantry

Ison, John

Royal Australian Artillery

Ivers, Edward Raymond

Australian Infantry

Ivers, Robert Bowen

Australian Infantry

Ivins, Peter Dunbar

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Jackson, Harold William

Australian Infantry

Jackson, James

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Jackson, John Joseph

Australian Infantry

Jackson, Phillip Jefferson

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Jagir Singh,

Indian Signal Corps

Jakins, George Reardon

Australian Infantry

James, Jonathan William

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Jamieson, Andrew John

Gordon Highlanders

Jannese, Jack Edward

Australian Infantry

Jeffs, Richard

Leicestershire Regiment

Jellings, John

Royal Engineers

Jennings, Alfred Thomas

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Jennings, Allen Raymond

Australian Infantry

Jennings, Edward Henry

Australian Infantry

Jiggins, Thomas Arthur

Australian Infantry

Jiwan Singh,

15th Punjab Regiment

Johnson, Leslie Albert

Australian Army Service Corps

Johnston, Harry

Australian Infantry

Johnston, James Isaac

Australian Infantry

Jolly, William Halligan

Australian Infantry


10th Baluch Regiment

Jones, Arthur Ernest

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Jones, Donald Alfred

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Jones, Jack

Australian Infantry

Jones, Richard George

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Joyce, Ronald Joseph

Australian Infantry

Julius, William Warner

Royal Australian Artillery

Kaka Singh,

13th Frontier Force Rifles


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners


Royal Indian Artillery

Kanshi Ram,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Karam Dad,

9th Jat Regiment

Karam Illahi,

16th Punjab Regiment

Kartar Singh, (01)

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Kartar Singh, (02)

15th Punjab Regiment

Kartar Singh, (03)

16th Punjab Regiment

Karunakaran Nair,

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Kaufmann, Henry James

Australian Infantry

Kawelmacher, John Henry

Australian Infantry

Kearns, Felix George

Australian Infantry

Keating, James

Manchester Regiment

Keeble, Walter Dudley

Australian Infantry

Keirnan, John Charles

Australian Infantry

Keirnan, Thomas John

Australian Infantry

Kelley, Douglas

Australian Infantry

Kelly, Douglas John

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Kelly, William Alfred

Australian Infantry

Kennedy, Daniel Mannix

Australian Infantry

Kennedy, David Joseph

Royal Artillery

Kennedy, Martin

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Kennedy, Richard James Mcdonald

Royal Artillery

Kennedy, William Patrick

Australian Infantry

Kenyon, Henry

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Kerr, Dennis

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Kerrison, Roger Greville Justine

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Khan Muhammad, (01)

10th Baluch Regiment

Khan Muhammad, (02)

9th Jat Regiment

Khan Muhammad, (03)

9th Jat Regiment

Khuda Dad,

16th Punjab Regiment

Khushi Muhammad, (01)

10th Baluch Regiment

Khushi Muhammad, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

King, Charles Russel Leonard

Cambridgeshire Regiment

King, Robert Henry

Australian Infantry

Kitching, Tom Appleton

Royal Air Force

Knight, Ronald John

Australian Infantry

Knockton, Dennis

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Knoll, Ronald Ernest

Cambridgeshire Regiment


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Lachhman Singh, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Lachhman Singh, (02)

King George V's Own Bengal Sappers and Miners

Lachhmi Narayan,

Hyderabad Infantry, Indian States Forces

Lafranchi, Leo

Australian Infantry

Laik Ram,

9th Jat Regiment

Laik Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Laing, Gordon

Australian Infantry

Laing, Harold

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Lal Din,

9th Jat Regiment

Lalor, Andrew George

Australian Infantry

Lamb, Norman

East Surrey Regiment

Lancaster, Ronald

Australian Infantry

Landels, Leslie Ninian

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Lander, Francis Robert

Australian Army Ordnance Corps

Langham, Arthur

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Large, Sidney Henry

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Larpent, Sydney Herbert De Hochpied

Australian Infantry

Latham, Fred

Manchester Regiment

Lawes, Wilfred Albert

Royal Artillery

Lawrence, Douglas Norman

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Lawrie, Gilbert Jack

Australian Infantry

Lawson, Alfred Charles

Australian Corps of Signals

Le Pla, Aubrey William

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Lebert, William Henri

Local Defence Corps (Singapore)

Lee Kim Thor,


Lee, Alfred William

Australian Infantry

Lee, Cyril Charles

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Lee, David Bruce Smaill

Royal New Zealand Air Force

Lee, George William

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Lee, William Charles

Royal Australian Artillery

Leeder, Ernest William

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Leeder, Olaf William

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Leetham, Joseph Henry

Royal Canadian Air Force

Leigh, Henry Harry

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Lemmon, Cyril

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Lennox, Kennith Joseph

Australian Infantry

Leonard, Francis Joseph

Australian Infantry

Letchford, Alfred John

Royal Artillery

Lincoln, Edward George

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Lindrea, Lindsay Gordon Morris

Australian Infantry

Linney, Thomas

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Lister, Frank

Australian Infantry

Littlefair, Arthur

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Liversidge, Alan John

Gloucestershire Regiment

Lockhart, Joseph

Royal Australian Air Force

Lodge, Herbert

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Logan, James Herbert

Australian Infantry

Longobardi, Clifford John

Australian Infantry

Longstaff, John Henry

Australian Infantry

Looby, Thomas

Australian Infantry

Lord, Cecil Victor

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Lovett, Francis Hugh

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Lowe, Peter Dania

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Lucas, Lennox Robert Ivan

Australian Infantry

Lutton, Gordon Albert

Australian Infantry

Lyall, Ernest

Royal Air Force

Mackender, Stanley Charles William

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Madden, Henry St. John

Australian Infantry

Maghar Singh,

11th Sikh Regiment

Maher, John Joseph

Australian Infantry

Maher, John Patrick

Australian Infantry

Maher, Martin Basil

Australian Infantry

Mahon, Kevin Gerard

Australian Infantry

Mahoney, Dennis

Australian Infantry

Mahoney, John William

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Makin, Robert

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Malone, Francis Joseph

Australian Infantry

Mam Raj Singh,

15th Punjab Regiment

Manak Ram,

9th Jat Regiment

Manga Khan,

16th Punjab Regiment

Mangal Singh,

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Manning, Harry

Royal Norfolk Regiment


9th Jat Regiment


10th Baluch Regiment

Manwaring, Leslie Milton

Australian Infantry

Marchbanks, Alphonso Calvin

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Markham, Richard Frederick Cyprian

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Markwell, Edward George

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Marsh, Carl Finney

Royal Canadian Air Force

Marshall, Albert Clifford

Australian Infantry

Martin, John Joseph

Australian Infantry

Martin, Peter Laing

Royal Artillery

Martin, Wilfred Arthur

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Maskus, James Dudley

Australian Infantry

Maskus, John William

Australian Infantry

Maslen, Arthur Leonard

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Matheson, William John

Australian Infantry

Matson, Francis Cedric Richmond

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Matthews, John Arthur

Australian Infantry

Maxwell, Claude

Australian Infantry

Mayes, Gerald Victor

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Mayle, Charles

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Maynard, Jesse Edward

East Surrey Regiment

Mcaleer, Leonard Harold

Australian Infantry

Mcarthur, Gordon Neil

Australian Infantry

Mccarthy, Edward

Australian Infantry

Mccarthy, Martin Leslie

Australian Infantry

Mcclellan, Harold John

Australian Infantry

Mcculloch, Leslie Alfred

Australian Infantry

Mccurley, William

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

Mcdonald, Mervyn

Australian Infantry

Mcelroy, Gordon Samuel Pickering

Australian Infantry

Mcginley, Barry Vincent

Australian Infantry

Mcglinchy, Eric Gordon

Australian Infantry

Mcgovern, Henry Patrick

Australian Infantry

Mcguire, James

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Mcinnes, Isaiah

Royal Artillery

Mcintyre, George Jamieson

Australian Infantry

Mckean, Peter Halley

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Mclachlan, Kenneth Donald

Royal Australian Artillery

Mclachlan, Mervyn Bertie

Australian Infantry

Mclean, Gordon Henry

Australian Infantry

Mcmahon, Marshall Maurice

Australian Infantry

Mcnabb, George Frederick Thomas

Australian Infantry

Mcnamara, John Joseph

Australian Infantry

Mcnamara, Roy

Royal Australian Artillery

Mcrae, William Alister

Australian Infantry

Mcswain, Bruce

Australian Infantry

Meade, Reginald Francis

Australian Infantry

Meagher, Desmond Francis

Australian Infantry

Mears, Albert George

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Meek, John Henry

Royal Engineers

Meeth, James Abraham

Australian Infantry

Mehar Din,

9th Jat Regiment

Mehar Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Mehdi Husain,

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Meikle, Robert Hodge

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Mellor, Edwin

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Melouney, Jack Albert Victor

Australian Infantry

Mercer, Ernest Henry

Royal Engineers

Merchant, Raymond George

Australian Infantry

Metcalfe, Leonard

Australian Infantry

Mickleburgh, Sidney Jack

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Middleton, John William Barton

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Miles, Charles Clive

Australian Infantry

Miller, Anthony

Australian Infantry

Miller, Bernard Robert William

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Miller, Victor

Australian Infantry

Miln, David Anderson

Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Mir Jafar,

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Mir Singh,

3rd Cavalry, I.A.C.

Mitchell Innes, Arthur Charles

Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Mitchell, Bertie Ralph

Royal Australian Artillery

Mitchell, George

East Surrey Regiment

Mitchell, Michael Charles

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Mitchell, William Ernest

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Mitchell, William John

Australian Infantry

Moat, John Henry Frothingham

Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment)

Mohan Singh, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Mohan Singh, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Mohindar Singh, (01)

11th Sikh Regiment

Mohindar Singh, (02)

11th Sikh Regiment

Monaghan, John

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Moore, Charles Henry

Royal Air Force

Moore, George

Royal Artillery

Moore, William Alexander

Australian Army Provost Corps

Moorhead, Henry Dawson

16th Punjab Regiment

Moreland, Thomas Stafford

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Morgan, Hayes William

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Morley, Rufus

Royal Australian Artillery

Morris, Albert

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Morris, William

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Morrison, John Edwin

Royal Air Force

Moses, Edward Stewart

Australian Infantry

Mota Singh,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Mota Singh,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Mouat, Leslie Edward

Australian Infantry

Mowbray, Douglas Henry

Leicestershire Regiment

Mower, Reginald Stanley

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Muhabbat Khan,

10th Baluch Regiment

Muhammad Abdul Jabar,

Hyderabad Infantry, Indian States Forces

Muhammad Akbar,

9th Jat Regiment

Muhammad Akram,

9th Jat Regiment

Muhammad Alias,

9th Jat Regiment

Muhammad Ashraf,

16th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Aziz,

9th Jat Regiment

Muhammad Bin Qasim,

Johore Military Forces

Muhammad Din, (01)

King George V's Own Bengal Sappers and Miners

Muhammad Din, (02)

Royal Indian Artillery

Muhammad Din, (03)

Royal Indian Artillery

Muhammad Don Bin Abdullah,

Johore Military Forces

Muhammad Hayat,

14th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Husain,

9th Jat Regiment

Muhammad Khan, (01)

11th Sikh Regiment

Muhammad Khan, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Muhammad Nur Bin Awang,

Johore Military Forces

Muhammad Qasim,

9th Jat Regiment

Muhammad Rafiq,

9th Jat Regiment

Muhammad Sadiq,

10th Baluch Regiment

Muhammad Sayid Bin Ali,

Royal Artillery

Muhammad Sayid Bin Sayid,

Malay Regiment

Muhammad Shafi,

9th Jat Regiment

Muhammad Sharif Bin Akip,

Johore Military Forces

Muhammad Sher,

9th Jat Regiment

Muhammad Sulaiman,

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Muhammad Tahir Bin Wahab,

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Muhammad Yunis,

9th Jat Regiment

Muhammad Yusuf,

11th Sikh Regiment

Mukhtar Ahmad,

Indian Hospital Corps


9th Jat Regiment


10th Baluch Regiment

Munday, George

Royal Artillery


Indian Hospital Corps

Muniswami, (01)

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Muniswami, (02)

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Munro, Geoffrey Hamilton

Australian Infantry

Munsif Khan,

11th Sikh Regiment

Murphy, John

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Murphy, Noel Stephen

Australian Infantry

Murphy, Thomas

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Murray, Michael

Australian Infantry

Murtagh, Patrick

Australian Infantry

Mushtaq Husain,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Mustafa Bin Muhammad,

Malay Regiment

Myers, Jack

Australian Infantry

Nadir Ali,

9th Jat Regiment

Naine Gurung,

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles)

Nand Kishor,

King George V's Own Bengal Sappers and Miners

Nand Lal,

15th Punjab Regiment

Napi Bin Ahmad,

Malay Regiment

Napper, Harold Joseph

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Narayan Singh,

3rd Cavalry, I.A.C.

Nash, George Walter

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Natborny, Hyman

Royal Corps of Signals

Nawab Khan, (01)

15th Punjab Regiment

Nawab Khan, (02)

9th Jat Regiment

Nawab Khan, (03)

9th Jat Regiment

Neary, Wilfred

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Neave, John Richard

General List

Nelson, Louis William

Australian Infantry

Nestor, Patrick John

Australian Infantry

Newcombe, David

Australian Infantry

Newman, George Thomas

Australian Infantry

Nichols, William David

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Nicol, George Gordon

Australian Infantry

Nikka Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Nima Ram,

9th Jat Regiment

Nimmo, Maurice

Australian Infantry

Niranjan Singh, (01)

11th Sikh Regiment

Niranjan Singh, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Nisbet, Edward Albert

Australian Infantry

Nisbet, Gordon Joseph Mckay Stewart

Australian Infantry

Noble, William Andrew

Australian Infantry

Nodrum, Eric Charles

Royal Australian Air Force

Nugent, George Ernest

Australian Infantry

Nugent, Thomas

Royal Corps of Signals

Nugent, William

Australian Infantry

Nunley, Frederick Arthur

Leicestershire Regiment

Nur Badshah,

15th Punjab Regiment

Nur Husain,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Nutt, Richard Harwood

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Oakley, Robert Henry

Royal Artillery

O'brien, John

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

O'brien, Michael

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

O'brien, Thomas Leslie

Australian Infantry

Oh Teng Eng,

Local Defence Corps (Malaya)

Olander, Harold Charles

Australian Infantry

Oliver, Robert William

Australian Infantry

Ong Mah Hock,

Royal Army Medical Corps

Onkar Ram,

9th Jat Regiment

Osborne, Edward Arthur

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Osborne, Samuel

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Osbourne, Phillip

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

O'toole, Richard

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Owen, James Graham

Royal Australian Artillery

Oxbury, Charles Albert

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Paine, Robert Edward

Royal Australian Artillery

Pallares, Joseph Howard

Australian Infantry

Pallister, Guy Humphrey Roscamp

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Palmer, Joseph Cody

Australian Infantry

Pancham Sing Rawat,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Parish, Arthur

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Parker, Allan

Australian Infantry

Parker, Edward Martin

Australian Infantry

Parker, John James

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Parker, Norman Ernest

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Parkin, Albert

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Partington, Joseph William

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Pascoe, Ronald John

Australian Infantry

Pat Ram,

9th Jat Regiment

Paterson, Robert

Australian Infantry


Federated Malay States Volunteer Force

Patterson, Leslie John

Australian Infantry

Payne, Jack

Gordon Highlanders

Peacock, George Harold

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Pearce, Harry William Robert

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Pearce, John William

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Pearce, Lawrence Henry

Federated Malay States Police

Pearce, Milton Sidney

Australian Infantry

Pearce, Roy Leonard Nelson

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Pearson, Ronald Hedingham

Royal Australian Artillery

Peck, Edward John

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Pennington, Edward

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Pentelow, Jonas Harry

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Penwill, George Douglas

Royal Australian Artillery

Phelps, George Edward

Australian Infantry

Philip, William Blackmore

Australian Corps of Signals

Philpot, George Charles

Australian Infantry

Philpotts, Patrick Gervase

Royal Corps of Signals

Pichamani Nadar,

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Piggin, William Thomas

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Pikett, Herbert Alfred

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Pinckney, David John Colin

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Piran Ditta,

9th Jat Regiment

Place, John Albert

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Plachecki, Henry John

Royal Norfolk Regiment


9th Jat Regiment


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Pomfret, Eric

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Pont, Wallace John

Australian Infantry

Poole, William Emerson

Australian Infantry

Pooley, Edward

Australian Infantry

Popely, Alfred Edward

Royal Artillery

Poulsen, Magnus Oehlenschlager

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Pountney, Norman Richard Henry

Australian Infantry

Powell, John Christopher

Australian Infantry

Power, Charles Frederick Lemnos

Australian Infantry

Power, John Henry

Australian Infantry

Pratt, Robert James

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Prendergast, Thomas Joseph

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Price, Albert Edward

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Prithi Singh,

15th Punjab Regiment

Proven, Maurice Bert

Royal Australian Air Force

Pryde, James Bryce

Australian Infantry

Pryle, Harold

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Pullen, Ronald Sydney

Australian Infantry


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Punu Khan,

16th Punjab Regiment

Puran Singh,

Indian Army Ordnance Corps

Qasim Bin Musa,

Royal Artillery

Quigly, John Bede

Australian Infantry

Quinlan, James Edward

Australian Infantry

Quinlivan, Leslie Joseph

Australian Infantry

Qurban Ali,

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Ragg, Ernest Allen

Australian Infantry

Ragha Ram,

16th Punjab Regiment

Rai Singh,

9th Jat Regiment

Raj Wali,

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners


Indian Medical Service

Ram Chandar, (01)

15th Punjab Regiment

Ram Chandar, (02)

Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery

Ram Chandra Shinde,

Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

Ram Swarup,

9th Jat Regiment

Ramji Lal,

9th Jat Regiment

Rands, John Alexander

Australian Infantry


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Rasil Singh,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Ratan Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Raven, Almeric Eric

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Raynor, Rowland

Royal Artillery

Razaq Bin Soyan,

Royal Navy (Malay Section)

Read, Edward John

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Read, John Joseph Henry

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Reeder, John Bertlot

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Reeve, Cecil John

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Reeve, Frederick Allen

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Reeve, Richard Grocutt

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Reid, Francis Sylvester

Royal Australian Engineers

Rennie, Joseph

Royal Artillery

Rescorl, John Charles

Australian Infantry

Richards, Stanley

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Richardson, George Sydney

Royal Air Force (RAFO)

Richardson, Leslie Harold

Australian Infantry

Richardson, William George

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Riddell, George

Gordon Highlanders

Riddle, Oswald Robert

East Surrey Regiment

Ridley, Ranulph Paul

Straits Settlements Volunteer Force

Ries, William Edward

Royal Air Force

Riley, Sydney Albert

Australian Infantry

Riley, William

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Rimmer, Ronald

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Risby, George Charles

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Ritchie, Ian Gordon Phillip

Australian Infantry

Ritchie, James Scott Rogie

Gordon Highlanders

Rix, Ernest George Frederick

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Robb, Allan Stewart

Australian Infantry

Roberts, Frederick Lionel

Australian Infantry

Roberts, Harold

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Roberts, Percy Marshall

Gordon Highlanders

Roberts, Thomas Mccarthy

Australian Infantry

Roberts, Thomas William

Australian Infantry

Robertson, Keith

Australian Infantry

Robertson, Lindsay Buchanan

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Robinshaw, Harry

Royal Engineers

Robinson, Arthur Leslie

Australian Infantry

Robinson, Edward Lewis

Royal Artillery

Robinson, William Charles

Australian Infantry

Rockett, Harry Major

Royal Engineers

Roe, Leo James

Australian Infantry

Rogers, Sidney

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Rolfe, John Amos

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Rowell, William

Royal Air Force

Rowland, Ian Terence Byathan

Royal Air Force

Rudrappa Sidanganda,

Indian Pioneer Corps

Rule, Richard Arthur

Australian Infantry

Rump, Ernest Jack

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Rusbourne, Harold Ronald Roy

Australian Infantry

Rush, Phillip

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Russell, Arthur

Australian Infantry

Russell, John Anthony Peregrine

Gordon Highlanders


Indian Signal Corps

Sadler, John Thomas

Army Catering Corps

Sadler, William Fitt

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Saif Ali,

10th Baluch Regiment

Sale, John Herbert Thomas

Leicestershire Regiment

Salkind, Arthur

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Salt, Levi

Leicestershire Regiment

Salter, James Alexander

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Samundar Khan,

10th Baluch Regiment


King George V's Own Bengal Sappers and Miners

Santokh Singh, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Santokh Singh, (02)

16th Punjab Regiment

Sardar Khan,

9th Jat Regiment

Saudagar Khan,

16th Punjab Regiment

Saunders, Albert Ernest

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Saunders, Deryk Vaughan

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Saunders, John

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Saunders, Peter

Royal Engineers

Saunders, Robert Stanley

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Sawal Bin Haji Hasan,

Royal Artillery

Sawal Khan,

King George V's Own Bengal Sappers and Miners

Sawyer, Geoffrey Frank

Australian Infantry

Sayid Ahmad, (01)

9th Jat Regiment

Sayid Ahmad, (02)

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Sayid Akbar,

13th Frontier Force Rifles

Sayid Sheikh Bin Husain,

Johore Volunteer Force

Scanlon, Mervyn

Australian Infantry

Schwenke, Vernon

Australian Infantry

Scully, Leo Vincent

Australian Infantry

Seago, Cecil Edward

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Seaman, Neville Walter William

Royal Engineers

Seaton, John Binning

Royal Air Force

Semmence, Victor Ellis

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Service, Archibald Stevenson

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Sewell, Christopher Gordon

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Sewell, Francis John

Australian Infantry

Sexton, Edwin Alfred

Royal Australian Artillery

Shadwick, George Henry

Australian Infantry

Shah Wali,

10th Baluch Regiment

Sham Sing Chauhan,

18th Royal Garhwal Rifles

Sharp, Frank Edward

Australian Infantry

Shaw, Joseph

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Sheikh Husain,

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Sheldrick, Ernest Loyola

Australian Infantry

Sheo Pal,

9th Jat Regiment

Shepard, John Hale

Australian Infantry

Sher Singh,

16th Punjab Regiment

Sheridan, William Henry

Australian Infantry

Shiach, David Gordon

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Shippey, Frederick Stanley

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Shivasankara Pillai,

Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Shorting, Frederick Raymond

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Shuter, James

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Silk, Edmund James Joseph

Royal Australian Air Force

Simm, Jack Lawrenson

Royal Air Force

Simpson, Henry Morris

Australian Infantry


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Sizer, Harold Joseph Fred

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Skeldon, Alfred

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Skinner, Colin Herbert

Australian Infantry

Sloan, Hugh Ypres

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Sloane, Frederick

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Smethurst, Robert

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Smith, Albert Edward

Australian Infantry

Smith, Alexander John

Welch Regiment

Smith, Arthur Patterson

Australian Infantry

Smith, Cedric Broster

Australian Infantry

Smith, George Henry

Royal Engineers

Smith, George Mann

Australian Infantry

Smith, James Henry

Royal Australian Engineers

Smith, John Alexander

Gordon Highlanders

Smith, Joseph James

Australian Infantry

Smith, Ralph

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Smith, Robert

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Smith, Thomas Albert

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Smith, William

Australian Infantry

Snell, Cyril Thomas

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Snelling, Rewi Reginald Louis

Australian Infantry

Snow, Richard James

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Sole, Edward

Australian Infantry

South, Albert James

Australian Infantry

Spalding, Fred

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Spinks, Ralph William

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Spolding, Robert John

Australian Infantry

Spriggs, Leslie John Edward

Cambridgeshire Regiment

St. Ledger, Charles Francis

Australian Infantry

Stafford, Arthur

Leicestershire Regiment

Stafford, Joseph

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Stanford, Cecil

Australian Infantry

Stanton, Frederick Hall

Australian Infantry

Staples, James

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Stark, Reginald

Australian Infantry

Starr, Ellis

Australian Infantry

Stebbing, Ralph Edward Arthur

Royal Artillery

Stebbings, Reginald Bert Sidney

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Steed, Henry Charles

Royal Artillery

Steels, Arthur Edward

Royal Artillery

Stegeman, Edward

Royal Artillery

Stephenson, Adam

Royal Engineers

Stevenson, Joseph William

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Stevenson, Keith Alexander

Australian Corps of Signals

Stevenson, Norman

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Stewardson, Ernest

Royal Engineers

Stewart, Arthur Donald

Australian Infantry

Stewart, Lindsay Neil

Australian Infantry

Stibbard, Leo Kevin Joseph

Australian Infantry

Stocks, George Frederick

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Stott, Peter Peterson

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Sucha Singh,

Indian Signal Corps

Sulaiman Khan, (01)

16th Punjab Regiment

Sulaiman Khan, (02)

3rd Cavalry, I.A.C.

Sulman, Leslie Arthur

Australian Infantry

Sultan Mahmud,

16th Punjab Regiment

Suraj Mal,

9th Jat Regiment

Surry, Arthur William

Cambridgeshire Regiment


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Symon, James Robert Alexander

Australian Infantry

Symonds, William Edward John

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Taber, Reginald Thomas

Australian Infantry

Taberham, Cyril James

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Taj Muhammad,

10th Baluch Regiment

Tan Ah Bah,

Royal Army Medical Corps

Tan Ah Leng,

Royal Army Medical Corps

Tanner, Thomas Steele

Royal New Zealand Air Force

Tara Singh,

11th Sikh Regiment

Tasker, Norman

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Tay Aik Cheng,


Taylor, Alfred Edward

Australian Infantry

Taylor, Allan

Australian Infantry

Taylor, Allured John

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Taylor, Leonard

Leicestershire Regiment

Taylor, Raymond Charles

Australian Infantry

Taylor, Sidney Donald

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Taylor, Wilfred Stanley

Australian Infantry

Teece, John William

Australian Infantry

Tek Bahadur Thapa,

9th Gurkha Rifles

Tew, Leonard Joseph

Leicestershire Regiment

Thatcher, John Anthony Ranulf

16th Punjab Regiment

Thearle, Henry Albert

Australian Infantry

Thirst, John Ernest

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Thomas, Percy

Australian Infantry

Thomas, Trevor James

Australian Infantry

Thompson, Harry George

Royal Artillery

Thompson, Herbert

Royal Australian Artillery

Thomson, Angus

Royal Artillery

Thomson, John James Harper

Australian Infantry

Thomson, William Alexander

Australian Infantry

Thornhill, Ralph

Royal Artillery

Thuell, Harold Charles

Australian Infantry

Thurlow, Reginald

Australian Infantry

Tibbitts, Arthur Hugh

Australian Infantry

Tilden, Kevin Lyall

Australian Infantry

Tilley, George Edward

Australian Infantry

Tillott, John Dorrell

Royal Air Force

Todd, Archibald

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Toll, Arthur George

Royal Engineers

Tomlinson, Francis Michael

Australian Infantry

Toner, John Edwin

Australian Infantry

Tootill, Colin

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Topping, John James

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Tornquist, Oscar Topley

Royal Australian Artillery

Tregoning, Thomas

Australian Infantry

Trett, Stanley Charles

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Triggs, Frank William

Royal Corps of Signals

Trotman, Thomas Douglas

Royal Artillery

Truscott, Leslie Norman

Australian Infantry

Tuck, Alfred Harry

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Tully, Henry

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Tulsi Ram,

3rd Cavalry, I.A.C.

Turner, Arthur Edwin

Royal Australian Air Force

Turner, Frederick Joseph

Royal Australian Artillery

Turvey, Denzil Charles

Australian Infantry

Tyrrell, Bertie James

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Tyson, Keith Ernest

Australian Infantry

Umar Bin Ungal,

Royal Engineers


Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

Upstone, Cyril Wilfred

Australian Infantry

U'ren, Bruce Huxley

Australian Infantry

Vaughn, George Wilson

Australian Infantry

Veale, Adrian Clarence

Corps of Military Police

Viner, Edward Thomas

Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)

Wadat Khan,

10th Baluch Regiment

Waddington, Harold Francis

Australian Infantry

Wailes, Albert Joseph

Australian Infantry

Walker, Eric William

Australian Infantry

Walker, George

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Walker, John William

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Walker, Leslie Raymond

Australian Infantry

Walker, Osville Wallace

Australian Infantry

Walker, Thomas William

Australian Infantry

Wall, Ian Scott

Royal Australian Artillery

Wallace, Peter Edward

Royal Marines

Want, John Thomas

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Ward, Reginald Ernest

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Ward, Victor Norman

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Warden, William George

Australian Infantry

Wardley, Charles Edward

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Warnes, William John Robert

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Wastell, Bryan Henry

Australian Infantry

Waters, Arthur Bertie

Royal Australian Artillery

Waters, William Thomas De Rouffignac

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Watker, William Charles

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Watson, Arthur

Australian Infantry

Waugh, Donald Robert

Australian Infantry

Weaver, Frederick Bernard

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Webster, Alfred Thomas Joseph

East Surrey Regiment

Wells, George Cecil

Australian Infantry

Welsh, Robert

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Wennerbom, John Balnaves

Australian Infantry

West, Albert Charles

Australian Infantry

West, Bruce

Australian Infantry

West, William Alfred Darby

Australian Infantry

Westgate, Peter Maxwell

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Westwood, Dougas

Royal Artillery

Weymont, Eric Lawrence

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Wheatley, Frank Arthur

Australian Infantry

Wheeler, Edgar Charles

Royal Australian Artillery

Whiley, Reginald Arthur

Royal Norfolk Regiment

White, Edward Purchase Hall

9th Jat Regiment

White, Gordon Lindsay

Australian Infantry

White, Jack

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

White, Peter Eric Godlonton

Royal Air Force

White, William Hector

Australian Infantry

Whitear, Jack Frederick

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Whitehead, Arnold James

Australian Infantry

Whitehead, Edwin

Royal Artillery

Whitehead, George

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Whitehouse, Robert Henry

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Whitham, Arthur Edwin

Royal Australian Artillery

Whitmore, Russell Alfred

Australian Infantry

Whyte, Thomas Anderson

Royal Artillery

Wicks, Verdun James

Australian Infantry

Widdicombe, Frederick Charles

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Williams, Albert

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Williams, Ancel Arthur

Australian Infantry

Williams, Frederick Stephen

Royal Australian Artillery

Williams, Lindsay Thomas

Australian Infantry

Williams, William John

Australian Army Provost Corps

Willoughby, Noel Eugene

Australian Infantry

Willox, Alexander John Thomas

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Wilsher, James George

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Wilson, Arthur Henry

Australian Infantry

Wilson, Arthur William

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Wilson, Francis Joseph

Australian Infantry

Wilson, Frank

Royal Engineers

Wilson, Jack Edward

Australian Infantry

Wilson, James

Gordon Highlanders

Wilson, John

Royal Artillery

Wilson, Stanley George

Australian Infantry

Wilson, Thomas Robert

Australian Infantry

Wilson, William Thomas

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Winter, James Percy

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Witherick, Brian Oliver

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Wood, Kenneth Douglas

North Staffordshire Regiment

Wood, Leonard Bronte

Australian Infantry

Wood, Raymond

Royal Air Force

Woodhead, Benjamin

Australian Infantry

Woodhead, William

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Woolcott, Lewin Harold

Australian Infantry

Worrall, Albert Ernest

Australian Infantry

Worthington, William

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Wright, Frederick Charles

Royal Artillery

Wyatt, Jack Charles

Australian Infantry

Wynne, Jack Garstang

Royal Artillery

Yallop, Frederick Ernest

Royal Artillery

Yallop, Ralph Edward

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Yarrow, Gus

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Yates, George William

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)

Yates, Thomas

The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire)


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